Rising Ruby & Sinking Sapphire are fan-made modifications of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire that offer a unique twist on the original games. These ROM hacks, created by Drayano, have been designed to provide a fresh and challenging gaming experience for players.
Rising Ruby & Sinking Sapphire allow you to obtation 721 Pokémon up to Generation 6 and changes the routes to put a large emphasis on Pokémon availability, with every area offering 10-11 new species making it perfect for Nuzlocking! However, the standout feature of these hacks is the increased difficulty level - Trainers have stronger Pokémon, and battles have been adjusted to provide a greater challenge requiring careful consideration of team composition and strategy.
Key features
New typings The addition of the Fairy-type allows a few new changes, with Pokémon such as Misdreavus, Dunsparce, Volbeat and Illumise sporting the new typing. There are some other type changes to discover, like Ice/Fighting Beartic, to better suit their designs!
Pokémon buffs Most weaker Pokémon have been given a boost to their base stats, with no fully evolved Pokémon having a stat total below 440 making them more viable for a Nuzlocke run. Additionally, some Pokémon now have new abilities, with those previously limited to one ability now gaining their hidden ability as a second option, and some having entirely new abilities available. Examples include Gale Wings Chatot and Pixilate Dunsparce. Lastly, some Pokémon have had their types changed
Evolution items & Mega stones Trade evolution items, like Dragon Scales and the Reaper cloth, can now be used directly from the item menu and some Poké Marts and item stalls throughout the Hoenn region allow you to buy these rare stones. Mega Stones for Pokémon whose are normally unavailable before beating the Elite Four can also be purchased in shops after gaining the right number of gym badges.
Difficult & Diverse fights The rosters of every trainer in the game have been modified and now pull from the pool of every Pokémon! Special trainers, such as the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and rivals, have revamped AI and boast full 6 Pokémon teams that make use of competitive sets with held items, stronger movesets, higher IVs, and perfect abilities. You'll also Mega evolution more common, with random trainers using it against you later in th game.
Good luck!
All of these changes create a much more challenging and rewarding versions of Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire and even more so for running a Nuzlocke challenge.
But don't face that challenge alone! This guide covers all the Boss Battles, their teams, abilities and held items to help you strategise and prepare the perfect run. I'd highly recommend using this tracker to help route your encounters and build your team to give you the best shot at winning this game.
Rising Ruby Encounters
A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Rising Ruby so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!
Pokémon Rising Ruby has 80 different encounter locations with 581 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!
26 Ghost Pokémon encounters
- Gastly - Rusturf Tunnel and Mt. Pyre
- Haunter - Mt. Pyre
- Misdreavus - Route 114 and Mt. Pyre
- Mismagius - Mt. Pyre
- Sableye - Granite Cave and Cave of Origin
- Shuppet - Fiery Path, Route 121, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Banette - Route 121 and Mt. Pyre
- Duskull - Fiery Path, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Dusclops - Mt. Pyre
- Froslass - Shoal Cave
- Drifloon - Route 110 and Soaring
- Drifblim - Route 120
- Rotom - New Mauville
- Giratina - undefined
- Yamask - Mt. Pyre
- Cofagrigus - Mt. Pyre
- Frillish - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 122, Route 128 and Route 109
- Jellicent - Route 107, Route 122, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 108, Ever Grande City and Battle Resort
- Litwick - Fiery Path and Mt. Pyre
- Lampent - Mt. Pyre
- Golett - Route 113
- Honedge - Route 113
- Doublade - Safari Zone
- Phantump - Petalburg Woods
- Pumpkaboo - Petalburg Woods
- Hoopa - Mirage Island
27 Ice Pokémon encounters
- Dewgong - Route 125, Shoal Cave, Sea Mauville, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Cloyster - Dewford Town, Route 125 and Shoal Cave
- Smoochum - Shoal Cave
- Jynx - Shoal Cave
- Lapras - Route 125 and Sea Mauville
- Articuno - Mirage Mountain
- Sneasel - Shoal Cave
- Weavile - Shoal Cave
- Swinub - Shoal Cave
- Piloswine - Shoal Cave
- Delibird - Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Snorunt - Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Glalie - Shoal Cave
- Froslass - Shoal Cave
- Spheal - Shoal Cave, Sea Mauville, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Sealeo - Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Snover - Shoal Cave
- Abomasnow - Shoal Cave
- Vanillite - Route 114 and Shoal Cave
- Vanillish - Shoal Cave
- Cubchoo - Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Beartic - Shoal Cave
- Cryogonal - Shoal Cave and Sea Mauville
- Amaura - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Aurorus - Seafloor Cavern
- Bergmite - Shoal Cave
- Avalugg - Shoal Cave
30 Dragon Pokémon encounters
- Kingdra - Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
- Dratini - Slateport City, Meteor Falls, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
- Dragonair - Slateport City, Meteor Falls, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
- Vibrava - Route 111
- Altaria - Route 120
- Bagon - Slateport City and Meteor Falls
- Shelgon - Meteor Falls
- Salamence - Meteor Falls
- Latias - Southern Island and Mirage Island
- Latios - Southern Island and Mirage Island
- Rayquaza - Sky Pillar
- Gible - Route 111
- Dialga - Mirage Mountain
- Palkia - Soaring and Mirage Mountain
- Giratina - undefined
- Axew - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Fraxure - Scorched Slab
- Druddigon - Slateport City and Meteor Falls
- Deino - Slateport City
- Zweilous - Meteor Falls
- Reshiram - Mirage Mountain
- Zekrom - Mirage Mountain
- Dragalge - Route 107, Route 124, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
- Tyrunt - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Tyrantrum - Seafloor Cavern
- Goomy - Route 119
- Sliggoo - Route 119
- Noibat - Scorched Slab
- Noivern - Scorched Slab and Cave of Origin
- Zygarde - Mirage Cave
31 Fighting Pokémon encounters
- Mankey - Route 103 and Jagged Pass
- Primeape - Jagged Pass and Route 123
- Machop - Rusturf Tunnel and Route 123
- Machoke - Route 123
- Farfetch’d - Route 117
- Tyrogue - Route 112
- Heracross - Route 112
- Combusken - Route 120
- Breloom - Petalburg Woods and Safari Zone
- Makuhita - Rustboro City and Granite Cave
- Hariyama - Granite Cave and Victory Road
- Meditite - Jagged Pass, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Medicham - Mt. Pyre and Victory Road
- Riolu - Route 103
- Croagunk - Jagged Pass
- Toxicroak - Safari Zone
- Timburr - Rusturf Tunnel and Scorched Slab
- Gurdurr - Scorched Slab
- Throh - Route 112
- Sawk - Route 112
- Scraggy - Route 104
- Scrafty - Route 120
- Beartic - Shoal Cave
- Mienfoo - Route 112
- Mienshao - Route 120
- Cobalion - Mirage Forest
- Terrakion - Mirage Forest
- Virizion - Mirage Forest
- Pancham - Route 116
- Pangoro - Route 123
- Hawlucha - Route 115
32 Steel Pokémon encounters
- Magnemite - Route 110
- Magneton - New Mauville
- Steelix - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Scizor - Route 112
- Forretress - Route 123
- Skarmory - Route 113
- Probopass - Granite Cave
- Mawile - Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar and Victory Road
- Aron - Granite Cave, Scorched Slab and Victory Road
- Lairon - Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Cave of Origin and Victory Road
- Beldum - Slateport City
- Metang - Meteor Falls and Cave of Origin
- Jirachi - Mirage Cave
- Shieldon - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Bastiodon - Seafloor Cavern
- Bronzor - Route 113, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Bronzong - Mt. Pyre
- Dialga - Mirage Mountain
- Heatran - Crescent Isle
- Excadrill - Scorched Slab
- Ferroseed - Slateport City
- Ferrothorn - Meteor Falls
- Klink - New Mauville
- Klang - New Mauville
- Pawniard - Route 112 and Route 120
- Bisharp - Route 120
- Durant - Route 112 and Cave of Origin
- Cobalion - Mirage Forest
- Genesect - Mirage Cave
- Honedge - Route 113
- Doublade - Safari Zone
- Klefki - Route 113
35 Fairy Pokémon encounters
- Cleffa - Slateport City
- Clefairy - Meteor Falls
- Clefable - Slateport City and Meteor Falls
- Igglybuff - Route 115
