Nuzlocke Tracker

Pokémon Rising Ruby Nuzlocke Guide

This guide contains useful information for a Rising Ruby Nuzlocke. Lists of all of the available Pokémon, the number of encounters, and detailed overviews of all Boss battles.

Rising Ruby Logo

Rising Ruby & Sinking Sapphire are fan-made modifications of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire that offer a unique twist on the original games. These ROM hacks, created by Drayano, have been designed to provide a fresh and challenging gaming experience for players.

Rising Ruby & Sinking Sapphire allow you to obtation 721 Pokémon up to Generation 6 and changes the routes to put a large emphasis on Pokémon availability, with every area offering 10-11 new species making it perfect for Nuzlocking! However, the standout feature of these hacks is the increased difficulty level - Trainers have stronger Pokémon, and battles have been adjusted to provide a greater challenge requiring careful consideration of team composition and strategy.

Key features

  • New typings The addition of the Fairy-type allows a few new changes, with Pokémon such as Misdreavus, Dunsparce, Volbeat and Illumise sporting the new typing. There are some other type changes to discover, like Ice/Fighting Beartic, to better suit their designs!

  • Pokémon buffs Most weaker Pokémon have been given a boost to their base stats, with no fully evolved Pokémon having a stat total below 440 making them more viable for a Nuzlocke run. Additionally, some Pokémon now have new abilities, with those previously limited to one ability now gaining their hidden ability as a second option, and some having entirely new abilities available. Examples include Gale Wings Chatot and Pixilate Dunsparce. Lastly, some Pokémon have had their types changed

  • Evolution items & Mega stones Trade evolution items, like Dragon Scales and the Reaper cloth, can now be used directly from the item menu and some Poké Marts and item stalls throughout the Hoenn region allow you to buy these rare stones. Mega Stones for Pokémon whose are normally unavailable before beating the Elite Four can also be purchased in shops after gaining the right number of gym badges.

  • Difficult & Diverse fights The rosters of every trainer in the game have been modified and now pull from the pool of every Pokémon! Special trainers, such as the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and rivals, have revamped AI and boast full 6 Pokémon teams that make use of competitive sets with held items, stronger movesets, higher IVs, and perfect abilities. You'll also Mega evolution more common, with random trainers using it against you later in th game.

Good luck!

All of these changes create a much more challenging and rewarding versions of Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire and even more so for running a Nuzlocke challenge.

But don't face that challenge alone! This guide covers all the Boss Battles, their teams, abilities and held items to help you strategise and prepare the perfect run. I'd highly recommend using this tracker to help route your encounters and build your team to give you the best shot at winning this game.

Rising Ruby Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Rising Ruby so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Rising Ruby has 80 different encounter locations with 581 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

26 Ghost Pokémon encounters

27 Ice Pokémon encounters

30 Dragon Pokémon encounters

31 Fighting Pokémon encounters

32 Steel Pokémon encounters

35 Fairy Pokémon encounters

35 Dark Pokémon encounters

38 Electric Pokémon encounters

39 Fire Pokémon encounters

44 Ground Pokémon encounters

49 Poison Pokémon encounters

49 Rock Pokémon encounters

55 Bug Pokémon encounters

56 Grass Pokémon encounters

65 Psychic Pokémon encounters

78 Flying Pokémon encounters

81 Normal Pokémon encounters

101 Water Pokémon encounters

26Ghost Pokémon

27Ice Pokémon

30Dragon Pokémon

31Fighting Pokémon

32Steel Pokémon

35Fairy Pokémon

35Dark Pokémon

38Electric Pokémon

39Fire Pokémon

44Ground Pokémon

49Poison Pokémon

49Rock Pokémon

55Bug Pokémon

56Grass Pokémon

65Psychic Pokémon

78Flying Pokémon

81Normal Pokémon

101Water Pokémon

Rising Ruby Boss Battles

In order to complete a Rising Ruby Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 27 Boss battles throughout the Hoenn region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Rival's Mudkip to Drake's Salamence.

8 Gym Leader fights

5 Elite Four fights

6 Rival fights

8 Evil Team fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Rival might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

  • Roxanne - Rustboro Gym

    Roxanne has a team of 6, made up of a level 14 archen, a level 14 omanyte, a level 14 tyrunt, a level 14 anorith, a level 14 lileep & a level 16 nosepass. The level cap for this fight is level 16.

  • Brawly - Dewford Gym

    Brawly has a team of 6, made up of a level 17 machop, a level 17 meditite, a level 17 pancham, a level 17 scraggy, a level 17 mienfoo & a level 19 hariyama. The level cap for this fight is level 19.

  • Wattson - Mauville Gym

    Wattson has a team of 6, made up of a level 26 electrode, a level 26 magneton, a level 26 flaaffy, a level 26 rotom, a level 26 luxio & a level 28 manectric. The level cap for this fight is level 28.

  • Flannery - Lavaridge Gym

    Flannery has a team of 6, made up of a level 36 ninetales, a level 36 houndoom, a level 36 delphox, a level 36 magcargo, a level 36 camerupt & a level 38 torkoal. The level cap for this fight is level 38.

