Nuzlocke Tracker

Pokémon Shining Pearl Nuzlocke Guide

This guide contains useful information for a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke. Lists of all of the available Pokémon, the number of encounters, and detailed overviews of all Boss battles.

Shining Pearl Logo

Shining Pearl Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Shining Pearl so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Shining Pearl has 73 different encounter locations with 228 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

6 Ghost Pokémon encounters

6 Dragon Pokémon encounters

7 Steel Pokémon encounters

8 Fairy Pokémon encounters

9 Fighting Pokémon encounters

10 Dark Pokémon encounters

11 Ice Pokémon encounters

12 Electric Pokémon encounters

13 Fire Pokémon encounters

14 Rock Pokémon encounters

21 Psychic Pokémon encounters

22 Flying Pokémon encounters

23 Grass Pokémon encounters

23 Bug Pokémon encounters

25 Ground Pokémon encounters

27 Poison Pokémon encounters

35 Normal Pokémon encounters

55 Water Pokémon encounters

6Ghost Pokémon

6Dragon Pokémon

7Steel Pokémon

8Fairy Pokémon

9Fighting Pokémon

10Dark Pokémon

11Ice Pokémon

12Electric Pokémon

13Fire Pokémon

14Rock Pokémon

21Psychic Pokémon

22Flying Pokémon

23Grass Pokémon

23Bug Pokémon

25Ground Pokémon

27Poison Pokémon

35Normal Pokémon

55Water Pokémon

Shining Pearl Boss Battles

In order to complete a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 26 Boss battles throughout the Sinnoh region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Barry's Starly to Lucian's Bronzong.

8 Gym Leader fights

5 Elite Four fights

5 Rival fights

8 Evil Team fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Barry might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

  • Roark - Oreburgh Gym

    Roark has a team of 3, made up of a level 12 geodude, a level 12 onix & a level 14 cranidos. The level cap for this fight is level 14.

  • Gardenia - Eterna Gym

    Gardenia has a team of 3, made up of a level 19 cherubi, a level 19 turtwig & a level 22 roserade. The level cap for this fight is level 22.

  • Maylene - Veilstone Gym

    Maylene has a team of 3, made up of a level 27 meditite, a level 27 machoke & a level 30 lucario. The level cap for this fight is level 30.

  • Crasher Wake - Pastoria Gym

    Crasher Wake has a team of 3, made up of a level 27 gyarados, a level 27 quagsire & a level 30 floatzel. The level cap for this fight is level 30.

  • Fantina - Hearthome Gym

    Fantina has a team of 3, made up of a level 32 drifblim, a level 34 gengar & a level 36 mismagius. The level cap for this fight is level 36.

  • Byron - Canalave Gym

    Byron has a team of 3, made up of a level 36 bronzor, a level 36 steelix & a level 39 bastiodon. The level cap for this fight is level 39.

  • Candice - Snowpoint Gym

    Candice has a team of 4, made up of a level 38 snover, a level 38 sneasel, a level 40 medicham & a level 42 abomasnow. The level cap for this fight is level 42.

  • Volkner - Sunyshore Gym

    Volkner has a team of 4, made up of a level 46 raichu, a level 47 ambipom, a level 47 octillery & a level 49 luxray. The level cap for this fight is level 49.

Elite Four fights

  • Aaron - Elite Four

    Aaron has a team of 5, made up of a level 53 dustox, a level 53 beautifly, a level 54 vespiquen, a level 54 heracross & a level 57 drapion. The level cap for this fight is level 57.

  • Bertha - Elite Four

    Bertha has a team of 5, made up of a level 55 quagsire, a level 56 sudowoodo, a level 55 whiscash, a level 56 golem & a level 59 hippowdon. The level cap for this fight is level 59.

  • Flint - Elite Four

    Flint has a team of 5, made up of a level 58 rapidash, a level 57 steelix, a level 58 drifblim, a level 57 lopunny & a level 61 infernape. The level cap for this fight is level 61.

  • Lucian - Elite Four

    Lucian has a team of 5, made up of a level 59 mr-mime, a level 59 girafarig, a level 60 medicham, a level 60 alakazam & a level 63 bronzong. The level cap for this fight is level 63.

  • Cynthia - Champion

    Cynthia has a team of 6, made up of a level 61 spiritomb, a level 60 roserade, a level 63 lucario, a level 60 gastrodon, a level 63 milotic & a level 66 garchomp. The level cap for this fight is level 66.

Rival fights

  • Barry - Route 203

    Barry has a team of 2, made up of a level 7 starly & a level 9 piplup. The level cap for this fight is level 9.

  • Barry - Hearthome City

    Barry has a team of 4, made up of a level 19 starly, a level 20 roselia, a level 20 ponyta & a level 21 prinplup. The level cap for this fight is level 21.

  • Barry - Pastoria City

    Barry has a team of 4, made up of a level 26 starly, a level 27 roselia, a level 27 ponyta & a level 31 prinplup. The level cap for this fight is level 31.

  • Barry - Canalave City

    Barry has a team of 5, made up of a level 32 staravia, a level 32 heracross, a level 34 roselia, a level 34 ponyta & a level 37 prinplup. The level cap for this fight is level 37.

  • Barry - Victory Road

    Barry has a team of 6, made up of a level 49 staraptor, a level 51 heracross, a level 52 snorlax, a level 49 roserade, a level 49 rapidash & a level 55 empoleon. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

Evil Team fights

  • Mars - Valley Windoworks

    Mars has a team of 2, made up of a level 14 zubat & a level 16 purugly. The level cap for this fight is level 16.

  • Jupiter - Eterna Building

    Jupiter has a team of 2, made up of a level 18 zubat & a level 20 skuntank. The level cap for this fight is level 20.

  • Saturn - Valor Cavern

    Saturn has a team of 3, made up of a level 35 kadabra, a level 35 bronzor & a level 37 toxicroak. The level cap for this fight is level 37.

  • Mars - Lake Verity

    Mars has a team of 3, made up of a level 37 golbat, a level 37 bronzor & a level 39 purugly. The level cap for this fight is level 39.

  • Cyrus - Galactic HQ

    Cyrus has a team of 3, made up of a level 40 murkrow, a level 40 golbat & a level 43 sneasel. The level cap for this fight is level 43.

  • Saturn - Galactic HQ

    Saturn has a team of 3, made up of a level 38 kadabra, a level 38 bronzor & a level 40 toxicroak. The level cap for this fight is level 40.

  • Mars & Jupiter - Spear Pillar

    Mars & Jupiter has a team of 6, made up of a level 41 bronzor, a level 41 bronzor, a level 45 purugly, a level 46 skuntank, a level 42 golbat & a level 41 golbat. The level cap for this fight is level 46.

  • Cyrus - Spear Pillar

    Cyrus has a team of 4, made up of a level 45 honchkrow, a level 45 gyarados, a level 46 crobat & a level 48 weavile. The level cap for this fight is level 48.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Shining Pearl Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?

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