- Jigglypuff - Route 115
- Mime Jr. - Route 117
- Mr. Mime - undefined
- Togepi - Route 104 and Lavaridge Town
- Azurill - Route 104
- Marill - Petalburg City and Route 123
- Azumarill - Petalburg City and Route 123
- Misdreavus - Route 114 and Mt. Pyre
- Mismagius - Mt. Pyre
- Dunsparce - Fiery Path
- Snubbull - Route 104
- Granbull - Route 123
- Ralts - Route 102 and Mt. Pyre
- Kirlia - Mt. Pyre
- Mawile - Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar and Victory Road
- Volbeat - Route 117
- Illumise - Route 117
- Luvdisc - Route 104, Route 128, Ever Grande City, Victory Road and Battle Resort
- Uxie - Mirage Cave
- Mesprit - Mirage Cave
- Azelf - Mirage Cave
- Cottonee - Petalburg Woods
- Flabébé - Route 104
- Floette - Route 115
- Spritzee - Route 104
- Swirlix - Route 104
- Dedenne - Route 118
- Carbink - Slateport City and Meteor Falls
- Klefki - Route 113
- Xerneas - Mirage Forest
- Diancie - Mirage Cave
35 Dark Pokémon encounters
- Murkrow - Jagged Pass, Mt. Pyre and Soaring
- Sneasel - Shoal Cave
- Weavile - Shoal Cave
- Houndour - Route 116 and Safari Zone
- Houndoom - Safari Zone
- Poochyena - Route 101
- Mightyena - Route 121
- Nuzleaf - Safari Zone
- Shiftry - Safari Zone
- Sableye - Granite Cave and Cave of Origin
- Carvanha - Route 118 and Mossdeep City
- Sharpedo - Route 118, Mossdeep City and Battle Resort
- Crawdaunt - Route 102 and Route 123
- Absol - Route 120
- Stunky - Jagged Pass
- Skuntank - Route 120
- Drapion - Route 119
- Darkrai - Mirage Island
- Purrloin - Route 103
- Liepard - Route 123
- Sandile - Route 111
- Scraggy - Route 104
- Scrafty - Route 120
- Zorua - Route 103
- Zoroark - Route 103
- Pawniard - Route 112 and Route 120
- Bisharp - Route 120
- Vullaby - Route 120
- Mandibuzz - Route 120
- Deino - Slateport City
- Zweilous - Meteor Falls
- Pangoro - Route 123
- Inkay - Route 118
- Malamar - Route 118
- Yveltal - Mirage Mountain
38 Electric Pokémon encounters
- Pichu - Petalburg Woods
- Pikachu - New Mauville
- Rock Star Pikachu - undefined
- Pikachu Belle - Verdanturf Town and Fallarbor Town
- Pop Star Pikachu - Verdanturf Town and Fallarbor Town
- PHD Pikachu - Verdanturf Town and Fallarbor Town
- Pikachu Libre - Verdanturf Town and Fallarbor Town
- Magnemite - Route 110
- Magneton - New Mauville
- Voltorb - Route 110
- Electrode - New Mauville and Team Magma Hideout
- Elekid - Route 112
- Electabuzz - New Mauville
- Zapdos - Mirage Mountain
- Chinchou - Route 124, Route 108 and Route 109
- Lanturn - Route 107, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 108 and Route 109
- Mareep - Route 116
- Flaaffy - Route 121
- Raikou - Mirage Forest
- Electrike - Route 110
- Manectric - Route 118
- Plusle - Route 110
- Minun - Route 110
- Shinx - Route 116
- Luxio - Route 118
- Pachirisu - Route 118
- Rotom - New Mauville
- Blitzle - Route 112 and Route 121
- Zebstrika - Route 121
- Emolga - Route 118
- Joltik - Rusturf Tunnel
- Tynamo - New Mauville
- Eelektrik - New Mauville
- Stunfisk - Route 119
- Thundurus - undefined
- Zekrom - Mirage Mountain
- Helioptile - Route 111
- Dedenne - Route 118
39 Fire Pokémon encounters
- Charmander - Route 102
- Vulpix - Route 112, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Ninetales - Route 112 and Mt. Pyre
- Growlithe - Route 116, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Ponyta - Route 112 and Route 121
- Rapidash - Route 121
- Magby - Route 112
- Magmar - Safari Zone
- Moltres - Mirage Mountain
- Cyndaquil - Rusturf Tunnel
- Slugma - Fiery Path
- Magcargo - Fiery Path
- Houndour - Route 116 and Safari Zone
- Houndoom - Safari Zone
- Entei - Mirage Forest
- Ho-Oh - Mirage Mountain
- Torchic - Starter
- Combusken - Route 120
- Numel - Fiery Path
- Camerupt - Safari Zone and Battle Resort
- Torkoal - Fiery Path
- Chimchar - Rusturf Tunnel
- Heatran - Crescent Isle
- Victini - Mirage Island
- Tepig - Granite Cave
- Pansear - Petalburg Woods
- Darumaka - Route 111
- Darmanitan - Safari Zone
- Litwick - Fiery Path and Mt. Pyre
- Lampent - Mt. Pyre
- Heatmor - Route 112 and Cave of Origin
- Larvesta - Scorched Slab
- Volcarona - Scorched Slab
- Reshiram - Mirage Mountain
- Fennekin - Route 101
- Fletchinder - Safari Zone
- Litleo - Route 116
- Pyroar - Safari Zone
- Volcanion - Mirage Cave
44 Ground Pokémon encounters
- Sandshrew - Route 111 and Route 113
- Sandslash - Route 111
- Diglett - Fiery Path
- Dugtrio - Route 123
- Geodude - Rusturf Tunnel, Granite Cave and Route 111
- Graveler - Granite Cave, Route 114, Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Onix - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Steelix - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Cubone - Granite Cave
- Marowak - Granite Cave
- Rhyhorn - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Rhydon - Scorched Slab
- Wooper - Route 110
- Quagsire - Route 110, Route 119 and Safari Zone
- Gligar - Jagged Pass
- Swinub - Shoal Cave
- Piloswine - Shoal Cave
- Phanpy - Route 116
- Larvitar - Meteor Falls
- Pupitar - Meteor Falls
- Marshtomp - Route 118
- Nincada - Rusturf Tunnel
- Numel - Fiery Path
- Camerupt - Safari Zone and Battle Resort
- Trapinch - Route 111
- Vibrava - Route 111
- Barboach - Route 111, Route 120, Scorched Slab, Safari Zone, Victory Road and Crescent Isle
- Whiscash - Route 111, Route 120, Scorched Slab and Safari Zone
- Baltoy - Route 111
- Claydol - Sky Pillar
- Groudon - Mirage Cave
- Gastrodon - Safari Zone
- Gible - Route 111
- Hippopotas - Route 111
- Drilbur - Rusturf Tunnel and Scorched Slab
- Excadrill - Scorched Slab
- Palpitoad - Safari Zone
- Seismitoad - Safari Zone
- Sandile - Route 111
- Stunfisk - Route 119
- Golett - Route 113
- Landorus - undefined
- Diggersby - Route 121
- Zygarde - Mirage Cave
49 Poison Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Petalburg Woods
- Weedle - Route 102
- Beedrill - Safari Zone
- Ekans - Route 112
- Arbok - Route 119
- Nidoran♀ - Route 103
- Nidorina - Safari Zone
- Nidoran♂ - Route 103
- Nidorino - Safari Zone
- Zubat - Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Mt. Pyre, Seafloor Cavern, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Crescent Isle
- Golbat - Slateport City, Meteor Falls, Scorched Slab, Mt. Pyre, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Crescent Isle
- Crobat - Meteor Falls
- Oddish - Route 110
- Gloom - Route 119
- Venonat - Petalburg Woods
- Venomoth - Route 123
- Bellsprout - Route 102
- Weepinbell - Route 102 and Route 119
- Tentacool - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 115, Team Magma Hideout, Route 127, Route 130, Route 109, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Trackless Forest
- Tentacruel - Route 107, Route 115, Route 124, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 108, Ever Grande City, Victory Road, Battle Resort, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Trackless Forest
- Grimer - Fiery Path
- Muk - New Mauville
- Gastly - Rusturf Tunnel and Mt. Pyre
- Haunter - Mt. Pyre
- Koffing - Fiery Path
- Weezing - New Mauville
- Spinarak - Rusturf Tunnel
- Ariados - Safari Zone and Sky Pillar
- Qwilfish - Route 110, Route 114 and Safari Zone
- Dustox - Safari Zone
- Budew - Route 104
- Roselia - Route 117
- Gulpin - Route 110
- Swalot - Safari Zone
- Seviper - Route 114
- Stunky - Jagged Pass
- Skuntank - Route 120
- Skorupi - Route 114
- Drapion - Route 119
- Croagunk - Jagged Pass
- Toxicroak - Safari Zone
- Venipede - Route 104
- Whirlipede - Safari Zone
- Trubbish - Route 110
- Garbodor - New Mauville
- Foongus - Route 119
- Amoonguss - Route 119
- Skrelp - Route 107, Route 127 and Route 130
- Dragalge - Route 107, Route 124, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
49 Rock Pokémon encounters
- Geodude - Rusturf Tunnel, Granite Cave and Route 111
- Graveler - Granite Cave, Route 114, Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Onix - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Rhyhorn - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Rhydon - Scorched Slab
- Omanyte - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Omastar - Seafloor Cavern
- Kabuto - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Kabutops - Seafloor Cavern
- Aerodactyl - Rustboro City and Cave of Origin
- Bonsly - Route 117
- Sudowoodo - Safari Zone
- Shuckle - Lilycove City and Seafloor Cavern
- Magcargo - Fiery Path
- Corsola - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Lilycove City, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Route 109 and Ever Grande City
- Larvitar - Meteor Falls
- Pupitar - Meteor Falls
- Nosepass - Granite Cave
- Probopass - Granite Cave
- Aron - Granite Cave, Scorched Slab and Victory Road