  • Norman - Petalburg Gym

    Norman has a team of 6, made up of a level 40 ambipom, a level 40 exploud, a level 40 staraptor, a level 40 sawsbuck, a level 40 bouffalant & a level 42 slaking. The level cap for this fight is level 42.

  • Winona - Fortree Gym

    Winona has a team of 6, made up of a level 48 skarmory, a level 48 honchkrow, a level 48 sigilyph, a level 48 gyarados, a level 48 talonflame & a level 50 altaria. The level cap for this fight is level 50.

  • Tate & Liza - Mossdeep Gym

    Tate & Liza has a team of 6, made up of a level 60 solrock, a level 60 lunatone, a level 60 bronzong, a level 60 slowking, a level 62 gallade & a level 62 gardevoir. The level cap for this fight is level 62.

  • Wallace - Sootopolis Gym

    Wallace has a team of 6, made up of a level 65 politoed, a level 65 ludicolo, a level 65 kingdra, a level 65 starmie, a level 67 milotic & a level 67 swampert. The level cap for this fight is level 67.

Elite Four fights

  • Sidney - Pokémon League

    Sidney has a team of 6, made up of a level 70 weavile, a level 70 scrafty, a level 70 bisharp, a level 70 tyranitar, a level 70 greninja & a level 72 absol. The level cap for this fight is level 72.

  • Phoebe - Pokémon League

    Phoebe has a team of 6, made up of a level 71 mismagius, a level 71 gengar, a level 71 gourgeist, a level 71 chandelure, a level 71 dusknoir & a level 73 sableye. The level cap for this fight is level 73.

  • Glacia - Pokémon League

    Glacia has a team of 6, made up of a level 72 aurorus, a level 72 froslass, a level 72 jynx, a level 72 mamoswine, a level 72 walrein & a level 74 glalie. The level cap for this fight is level 74.

  • Drake - Pokémon League

    Drake has a team of 6, made up of a level 73 hydreigon, a level 73 flygon, a level 73 haxorus, a level 73 kingdra, a level 73 dragalge & a level 75 salamence. The level cap for this fight is level 75.

  • Steven - Pokémon Champion

    Steven has a team of 6, made up of a level 77 skarmory, a level 77 aggron, a level 77 claydol, a level 77 aerodactyl, a level 77 diancie & a level 79 metagross. The level cap for this fight is level 79.

Rival fights

  • Rival - Route 103

    Rival has a team of 1, made up of a level 5 mudkip. The level cap for this fight is level 5.

  • Rival - Route 110

    Rival has a team of 4, made up of a level 22 swellow, a level 22 shroomish, a level 22 ponyta & a level 24 marshtomp. The level cap for this fight is level 24.

  • Wally - Mauville City

    Wally has a team of 4, made up of a level 23 fletchinder, a level 23 gible, a level 23 marill & a level 25 kirlia. The level cap for this fight is level 25.

  • Rival - Route 119

    Rival has a team of 5, made up of a level 47 swellow, a level 47 raichu, a level 47 breloom, a level 47 rapidash & a level 49 swampert. The level cap for this fight is level 49.

  • Rival - Lilycove City

    Rival has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 swellow, a level 53 raichu, a level 53 sylveon, a level 53 breloom, a level 53 rapidash & a level 55 swampert. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Wally - Victory Road

    Wally has a team of 6, made up of a level 70 roserade, a level 70 talonflame, a level 70 azumarill, a level 70 magnezone, a level 70 garchomp & a level 72 gallade. The level cap for this fight is level 72.

Evil Team fights

  • Tabitha - Meteor Falls

    Tabitha has a team of 3, made up of a level 33 mightyena, a level 33 weezing & a level 35 darmanitan. The level cap for this fight is level 35.

  • Tabitha - Mt. Chimney

    Tabitha has a team of 4, made up of a level 33 mightyena, a level 33 weezing, a level 33 snorlax & a level 35 darmanitan. The level cap for this fight is level 35.

  • Maxie - Mt. Chimney

    Maxie has a team of 5, made up of a level 34 golbat, a level 34 houndoom, a level 34 pupitar, a level 34 lampent & a level 36 camerupt. The level cap for this fight is level 36.

  • Courtney - Southern Island

    Courtney has a team of 3, made up of a level 42 rapidash, a level 42 pyroar & a level 44 charizard. The level cap for this fight is level 44.

  • Tabitha - Weather Institute

    Tabitha has a team of 6, made up of a level 46 mightyena, a level 46 weezing, a level 46 snorlax, a level 46 gigalith, a level 46 camerupt & a level 48 darmanitan. The level cap for this fight is level 48.

  • Courtney - Mt. Pyre Summit

    Courtney has a team of 4, made up of a level 53 rapidash, a level 42 pyroar, a level 53 rhyperior & a level 55 charizard. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Courtney - Magma Hideout B1F

    Courtney has a team of 6, made up of a level 55 rapidash, a level 55 pyroar, a level 55 rhyperior, a level 55 camerupt, a level 55 nidoking & a level 57 charizard. The level cap for this fight is level 57.

  • Maxie - Seafloor Cavern

    Maxie has a team of 6, made up of a level 63 crobat, a level 63 houndoom, a level 63 claydol, a level 63 tyranitar, a level 63 chandelure & a level 65 camerupt. The level cap for this fight is level 65.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Rising Ruby Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?

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