- Lairon - Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Cave of Origin and Victory Road
- Lunatone - Meteor Falls
- Solrock - Meteor Falls
- Lileep - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Cradily - Seafloor Cavern
- Anorith - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Armaldo - Seafloor Cavern
- Relicanth - Route 107, Route 124, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
- Cranidos - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Rampardos - Seafloor Cavern
- Shieldon - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Bastiodon - Seafloor Cavern
- Roggenrola - Granite Cave
- Boldore - Granite Cave, Route 114 and Shoal Cave
- Dwebble - Rusturf Tunnel
- Crustle - Lilycove City
- Tirtouga - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Carracosta - Seafloor Cavern
- Archen - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Archeops - Seafloor Cavern
- Terrakion - Mirage Forest
- Binacle - Route 111
- Barbaracle - Lilycove City
- Tyrunt - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Tyrantrum - Seafloor Cavern
- Amaura - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Aurorus - Seafloor Cavern
- Carbink - Slateport City and Meteor Falls
- Diancie - Mirage Cave
55 Bug Pokémon encounters
- Caterpie - Route 102
- Butterfree - Safari Zone
- Weedle - Route 102
- Beedrill - Safari Zone
- Paras - Rusturf Tunnel
- Parasect - Route 123
- Venonat - Petalburg Woods
- Venomoth - Route 123
- Scyther - Route 112
- Scizor - Route 112
- Pinsir - Route 112
- Ledyba - Route 104
- Ledian - Safari Zone
- Spinarak - Rusturf Tunnel
- Ariados - Safari Zone and Sky Pillar
- Yanma - Route 115
- Yanmega - Route 115
- Pineco - Jagged Pass
- Forretress - Route 123
- Shuckle - Lilycove City and Seafloor Cavern
- Heracross - Route 112
- Wurmple - Route 102
- Beautifly - Safari Zone
- Dustox - Safari Zone
- Surskit - Route 102
- Masquerain - Route 102 and Safari Zone
- Nincada - Rusturf Tunnel
- Volbeat - Route 117
- Illumise - Route 117
- Anorith - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Armaldo - Seafloor Cavern
- Kricketot - Route 104
- Kricketune - Safari Zone
- Burmy - Route 104
- Wormadam - Safari Zone
- Mothim - Safari Zone
- Combee - Route 104
- Vespiquen - Route 104
- Skorupi - Route 114
- Sewaddle - Route 104
- Swadloon - Safari Zone
- Leavanny - Safari Zone
- Venipede - Route 104
- Whirlipede - Safari Zone
- Dwebble - Rusturf Tunnel
- Crustle - Lilycove City
- Karrablast - Route 114
- Joltik - Rusturf Tunnel
- Shelmet - Route 114
- Durant - Route 112 and Cave of Origin
- Larvesta - Scorched Slab
- Volcarona - Scorched Slab
- Genesect - Mirage Cave
- Scatterbug - Route 104
- Vivillon - Safari Zone
56 Grass Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Petalburg Woods
- Oddish - Route 110
- Gloom - Route 119
- Paras - Rusturf Tunnel
- Parasect - Route 123
- Bellsprout - Route 102
- Weepinbell - Route 102 and Route 119
- Exeggcute - Route 104
- Exeggutor - Route 104
- Tangela - Route 115
- Chikorita - Route 101
- Hoppip - Route 104 and Route 114
- Skiploom - Route 114
- Sunkern - Route 115
- Celebi - Mirage Forest
- Treecko - Starter
- Grovyle - Route 119
- Lotad - Route 102
- Lombre - Safari Zone
- Seedot - Route 102
- Nuzleaf - Safari Zone
- Shiftry - Safari Zone
- Shroomish - Petalburg Woods
- Breloom - Petalburg Woods and Safari Zone
- Budew - Route 104
- Roselia - Route 117
- Cacnea - Route 111
- Lileep - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Cradily - Seafloor Cavern
- Tropius - Route 119
- Turtwig - Route 104
- Wormadam - Safari Zone
- Cherubi - Route 117
- Carnivine - Route 119
- Snover - Shoal Cave
- Abomasnow - Shoal Cave
- Snivy - Petalburg Woods
- Pansage - Petalburg Woods
- Sewaddle - Route 104
- Swadloon - Safari Zone
- Leavanny - Safari Zone
- Cottonee - Petalburg Woods
- Petilil - Petalburg Woods
- Maractus - Route 111
- Deerling - Route 117
- Sawsbuck - Route 117
- Foongus - Route 119
- Amoonguss - Route 119
- Ferroseed - Slateport City
- Ferrothorn - Meteor Falls
- Virizion - Mirage Forest
- Chespin - Route 102
- Skiddo - Route 110
- Gogoat - Safari Zone
- Phantump - Petalburg Woods
- Pumpkaboo - Petalburg Woods
65 Psychic Pokémon encounters
- Abra - Granite Cave
- Kadabra - Granite Cave
- Slowpoke - Route 104
- Slowbro - Route 118
- Slowking - Route 118
- Drowzee - Route 114 and Route 121
- Hypno - Route 121
- Exeggcute - Route 104
- Exeggutor - Route 104
- Starmie - Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Lilycove City, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
- Mime Jr. - Route 117
- Mr. Mime - undefined
- Smoochum - Shoal Cave
- Jynx - Shoal Cave
- Mewtwo - Mirage Cave
- Mew - Mirage Island
- Noctowl - Mt. Pyre and Safari Zone
- Natu - Route 116 and Mt. Pyre
- Xatu - Mt. Pyre
- Unown - Cave of Origin
- Wynaut - Lavaridge Town and Safari Zone
- Wobbuffet - Safari Zone
- Girafarig - Route 112
- Lugia - Mirage Mountain
- Celebi - Mirage Forest
- Ralts - Route 102 and Mt. Pyre
- Kirlia - Mt. Pyre
- Meditite - Jagged Pass, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Medicham - Mt. Pyre and Victory Road
- Spoink - Jagged Pass
- Grumpig - Jagged Pass and Safari Zone
- Lunatone - Meteor Falls
- Solrock - Meteor Falls
- Baltoy - Route 111
- Claydol - Sky Pillar
- Chingling - Mt. Pyre
- Chimecho - Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Beldum - Slateport City
- Metang - Meteor Falls and Cave of Origin
- Latias - Southern Island and Mirage Island
- Latios - Southern Island and Mirage Island
- Jirachi - Mirage Cave
- Deoxys - Sky Pillar
- Bronzor - Route 113, Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Bronzong - Mt. Pyre
- Uxie - Mirage Cave
- Mesprit - Mirage Cave
- Azelf - Mirage Cave
- Cresselia - Mirage Island
- Victini - Mirage Island
- Munna - Route 115
- Woobat - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Swoobat - Scorched Slab and Cave of Origin
- Sigilyph - Route 111
- Gothita - Route 102 and Mt. Pyre
- Gothorita - Mt. Pyre
- Solosis - Route 102 and Mt. Pyre
- Duosion - Mt. Pyre
- Elgyem - Mt. Pyre and Edge of space
- Beheeyem - Mt. Pyre
- Espurr - Route 113
- Meowstic - Safari Zone
- Inkay - Route 118
- Malamar - Route 118
- Hoopa - Mirage Island
78 Flying Pokémon encounters
- Butterfree - Safari Zone
- Pidgey - Route 101
- Pidgeotto - Safari Zone
- Pidgeot - Safari Zone
- Spearow - Route 103 and Mt. Pyre
- Fearow - Mt. Pyre
- Zubat - Granite Cave, Scorched Slab, Mt. Pyre, Seafloor Cavern, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Crescent Isle
- Golbat - Slateport City, Meteor Falls, Scorched Slab, Mt. Pyre, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Crescent Isle
- Crobat - Meteor Falls
- Farfetch’d - Route 117
- Doduo - Route 116 and Route 121
- Dodrio - Route 121
- Scyther - Route 112
- Gyarados - Route 111, Route 115 and Sootopolis City
- Aerodactyl - Rustboro City and Cave of Origin
- Articuno - Mirage Mountain
- Zapdos - Mirage Mountain
- Moltres - Mirage Mountain
- Hoothoot - Route 101 and Mt. Pyre
- Noctowl - Mt. Pyre and Safari Zone
- Ledyba - Route 104
- Ledian - Safari Zone
- Natu - Route 116 and Mt. Pyre
- Xatu - Mt. Pyre
- Hoppip - Route 104 and Route 114
- Skiploom - Route 114
- Yanma - Route 115
- Yanmega - Route 115
- Murkrow - Jagged Pass, Mt. Pyre and Soaring
- Gligar - Jagged Pass
- Delibird - Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Mantyke - Route 124, Route 108 and Trackless Forest
- Mantine - Route 124, Route 108, Battle Resort and Trackless Forest
- Skarmory - Route 113
- Lugia - Mirage Mountain
- Ho-Oh - Mirage Mountain
- Beautifly - Safari Zone
- Taillow - Route 104 and Soaring
- Swellow - Route 115
- Wingull - Route 104, Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 118, Route 126, Soaring, Route 131, Edge of space and Route 109
- Pelipper - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 118, Route 126, Soaring, Route 131, Route 109, Ever Grande City, Battle Resort and Trackless Forest
- Swablu - Route 114, Soaring and Sky Pillar
- Altaria - Route 120
- Tropius - Route 119
- Salamence - Meteor Falls
- Rayquaza - Sky Pillar
- Starly - Route 101
- Staravia - Safari Zone
- Mothim - Safari Zone
- Combee - Route 104
- Vespiquen - Route 104
- Drifloon - Route 110 and Soaring
- Drifblim - Route 120
- Chatot - Route 118
- Pidove - Route 103
- Tranquill - Safari Zone
- Woobat - Granite Cave and Scorched Slab
- Swoobat - Scorched Slab and Cave of Origin
- Sigilyph - Route 111
- Archen - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Archeops - Seafloor Cavern
- Ducklett - Route 117
- Swanna - Route 117 and Safari Zone
- Emolga - Route 118
- Rufflet - Route 120
- Braviary - Route 120 and Soaring
- Vullaby - Route 120
- Mandibuzz - Route 120
- Tornadus - undefined
- Thundurus - undefined
- Landorus - undefined
- Fletchling - Route 101
- Fletchinder - Safari Zone
- Vivillon - Safari Zone
- Hawlucha - Route 115
- Noibat - Scorched Slab
- Noivern - Scorched Slab and Cave of Origin
- Yveltal - Mirage Mountain
81 Normal Pokémon encounters
- Pidgey - Route 101
- Pidgeotto - Safari Zone
- Pidgeot - Safari Zone
- Rattata - Route 101
- Raticate - Safari Zone
- Spearow - Route 103 and Mt. Pyre
- Fearow - Mt. Pyre
- Igglybuff - Route 115
- Jigglypuff - Route 115
- Meowth - Route 112 and Route 121
- Persian - Route 121
- Doduo - Route 116 and Route 121
- Dodrio - Route 121
- Lickitung - Route 114
- Lickilicky - Route 114
- Happiny - Route 117
- Chansey - Route 117
- Kangaskhan - Granite Cave
- Tauros - Route 112
- Ditto - Route 115, Mirage Island, Mirage Cave, Mirage Forest and Mirage Mountain
- Eevee - Route 116
- Porygon - New Mauville
- Munchlax - Route 113
- Snorlax - Route 113
- Sentret - Route 101
- Furret - Safari Zone
- Hoothoot - Route 101 and Mt. Pyre
- Azurill - Route 104
- Aipom - Jagged Pass
- Girafarig - Route 112
- Dunsparce - Fiery Path
- Teddiursa - Rusturf Tunnel
- Stantler - Route 112
- Smeargle - Route 117
- Miltank - Route 112
- Zigzagoon - Route 101
- Linoone - Route 101 and Route 118
- Taillow - Route 104 and Soaring
- Swellow - Route 115
- Slakoth - Petalburg Woods
- Vigoroth - Safari Zone
- Whismur - Rusturf Tunnel
- Loudred - Victory Road
- Skitty - Route 116
- Delcatty - Route 116
- Spinda - Route 113
- Swablu - Route 114, Soaring and Sky Pillar
- Zangoose - Route 114
- Castform - Weather Institute
- Kecleon - Lavaridge Town and Route 123
- Starly - Route 101
- Staravia - Safari Zone
- Bidoof - Route 101
- Bibarel - Safari Zone
- Buneary - Route 104
- Glameow - Jagged Pass
- Purugly - Route 120
- Chatot - Route 118
- Arceus - Mirage Mountain
- Patrat - Route 103
- Watchog - Safari Zone
- Lillipup - Route 103
- Herdier - Route 121
- Stoutland - Route 121
- Pidove - Route 103
- Tranquill - Safari Zone
- Audino - Route 115
- Minccino - Route 110
- Cinccino - Route 110
- Deerling - Route 117
- Sawsbuck - Route 117
- Bouffalant - Route 113
- Rufflet - Route 120
- Braviary - Route 120 and Soaring
- Bunnelby - Route 101
- Diggersby - Route 121
- Fletchling - Route 101
- Litleo - Route 116
- Pyroar - Safari Zone
- Furfrou - Route 116
- Helioptile - Route 111
101 Water Pokémon encounters
- Squirtle - Route 103
- Psyduck - Route 104
- Golduck - Route 118
- Poliwag - Route 103, Route 117 and Scorched Slab
- Poliwhirl - Route 103, Route 117 and Scorched Slab
- Tentacool - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 115, Team Magma Hideout, Route 127, Route 130, Route 109, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Trackless Forest
- Tentacruel - Route 107, Route 115, Route 124, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 108, Ever Grande City, Victory Road, Battle Resort, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave and Trackless Forest
- Slowpoke - Route 104
- Slowbro - Route 118
- Slowking - Route 118
- Seel - Route 125, Shoal Cave and Sea Mauville
- Dewgong - Route 125, Shoal Cave, Sea Mauville, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Shellder - Dewford Town, Route 125, Shoal Cave and Sea Mauville
- Cloyster - Dewford Town, Route 125 and Shoal Cave
- Krabby - Route 105 and Route 106
- Kingler - Route 105 and Route 106
- Horsea - Slateport City, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
- Seadra - Route 107, Slateport City, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
- Kingdra - Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
- Goldeen - Petalburg City, Safari Zone, Victory Road and Crescent Isle
- Seaking - Petalburg City and Safari Zone
- Staryu - Route 105, Route 106, Lilycove City and Team Magma Hideout
- Starmie - Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Lilycove City, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
- Magikarp - Route 111, Route 115, Team Magma Hideout, Sootopolis City, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern, Fabled Cave, Trackless Forest and Crescent Isle
- Gyarados - Route 111, Route 115 and Sootopolis City
- Lapras - Route 125 and Sea Mauville
- Omanyte - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Omastar - Seafloor Cavern
- Kabuto - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Kabutops - Seafloor Cavern
- Totodile - Route 104
- Chinchou - Route 124, Route 108 and Route 109
- Lanturn - Route 107, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 108 and Route 109
- Marill - Petalburg City and Route 123
- Azumarill - Petalburg City and Route 123
- Wooper - Route 110
- Quagsire - Route 110, Route 119 and Safari Zone
- Qwilfish - Route 110, Route 114 and Safari Zone
- Corsola - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Lilycove City, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Route 109 and Ever Grande City
- Remoraid - Route 110 and Trackless Forest
- Octillery - Route 110 and Trackless Forest
- Mantyke - Route 124, Route 108 and Trackless Forest
- Mantine - Route 124, Route 108, Battle Resort and Trackless Forest
- Suicune - Mirage Forest
- Mudkip - Starter
- Marshtomp - Route 118
- Lotad - Route 102
- Lombre - Safari Zone
- Wingull - Route 104, Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 118, Route 126, Soaring, Route 131, Edge of space and Route 109
- Pelipper - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 118, Route 126, Soaring, Route 131, Route 109, Ever Grande City, Battle Resort and Trackless Forest
- Surskit - Route 102
- Masquerain - Route 102 and Safari Zone
- Carvanha - Route 118 and Mossdeep City
- Sharpedo - Route 118, Mossdeep City and Battle Resort
- Wailmer - Slateport City, Team Magma Hideout, Route 129, Sea Mauville, Victory Road, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Wailord - Route 129
- Barboach - Route 111, Route 120, Scorched Slab, Safari Zone, Victory Road and Crescent Isle
- Whiscash - Route 111, Route 120, Scorched Slab and Safari Zone
- Corphish - Route 102 and Route 123
- Crawdaunt - Route 102 and Route 123
- Feebas - Route 118 and Route 119
- Milotic - Route 119
- Spheal - Shoal Cave, Sea Mauville, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Sealeo - Shoal Cave, Nameless Cavern and Fabled Cave
- Clamperl - Dewford Town, Lilycove City and Route 126
- Huntail - Dewford Town, Route 107, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
- Gorebyss - Route 107, Lilycove City, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
- Relicanth - Route 107, Route 124, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 126, Route 129 and Route 130
- Luvdisc - Route 104, Route 128, Ever Grande City, Victory Road and Battle Resort
- Kyogre - Mirage Cave
- Piplup - Route 103
- Bibarel - Safari Zone
- Buizel - Route 103, Route 120 and Scorched Slab
- Floatzel - Route 103, Route 120 and Scorched Slab
- Shellos - Route 103
- Gastrodon - Safari Zone
- Finneon - Route 122, Safari Zone, Route 108 and Route 109
- Lumineon - Route 122, Safari Zone, Route 108 and Route 109
- Palkia - Soaring and Mirage Mountain
- Phione - Slateport City, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
- Manaphy - Mirage Island
- Oshawott - Route 104
- Panpour - Petalburg Woods
- Tympole - Route 102
- Palpitoad - Safari Zone
- Seismitoad - Safari Zone
- Basculin - undefined
- Tirtouga - Rustboro City and Seafloor Cavern
- Carracosta - Seafloor Cavern
- Ducklett - Route 117
- Swanna - Route 117 and Safari Zone
- Frillish - Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 122, Route 128 and Route 109
- Jellicent - Route 107, Route 122, Route 124, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 108, Ever Grande City and Battle Resort
- Alomomola - Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Route 122, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Route 108 and Route 109
- Froakie - Route 104
- Binacle - Route 111
- Barbaracle - Lilycove City
- Skrelp - Route 107, Route 127 and Route 130
- Clauncher - Route 107 and Route 131
- Clawitzer - Route 107 and Route 131
- Volcanion - Mirage Cave
26Ghost Pokémon GHOST
27Ice Pokémon ICE
30Dragon Pokémon DRAGON
31Fighting Pokémon FIGHTING
32Steel Pokémon STEEL
35Fairy Pokémon FAIRY
35Dark Pokémon DARK
38Electric Pokémon ELECTRIC
39Fire Pokémon FIRE
44Ground Pokémon GROUND
49Poison Pokémon POISON
49Rock Pokémon ROCK
55Bug Pokémon BUG
56Grass Pokémon GRASS
65Psychic Pokémon PSYCHIC
78Flying Pokémon FLYING
81Normal Pokémon NORMAL
101Water Pokémon WATER
Rising Ruby Boss Battles
In order to complete a Rising Ruby Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 27 Boss battles throughout the Hoenn region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.
These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Rival's Mudkip to Drake's Salamence.
8 Gym Leader fights
5 Elite Four fights
6 Rival fights
8 Evil Team fights
Select your starter type
Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Rival might have a fire type to take advantage!
Gym Leader fights
Roxanne - Rustboro Gym
Roxanne has a team of 6, made up of a level 14 archen, a level 14 omanyte, a level 14 tyrunt, a level 14 anorith, a level 14 lileep & a level 16 nosepass. The level cap for this fight is level 16.
Level 14Defeatist
ArchenROCKFLYINGRock Tomb 90 60 +30
ROCKWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGDouble Team
NORMALQuick Attack 40 40
NORMAL401 hp 55 atk 112 def 45 spa 74 spd 45 spe 70Level 14Weak Armor
OmanyteROCKWATERAncient Power 120 80 +40
ROCKBubble Beam 98 65 +33
WATERIcy Wind 55 55
NORMAL355 hp 35 atk 40 def 100 spa 90 spd 55 spe 35Level 14Strong Jaw
TyruntROCKDRAGONRock Tomb 90 60 +30
ROCKDragon Pulse 128 85 +43
DRAGONBite 60 60
DARKStealth Rock
ROCK362 hp 58 atk 89 def 77 spa 45 spd 45 spe 48Level 14Battle Armor
AnorithROCKBUGRock Tomb 90 60 +30
ROCKBug Bite 90 60 +30
BUGAqua Jet 40 40
ROCK355 hp 45 atk 95 def 50 spa 40 spd 50 spe 75Level 14Storm Drain
LileepROCKGRASSRock Tomb 90 60 +30
ROCKBullet Seed 38 25 +13
GRASSAcid 40 40
ROCK355 hp 66 atk 41 def 77 spa 61 spd 87 spe 23Level 16Sand Force
NosepassROCKRock Tomb 90 60 +30
GROUNDZap Cannon 120 120
NORMAL375 hp 30 atk 45 def 135 spa 45 spd 90 spe 30Brawly - Dewford Gym
Brawly has a team of 6, made up of a level 17 machop, a level 17 meditite, a level 17 pancham, a level 17 scraggy, a level 17 mienfoo & a level 19 hariyama. The level cap for this fight is level 19.
Level 17No Guard
FIGHTINGLow Sweep 98 65 +33
FIGHTINGBullet Punch 40 40
STEELRock Tomb 60 60
ROCK305 hp 70 atk 80 def 50 spa 35 spd 35 spe 35Level 17Pure Power
NORMALFocus Punch 225 150 +75
FIGHTINGPsyshock 120 80 +40
PSYCHICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST280 hp 30 atk 40 def 55 spa 40 spd 55 spe 60Level 17Iron Fist
PanchamFIGHTINGBulk Up
FIGHTINGPower-Up Punch 60 40 +20
FIGHTINGShadow Claw 70 70
GHOSTAerial Ace 60 60
FLYING348 hp 67 atk 82 def 62 spa 46 spd 48 spe 43Level 17Intimidate
ScraggyDARKFIGHTINGHeadbutt 70 70
NORMALDrain Punch 113 75 +38
FIGHTINGFeint Attack 90 60 +30
DARKFake Out 40 40
NORMAL348 hp 50 atk 75 def 70 spa 35 spd 70 spe 48Level 17Inner Focus
MienfooFIGHTINGCalm Mind
PSYCHICFake Out 40 40
NORMALAura Sphere 120 80 +40
FIGHTINGHidden Power 60 60
NORMAL350 hp 45 atk 85 def 50 spa 55 spd 50 spe 65Level 19Sheer Force
HariyamaFIGHTINGBulk Up
FIGHTINGArm Thrust 23 15 +8
FIGHTINGBullet Punch 40 40
STEELSmack Down 50 50
ROCK474 hp 144 atk 120 def 60 spa 40 spd 60 spe 50Wattson - Mauville Gym
Wattson has a team of 6, made up of a level 26 electrode, a level 26 magneton, a level 26 flaaffy, a level 26 rotom, a level 26 luxio & a level 28 manectric. The level cap for this fight is level 28.
Level 26Aftermath
ElectrodeELECTRICVolt Switch 105 70 +35
ELECTRICElectro Ball
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRICLight Screen
PSYCHIC490 hp 60 atk 50 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 150Level 26Sturdy
MagnetonELECTRICSTEELVolt Switch 105 70 +35
ELECTRICMirror Shot 98 65 +33
STEELElectric Terrain
NORMAL465 hp 50 atk 60 def 95 spa 120 spd 70 spe 70Level 26Static
FlaaffyELECTRICVolt Switch 105 70 +35
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRICFire Punch 75 75
FIREElectric Terrain
ELECTRIC365 hp 70 atk 55 def 55 spa 80 spd 60 spe 45Level 26Levitate
RotomELECTRICGHOSTVolt Switch 105 70 +35
ELECTRICOminous Wind 90 60 +30
GHOSTThunder Wave
GHOST440 hp 50 atk 50 def 77 spa 95 spd 77 spe 91Level 26Intimidate
LuxioELECTRICVolt Switch 105 70 +35
ELECTRICNight Slash 70 70
DARKIce Fang 65 65
ICEBaby-Doll Eyes
FAIRY363 hp 60 atk 85 def 49 spa 60 spd 49 spe 60Level 28Static
ManectricELECTRICVolt Switch 105 70 +35
ELECTRICFlame Burst 70 70
FIRESnarl 55 55
DARKElectric Terrain
ELECTRIC475 hp 70 atk 75 def 60 spa 105 spd 60 spe 105Flannery - Lavaridge Gym
Flannery has a team of 6, made up of a level 36 ninetales, a level 36 houndoom, a level 36 delphox, a level 36 magcargo, a level 36 camerupt & a level 38 torkoal. The level cap for this fight is level 38.
Level 36Drought
NinetalesFIREOverheat 195 130 +65
FIRESolar Beam 120 120
GRASSExtrasensory 80 80
PSYCHIC505 hp 73 atk 76 def 75 spa 81 spd 100 spe 100Level 36Flash Fire
HoundoomDARKFIREOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKSludge Bomb 90 90
POISONSolar Beam 120 120
GRASS500 hp 75 atk 90 def 50 spa 110 spd 80 spe 95Level 36Blaze
DelphoxFIREPSYCHICOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREPsyshock 120 80 +40
PSYCHICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTDazzling Gleam 80 80
FAIRY534 hp 75 atk 69 def 72 spa 114 spd 100 spe 104Level 36Flame Body
MagcargoFIREROCKOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREEarth Power 90 90
GROUNDRock Slide 113 75 +38
ROCKSunny Day
FIRE560 hp 80 atk 115 def 110 spa 115 spd 110 spe 30Level 36Solid Rock
CameruptFIREGROUNDOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUNDFlash Cannon 80 80
STEELRock Slide 75 75
ROCK460 hp 70 atk 100 def 70 spa 105 spd 75 spe 40Level 38White Smoke
TorkoalFIREOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDRock Slide 75 75
ROCKShell Smash
NORMAL470 hp 70 atk 85 def 140 spa 85 spd 70 spe 20Norman - Petalburg Gym
Norman has a team of 6, made up of a level 40 ambipom, a level 40 exploud, a level 40 staraptor, a level 40 sawsbuck, a level 40 bouffalant & a level 42 slaking. The level cap for this fight is level 42.
Level 40Technician
AmbipomNORMALFake Out 60 40 +20
NORMALDouble Hit 53 35 +18
NORMALAcrobatics 55 55
FLYINGKnock Off 65 65
DARK482 hp 75 atk 100 def 66 spa 60 spd 66 spe 115Level 40Scrappy
ExploudNORMALBoomburst 210 140 +70
NORMALFlamethrower 90 90
FIREIce Beam 90 90
ICEThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRIC490 hp 104 atk 91 def 63 spa 91 spd 73 spe 68Level 40Intimidate
StaraptorNORMALFLYINGRetaliate 105 70 +35
NORMALClose Combat 120 120
FIGHTINGU-turn 70 70
BUGSky Attack 210 140 +70
FLYING485 hp 85 atk 120 def 70 spa 50 spd 60 spe 100Level 40Sap Sipper
SawsbuckNORMALGRASSRetaliate 105 70 +35
NORMALHorn Leech 113 75 +38
GRASSJump Kick 100 100
FIGHTINGMegahorn 120 120
BUG475 hp 80 atk 100 def 70 spa 60 spd 70 spe 95Level 40Sap Sipper
BouffalantNORMALHead Charge 180 120 +60
NORMALZen Headbutt 80 80
PSYCHICMegahorn 120 120
BUGRevenge 60 60
FIGHTING490 hp 95 atk 110 def 95 spa 40 spd 95 spe 55Level 42Truant
SlakingNORMALRetaliate 105 70 +35
NORMALRock Slide 75 75
ROCKPlay Rough 90 90
FAIRYSlack Off
NORMAL670 hp 150 atk 160 def 100 spa 95 spd 65 spe 100Winona - Fortree Gym
Winona has a team of 6, made up of a level 48 skarmory, a level 48 honchkrow, a level 48 sigilyph, a level 48 gyarados, a level 48 talonflame & a level 50 altaria. The level cap for this fight is level 50.
Level 48Sturdy
SkarmorySTEELFLYINGIron Head 120 80 +40
STEELBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGStealth Rock
FLYING465 hp 65 atk 80 def 140 spa 40 spd 70 spe 70Level 48Super Luck
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGNight Slash 105 70 +35
DARKBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGSteel Wing 70 70
STEELThunder Wave
ELECTRIC505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Level 48Magic Guard
SigilyphPSYCHICFLYINGPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICHurricane 165 110 +55
FLYINGDazzling Gleam 80 80
FAIRYIce Beam 90 90
ICE490 hp 72 atk 58 def 80 spa 103 spd 80 spe 97Level 48Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGDragon Dance
DRAGONWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATERBounce 128 85 +43
FLYINGEarthquake 100 100
GROUND540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 48Gale Wings
TalonflameFIREFLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FLYING499 hp 78 atk 81 def 71 spa 74 spd 69 spe 126Level 50Natural Cure
AltariaDRAGONFLYINGDragon Dance
DRAGONBody Slam 85 85
NORMALEarthquake 100 100
FLYING490 hp 75 atk 70 def 90 spa 70 spd 105 spe 80Tate & Liza - Mossdeep Gym
Tate & Liza has a team of 6, made up of a level 60 solrock, a level 60 lunatone, a level 60 bronzong, a level 60 slowking, a level 62 gallade & a level 62 gardevoir. The level cap for this fight is level 62.
Level 60Levitate
SolrockROCKPSYCHICLight Screen
NORMALStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKFlare Blitz 120 120
FIRE495 hp 80 atk 110 def 100 spa 55 spd 80 spe 70Level 60Levitate
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICMoonblast 95 95
FAIRY550 hp 80 atk 110 def 80 spa 110 spd 100 spe 70Level 60Levitate
STEELEarthquake 100 100
GROUND500 hp 67 atk 89 def 116 spa 79 spd 116 spe 33Level 60Own Tempo
SlowkingWATERPSYCHICScald 120 80 +40
WATERFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICFire Blast 110 110
FIRE490 hp 95 atk 75 def 80 spa 100 spd 110 spe 30Level 62Justified
GalladePSYCHICFIGHTINGClose Combat 180 120 +60
FIGHTINGZen Headbutt 120 80 +40
PSYCHICKnock Off 65 65
DARKLeaf Blade 90 90
GRASS518 hp 68 atk 125 def 65 spa 65 spd 115 spe 80Level 62Trace
GardevoirPSYCHICFAIRYHyper Voice 90 90
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICThunderbolt 90 90
NORMAL518 hp 68 atk 65 def 65 spa 125 spd 115 spe 80Wallace - Sootopolis Gym
Wallace has a team of 6, made up of a level 65 politoed, a level 65 ludicolo, a level 65 kingdra, a level 65 starmie, a level 67 milotic & a level 67 swampert. The level cap for this fight is level 67.
Level 65Drizzle
PolitoedWATERHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERIce Beam 90 90
ICEFocus Blast 120 120
PSYCHIC500 hp 90 atk 75 def 75 spa 90 spd 100 spe 70Level 65Swift Swim
LudicoloWATERGRASSHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERGiga Drain 113 75 +38
GRASSIce Beam 90 90
ICERain Dance
WATER480 hp 80 atk 70 def 70 spa 90 spd 100 spe 70Level 65Swift Swim
KingdraWATERDRAGONHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERIce Beam 90 90
ICEDragon Pulse 128 85 +43
DRAGONRain Dance
WATER540 hp 75 atk 95 def 95 spa 95 spd 95 spe 85Level 65Analytic
StarmieWATERPSYCHICHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERIce Beam 90 90
ICEThunder 110 110
ELECTRICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC520 hp 60 atk 75 def 85 spa 100 spd 85 spe 115Level 67Cute Charm
MiloticWATERHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERIce Beam 90 90
NORMAL540 hp 95 atk 60 def 79 spa 100 spd 125 spe 81Level 67Torrent
SwampertWATERGROUNDWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATERIce Punch 75 75
ICEEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDStone Edge 100 100
ROCK535 hp 100 atk 110 def 90 spa 85 spd 90 spe 60
Elite Four fights
Sidney - Pokémon League
Sidney has a team of 6, made up of a level 70 weavile, a level 70 scrafty, a level 70 bisharp, a level 70 tyranitar, a level 70 greninja & a level 72 absol. The level cap for this fight is level 72.
Level 70Pressure
WeavileDARKICEIcicle Crash 128 85 +43
ICEKnock Off 98 65 +33
DARKLow Kick
FIGHTINGPoison Jab 80 80
POISON510 hp 70 atk 120 def 65 spa 45 spd 85 spe 125Level 70Intimidate
ScraftyDARKFIGHTINGHigh Jump Kick 195 130 +65
FIGHTINGKnock Off 98 65 +33
DARKIron Head 80 80
STEELHead Smash 150 150
ROCK488 hp 65 atk 90 def 115 spa 45 spd 115 spe 58Level 70Defiant
BisharpDARKSTEELSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKIron Head 120 80 +40
STEELStone Edge 100 100
ROCKThunder Wave
ELECTRIC490 hp 65 atk 125 def 100 spa 60 spd 70 spe 70Level 70Sand Stream
TyranitarROCKDARKStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKIce Punch 75 75
ICESuperpower 120 120
FIGHTING600 hp 100 atk 134 def 110 spa 95 spd 100 spe 61Level 70Protean
GreninjaWATERDARKDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERIce Beam 90 90
ICEGunk Shot 120 120
POISON530 hp 72 atk 95 def 67 spa 103 spd 71 spe 122Level 72Super Luck
AbsolDARKSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKPlay Rough 90 90
FAIRYFire Blast 110 110
FIREIron Tail 100 100
STEEL465 hp 65 atk 130 def 60 spa 75 spd 60 spe 75Phoebe - Pokémon League
Phoebe has a team of 6, made up of a level 71 mismagius, a level 71 gengar, a level 71 gourgeist, a level 71 chandelure, a level 71 dusknoir & a level 73 sableye. The level cap for this fight is level 73.
Level 71Levitate
MismagiusGHOSTFAIRYShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTMoonblast 143 95 +48
FAIRYThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRIC495 hp 60 atk 60 def 60 spa 105 spd 105 spe 105Level 71Levitate
GengarGHOSTPOISONShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTSludge Wave 143 95 +48
POISONFocus Blast 120 120
PSYCHIC500 hp 60 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 75 spe 110Level 71Insomnia
GourgeistGHOSTGRASSPetal Blizzard 135 90 +45
GRASSPhantom Force 135 90 +45
GHOSTRock Slide 75 75
ROCKFire Blast 110 110
FIRE494 hp 75 atk 95 def 122 spa 58 spd 75 spe 69Level 71Flame Body
ChandelureGHOSTFIREFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTEnergy Ball 90 90
PSYCHIC520 hp 60 atk 55 def 90 spa 145 spd 90 spe 80Level 71Pressure
DusknoirGHOSTPhantom Force 135 90 +45
GHOSTEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDRock Slide 75 75
ROCKIce Punch 75 75
ICE525 hp 45 atk 100 def 135 spa 65 spd 135 spe 45Level 73Prankster
SableyeDARKGHOSTKnock Off 98 65 +33
FIREMetal Burst
STEEL410 hp 55 atk 80 def 80 spa 70 spd 70 spe 55Glacia - Pokémon League
Glacia has a team of 6, made up of a level 72 aurorus, a level 72 froslass, a level 72 jynx, a level 72 mamoswine, a level 72 walrein & a level 74 glalie. The level cap for this fight is level 74.
Level 72Snow Warning
AurorusROCKICEBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEEarth Power 90 90
GROUNDFreeze-Dry 105 70 +35
ICEThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRIC521 hp 123 atk 77 def 72 spa 99 spd 92 spe 58Level 72Snow Cloak
FroslassICEGHOSTShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEDestiny Bond
GHOST480 hp 70 atk 80 def 70 spa 80 spd 70 spe 110Level 72Dry Skin
NORMALBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING455 hp 65 atk 50 def 35 spa 115 spd 95 spe 95Level 72Thick Fat
MamoswineICEGROUNDIcicle Crash 128 85 +43
ICEEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDStone Edge 100 100
ROCKSuperpower 120 120
FIGHTING530 hp 110 atk 130 def 80 spa 70 spd 60 spe 80Level 72Ice Body
WalreinICEWATERSurf 135 90 +45
WATERBlizzard 165 110 +55
NORMAL530 hp 110 atk 80 def 90 spa 95 spd 90 spe 65Level 74Moody
GlalieICEDouble-Edge 120 120
NORMALFreeze-Dry 105 70 +35
ICEEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICE480 hp 80 atk 80 def 80 spa 80 spd 80 spe 80Drake - Pokémon League
Drake has a team of 6, made up of a level 73 hydreigon, a level 73 flygon, a level 73 haxorus, a level 73 kingdra, a level 73 dragalge & a level 75 salamence. The level cap for this fight is level 75.
Level 73Levitate
HydreigonDARKDRAGONDraco Meteor 195 130 +65
DRAGONDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKFlash Cannon 80 80
STEELFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING600 hp 92 atk 105 def 90 spa 125 spd 90 spe 98Level 73Levitate
FlygonGROUNDDRAGONOutrage 180 120 +60
DRAGONEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDU-turn 70 70
BUGIron Tail 100 100
STEEL550 hp 80 atk 110 def 80 spa 90 spd 80 spe 110Level 73Mold Breaker
HaxorusDRAGONDragon Dance
DRAGONOutrage 180 120 +60
DRAGONEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDPoison Jab 80 80
POISON540 hp 76 atk 147 def 90 spa 60 spd 70 spe 97Level 73Sniper
KingdraWATERDRAGONHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERIce Beam 90 90
ICEDraco Meteor 195 130 +65
DRAGONFlash Cannon 80 80
STEEL540 hp 75 atk 95 def 95 spa 95 spd 95 spe 85Level 73Adaptability
DragalgePOISONDRAGONSludge Wave 143 95 +48
POISONDraco Meteor 195 130 +65
DRAGONFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGThunder 110 110
ELECTRIC494 hp 65 atk 75 def 90 spa 97 spd 123 spe 44Level 75Intimidate
SalamenceDRAGONFLYINGDragon Rush 150 100 +50
DRAGONBody Slam 85 85
NORMALFire Blast 110 110
FIREEarthquake 100 100
GROUND600 hp 95 atk 135 def 80 spa 110 spd 80 spe 100Steven - Pokémon Champion
Steven has a team of 6, made up of a level 77 skarmory, a level 77 aggron, a level 77 claydol, a level 77 aerodactyl, a level 77 diancie & a level 79 metagross. The level cap for this fight is level 79.
Level 77Sturdy
ROCKStealth Rock
FLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYING465 hp 65 atk 80 def 140 spa 40 spd 70 spe 70Level 77Rock Head
AggronSTEELROCKHead Smash 225 150 +75
ROCKHeavy Slam
STEELEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDThunder Wave
ELECTRIC530 hp 70 atk 110 def 180 spa 60 spd 60 spe 50Level 77Levitate
PSYCHICLight Screen
PSYCHICEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC500 hp 60 atk 70 def 105 spa 70 spd 120 spe 75Level 77Rock Head
AerodactylROCKFLYINGStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDAqua Tail 90 90
WATERBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYING515 hp 80 atk 105 def 65 spa 60 spd 75 spe 130Level 77Clear Body
DiancieROCKFAIRYDiamond Storm 150 100 +50
ROCKMoonblast 143 95 +48
FAIRYEarth Power 90 90
PSYCHIC600 hp 50 atk 100 def 150 spa 100 spd 150 spe 50Level 79Clear Body
MetagrossSTEELPSYCHICMeteor Mash 135 90 +45
STEELEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDZen Headbutt 120 80 +40
PSYCHICHammer Arm 100 100
FIGHTING600 hp 80 atk 135 def 130 spa 95 spd 90 spe 70
Rival fights
Rival - Route 103
Rival has a team of 1, made up of a level 5 mudkip. The level cap for this fight is level 5.
Level 5Torrent
MudkipWATERTackle 40 40
NORMAL310 hp 50 atk 70 def 50 spa 50 spd 50 spe 40Rival - Route 110
Rival has a team of 4, made up of a level 22 swellow, a level 22 shroomish, a level 22 ponyta & a level 24 marshtomp. The level cap for this fight is level 24.
Level 22Guts
SwellowNORMALFLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGQuick Attack 60 40 +20
NORMALFocus Energy
NORMALDouble Team
NORMAL475 hp 60 atk 95 def 60 spa 75 spd 60 spe 125Level 22Quick Feet
ShroomishGRASSBullet Seed 38 25 +13
POISONHeadbutt 70 70
NORMALLeech Seed
GRASS295 hp 60 atk 40 def 60 spa 40 spd 60 spe 35Level 22Flame Body
PonytaFIREFlame Charge 75 50 +25
FIREDouble Kick 30 30
FIGHTINGStomp 65 65
PSYCHIC410 hp 50 atk 85 def 55 spa 65 spd 65 spe 90Level 24Torrent
MarshtompWATERGROUNDWater Pledge 128 85 +43
WATERDig 120 80 +40
GROUNDRock Tomb 60 60
GHOST405 hp 70 atk 85 def 70 spa 60 spd 70 spe 50Wally - Mauville City
Wally has a team of 4, made up of a level 23 fletchinder, a level 23 gible, a level 23 marill & a level 25 kirlia. The level cap for this fight is level 25.
Level 23Gale Wings
FletchinderFIREFLYINGFlame Charge 75 50 +25
FIREAcrobatics 83 55 +28
NORMAL382 hp 62 atk 73 def 55 spa 56 spd 52 spe 84Level 23Rough Skin
DRAGONSlash 70 70
NORMALDig 120 80 +40
GROUNDShadow Claw 70 70
GHOST300 hp 58 atk 70 def 45 spa 40 spd 45 spe 42Level 23Huge Power
MarillWATERFAIRYAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATERPlay Rough 135 90 +45
FAIRYAqua Ring
NORMAL250 hp 70 atk 20 def 50 spa 20 spd 50 spe 40Level 25Trace
KirliaPSYCHICFAIRYPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICDraining Kiss 113 75 +38
FAIRYMagical Leaf 60 60
GRASSShadow Sneak 40 40
GHOST408 hp 38 atk 85 def 75 spa 85 spd 75 spe 50Rival - Route 119
Rival has a team of 5, made up of a level 47 swellow, a level 47 raichu, a level 47 breloom, a level 47 rapidash & a level 49 swampert. The level cap for this fight is level 49.
Level 47Guts
NORMALFacade 105 70 +35
NORMALBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGSteel Wing 70 70
STEEL475 hp 60 atk 95 def 60 spa 75 spd 60 spe 125Level 47Static
RaichuELECTRICThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICSurf 90 90
WATERFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGNuzzle 30 20 +10
ELECTRIC505 hp 60 atk 100 def 55 spa 100 spd 80 spe 110Level 47Technician
GRASSBullet Seed 38 25 +13
GRASSMach Punch 60 40 +20
FIGHTINGRock Tomb 60 60
ROCK460 hp 60 atk 130 def 80 spa 60 spd 60 spe 70Level 47Flame Body
RapidashFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREWild Charge 90 90
PSYCHICMegahorn 120 120
BUG500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 49Torrent
SwampertWATERGROUNDAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATEREarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDSludge Wave 95 95
NORMAL535 hp 100 atk 110 def 90 spa 85 spd 90 spe 60Rival - Lilycove City
Rival has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 swellow, a level 53 raichu, a level 53 sylveon, a level 53 breloom, a level 53 rapidash & a level 55 swampert. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 53Guts
NORMALBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGFacade 105 70 +35
NORMALSteel Wing 70 70
STEEL475 hp 60 atk 95 def 60 spa 75 spd 60 spe 125Level 53Static
RaichuELECTRICThunder 165 110 +55
ELECTRICSurf 90 90
WATERFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGNuzzle 30 20 +10
ELECTRIC505 hp 60 atk 100 def 55 spa 100 spd 80 spe 110Level 53Pixilate
SylveonFAIRYHyper Voice 90 90
NORMALPsyshock 80 80
PSYCHICShadow Ball 80 80
PSYCHIC525 hp 95 atk 65 def 65 spa 110 spd 130 spe 60Level 53Technician
GRASSBullet Seed 38 25 +13
GRASSMach Punch 60 40 +20
FIGHTINGRock Tomb 60 60
ROCK460 hp 60 atk 130 def 80 spa 60 spd 60 spe 70Level 53Flame Body
RapidashFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREDrill Run 80 80
GROUNDMegahorn 120 120
BUGWild Charge 90 90
ELECTRIC500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 55Torrent
SwampertWATERGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATERRock Slide 75 75
NORMAL535 hp 100 atk 110 def 90 spa 85 spd 90 spe 60Wally - Victory Road
Wally has a team of 6, made up of a level 70 roserade, a level 70 talonflame, a level 70 azumarill, a level 70 magnezone, a level 70 garchomp & a level 72 gallade. The level cap for this fight is level 72.
Level 70Poison Point
RoseradeGRASSPOISONSleep Powder
GRASSPetal Dance 180 120 +60
GRASSSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONDazzling Gleam 80 80
FAIRY515 hp 60 atk 70 def 65 spa 125 spd 105 spe 90Level 70Gale Wings
TalonflameFIREFLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIRESwords Dance
FLYING499 hp 78 atk 81 def 71 spa 74 spd 69 spe 126Level 70Huge Power
AzumarillWATERFAIRYAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATERPlay Rough 135 90 +45
FAIRYSuperpower 120 120
FIGHTINGKnock Off 65 65
DARK470 hp 100 atk 80 def 80 spa 80 spd 80 spe 50Level 70Sturdy
MagnezoneELECTRICSTEELThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICFlash Cannon 120 80 +40
STEELSignal Beam 75 75
BUGThunder Wave
ELECTRIC535 hp 70 atk 70 def 115 spa 130 spd 90 spe 60Level 70Rough Skin
GarchompDRAGONGROUNDOutrage 180 120 +60
DRAGONEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDStone Edge 100 100
ROCKFire Blast 110 110
FIRE600 hp 108 atk 130 def 95 spa 80 spd 85 spe 102Level 72Justified
GalladePSYCHICFIGHTINGClose Combat 180 120 +60
FIGHTINGZen Headbutt 120 80 +40
PSYCHICKnock Off 65 65
NORMAL518 hp 68 atk 125 def 65 spa 65 spd 115 spe 80
Evil Team fights
Tabitha - Meteor Falls
Tabitha has a team of 3, made up of a level 33 mightyena, a level 33 weezing & a level 35 darmanitan. The level cap for this fight is level 35.
Level 33Intimidate
MightyenaDARKCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKIce Fang 65 65
ICEThunder Fang 65 65
NORMAL450 hp 70 atk 110 def 70 spa 60 spd 60 spe 80Level 33Levitate
WeezingPOISONSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONFlamethrower 90 90
FIREThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Level 35Sheer Force
DarmanitanFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIRERock Slide 75 75
ROCKZen Headbutt 80 80
NORMAL480 hp 105 atk 140 def 55 spa 30 spd 55 spe 95Tabitha - Mt. Chimney
Tabitha has a team of 4, made up of a level 33 mightyena, a level 33 weezing, a level 33 snorlax & a level 35 darmanitan. The level cap for this fight is level 35.
Level 33Intimidate
MightyenaDARKCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKPlay Rough 90 90
FAIRYFire Fang 65 65
FIREThunder Fang 65 65
ELECTRIC450 hp 70 atk 110 def 70 spa 60 spd 60 spe 80Level 33Levitate
WeezingPOISONSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONFlamethrower 90 90
FIREThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Level 33Thick Fat
SnorlaxNORMALBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMALRock Slide 75 75
NORMAL540 hp 160 atk 110 def 65 spa 65 spd 110 spe 30Level 35Sheer Force
DarmanitanFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREHammer Arm 100 100
FIGHTINGZen Headbutt 80 80
NORMAL480 hp 105 atk 140 def 55 spa 30 spd 55 spe 95Maxie - Mt. Chimney
Maxie has a team of 5, made up of a level 34 golbat, a level 34 houndoom, a level 34 pupitar, a level 34 lampent & a level 36 camerupt. The level cap for this fight is level 36.
Level 34Infiltrator
GolbatPOISONFLYINGAcrobatics 83 55 +28
FLYINGConfuse Ray
GHOSTSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
DARK455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 34Flash Fire
HoundoomDARKFIREDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKFlamethrower 135 90 +45
FIREThunder Fang 65 65
FIRE500 hp 75 atk 90 def 50 spa 110 spd 80 spe 95Level 34Shed Skin
PupitarROCKGROUNDRock Slide 113 75 +38
ROCKDig 120 80 +40
GROUNDDragon Dance
DRAGONIron Head 80 80
STEEL410 hp 70 atk 84 def 70 spa 65 spd 70 spe 51Level 34Flame Body
LampentGHOSTFIREHeat Wave 143 95 +48
FIREShadow Ball 120 80 +40
FIREEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASS370 hp 60 atk 40 def 60 spa 95 spd 60 spe 55Level 36Solid Rock
CameruptFIREGROUNDEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUNDLava Plume 120 80 +40
FIRERock Slide 75 75
ROCKFlash Cannon 80 80
STEEL460 hp 70 atk 100 def 70 spa 105 spd 75 spe 40Courtney - Southern Island
Courtney has a team of 3, made up of a level 42 rapidash, a level 42 pyroar & a level 44 charizard. The level cap for this fight is level 44.
Level 42Flame Body
RapidashFIREHeat Wave 143 95 +48
FIREMegahorn 120 120
BUGDrill Run 80 80
GROUNDWild Charge 90 90
ELECTRIC500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 42Rivalry
PyroarFIRENORMALFlamethrower 135 90 +45
FIREHyper Voice 135 90 +45
NORMALDark Pulse 80 80
NORMAL507 hp 86 atk 68 def 72 spa 109 spd 66 spe 106Level 44Blaze
CharizardFIREFLYINGFlamethrower 135 90 +45
FIREAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGDragon Pulse 85 85
DRAGONFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING534 hp 78 atk 84 def 78 spa 109 spd 85 spe 100Tabitha - Weather Institute
Tabitha has a team of 6, made up of a level 46 mightyena, a level 46 weezing, a level 46 snorlax, a level 46 gigalith, a level 46 camerupt & a level 48 darmanitan. The level cap for this fight is level 48.
Level 46Intimidate
MightyenaDARKSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKPlay Rough 90 90
NORMALIron Tail 100 100
STEEL450 hp 70 atk 110 def 70 spa 60 spd 60 spe 80Level 46Levitate
WeezingPOISONSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONFlamethrower 90 90
FIREThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICToxic Spikes
POISON490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Level 46Thick Fat
SnorlaxNORMALBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMALCrunch 80 80
NORMAL540 hp 160 atk 110 def 65 spa 65 spd 110 spe 30Level 46Sturdy
GigalithROCKStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKSuperpower 120 120
FIGHTINGEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDHeavy Slam
STEEL515 hp 85 atk 135 def 130 spa 60 spd 80 spe 25Level 46Solid Rock
CameruptFIREGROUNDFlamethrower 135 90 +45
FIREEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUNDRock Slide 75 75
ROCKFlash Cannon 80 80
STEEL460 hp 70 atk 100 def 70 spa 105 spd 75 spe 40Level 48Sheer Force
DarmanitanFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIRERock Slide 75 75
ROCKZen Headbutt 80 80
PSYCHICEarthquake 100 100
GROUND480 hp 105 atk 140 def 55 spa 30 spd 55 spe 95Courtney - Mt. Pyre Summit
Courtney has a team of 4, made up of a level 53 rapidash, a level 42 pyroar, a level 53 rhyperior & a level 55 charizard. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 53Flame Body
RapidashFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREBounce 85 85
FLYINGMegahorn 120 120
BUGWild Charge 90 90
ELECTRIC500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 42Rivalry
PyroarFIRENORMALFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREHyper Voice 135 90 +45
NORMALDark Pulse 80 80
DARKWild Charge 90 90
ELECTRIC507 hp 86 atk 68 def 72 spa 109 spd 66 spe 106Level 53Solid Rock
RhyperiorGROUNDROCKRock Wrecker 225 150 +75
ROCKEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDHammer Arm 100 100
FIGHTINGThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRIC535 hp 115 atk 140 def 130 spa 55 spd 55 spe 40Level 55Blaze
CharizardFIREFLYINGFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGDragon Pulse 85 85
DRAGONFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING534 hp 78 atk 84 def 78 spa 109 spd 85 spe 100Courtney - Magma Hideout B1F
Courtney has a team of 6, made up of a level 55 rapidash, a level 55 pyroar, a level 55 rhyperior, a level 55 camerupt, a level 55 nidoking & a level 57 charizard. The level cap for this fight is level 57.
Level 55Flame Body
RapidashFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREMegahorn 120 120
BUGBounce 85 85
FLYINGWild Charge 90 90
ELECTRIC500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 55Rivalry
PyroarFIRENORMALHeat Wave 143 95 +48
FIREHyper Voice 135 90 +45
NORMALDark Pulse 80 80
FIRE507 hp 86 atk 68 def 72 spa 109 spd 66 spe 106Level 55Solid Rock
RhyperiorGROUNDROCKStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDMegahorn 120 120
BUGHammer Arm 100 100
FIGHTING535 hp 115 atk 140 def 130 spa 55 spd 55 spe 40Level 55Solid Rock
CameruptFIREGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREStone Edge 100 100
ROCKBody Slam 85 85
NORMAL460 hp 70 atk 100 def 70 spa 105 spd 75 spe 40Level 55Sheer Force
NidokingPOISONGROUNDSludge Wave 143 95 +48
POISONThunder 110 110
ELECTRICFire Blast 110 110
FIREEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUND505 hp 81 atk 102 def 77 spa 85 spd 75 spe 85Level 57Blaze
CharizardFIREFLYINGFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGSolar Beam 120 120
GRASSFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING534 hp 78 atk 84 def 78 spa 109 spd 85 spe 100Maxie - Seafloor Cavern
Maxie has a team of 6, made up of a level 63 crobat, a level 63 houndoom, a level 63 claydol, a level 63 tyranitar, a level 63 chandelure & a level 65 camerupt. The level cap for this fight is level 65.
Level 63Infiltrator
CrobatPOISONFLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGU-turn 70 70
FIRE535 hp 85 atk 90 def 80 spa 70 spd 80 spe 130Level 63Flash Fire
HoundoomDARKFIREOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKSludge Bomb 90 90
POISONSolar Beam 120 120
GRASS500 hp 75 atk 90 def 50 spa 110 spd 80 spe 95Level 63Levitate
PSYCHICEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICIce Beam 90 90
ICE500 hp 60 atk 70 def 105 spa 70 spd 120 spe 75Level 63Sand Stream
TyranitarROCKDARKStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKIron Tail 100 100
STEELBlizzard 110 110
ICE600 hp 100 atk 134 def 110 spa 95 spd 100 spe 61Level 63Flame Body
ChandelureGHOSTFIRETrick Room
PSYCHICFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASS520 hp 60 atk 55 def 90 spa 145 spd 90 spe 80Level 65Solid Rock
CameruptFIREGROUNDFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUNDFlash Cannon 80 80
STEELRock Slide 75 75
ROCK460 hp 70 atk 100 def 70 spa 105 spd 75 spe 40