Nuzlocke Tracker

Pokémon Sacred Gold Nuzlocke Guide

This guide contains useful information for a Sacred Gold Nuzlocke. Lists of all of the available Pokémon, the number of encounters, and detailed overviews of all Boss battles.

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Sacred Gold Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Sacred Gold so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Sacred Gold has 96 different encounter locations with 377 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

1 Bug/water Pokémon encounters

10 Dragon Pokémon encounters

12 Steel Pokémon encounters

13 Ice Pokémon encounters

15 Fighting Pokémon encounters

15 Ghost Pokémon encounters

17 Fairy Pokémon encounters

19 Fire Pokémon encounters

21 Rock Pokémon encounters

23 Dark Pokémon encounters

26 Electric Pokémon encounters

34 Psychic Pokémon encounters

38 Grass Pokémon encounters

38 Bug Pokémon encounters

42 Ground Pokémon encounters

46 Poison Pokémon encounters

49 Flying Pokémon encounters

64 Normal Pokémon encounters

71 Water Pokémon encounters

1Bug/water Pokémon

10Dragon Pokémon

12Steel Pokémon

13Ice Pokémon

15Fighting Pokémon

15Ghost Pokémon

17Fairy Pokémon

19Fire Pokémon

21Rock Pokémon

23Dark Pokémon

26Electric Pokémon

34Psychic Pokémon

38Grass Pokémon

38Bug Pokémon

42Ground Pokémon

46Poison Pokémon

49Flying Pokémon

64Normal Pokémon

71Water Pokémon

Sacred Gold Boss Battles

In order to complete a Sacred Gold Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 43 Boss battles throughout the Johto region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Silver's Murkrow to Karen's Houndoom.

16 Gym Leader fights

5 Elite Four fights

8 Rival fights

11 Evil Team fights

3 Mini Boss fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Silver might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

  • Falkner - Violet City Gym

    Falkner has a team of 6, made up of a level 12 doduo, a level 12 farfetchd, a level 12 chatot, a level 14 murkrow, a level 14 swablu & a level 15 pidgeotto. The level cap for this fight is level 15.

  • Bugsy - Azalea Town Gym

    Bugsy has a team of 6, made up of a level 18 butterfree, a level 18 yanma, a level 18 beedrill, a level 19 heracross, a level 19 pinsir & a level 21 scyther. The level cap for this fight is level 21.

  • Whitney - Goldenrod City Gym

    Whitney has a team of 6, made up of a level 21 lickitung, a level 21 lopunny, a level 21 stantler, a level 22 wigglytuff, a level 22 clefable & a level 24 miltank. The level cap for this fight is level 24.

  • Morty - Ecruteak City Gym

    Morty has a team of 6, made up of a level 27 duskull, a level 27 shuppet, a level 28 haunter, a level 28 misdreavus, a level 28 sableye & a level 29 gengar. The level cap for this fight is level 29.

  • Chuck - Cianwood City Gym

    Chuck has a team of 6, made up of a level 34 primeape, a level 33 breloom, a level 33 hariyama, a level 34 hitmonlee, a level 34 hitmonchan & a level 35 poliwrath. The level cap for this fight is level 35.

  • Jasmine - Olivine City Gym

    Jasmine has a team of 6, made up of a level 37 metang, a level 38 forretress, a level 38 bronzong, a level 39 magneton, a level 39 skarmory & a level 40 steelix. The level cap for this fight is level 40.

  • Pryce - Mahogany Town Gym

    Pryce has a team of 6, made up of a level 42 abomasnow, a level 42 froslass, a level 42 glalie, a level 43 dewgong, a level 43 lapras & a level 43 mamoswine. The level cap for this fight is level 43.

  • Clair - Blackthorn City Gym

    Clair has a team of 6, made up of a level 48 dragonair, a level 48 dragonair, a level 48 gyarados, a level 48 altaria, a level 50 salamence & a level 50 kingdra. The level cap for this fight is level 50.

  • Lt. Surge - Vermillion City Gym

    Lt. Surge has a team of 6, made up of a level 61 magnezone, a level 59 ampharos, a level 60 jolteon, a level 61 electrode, a level 61 electivire & a level 63 raichu. The level cap for this fight is level 63.

  • Sabrina - Saffron City Gym

    Sabrina has a team of 6, made up of a level 63 gallade, a level 61 hypno, a level 62 medicham, a level 63 mr-mime, a level 63 wobbuffet & a level 66 alakazam. The level cap for this fight is level 66.

  • Erika - Celadon City Gym

    Erika has a team of 6, made up of a level 62 jumpluff, a level 60 meganium, a level 60 leafeon, a level 63 victreebel, a level 63 bellossom & a level 65 tangrowth. The level cap for this fight is level 65.

  • Janine - Fuschia City Gym

    Janine has a team of 6, made up of a level 58 ariados, a level 58 toxicroak, a level 58 drapion, a level 60 weezing, a level 60 qwilfish & a level 64 venomoth. The level cap for this fight is level 64.

  • Misty - Cerulean City Gym

    Misty has a team of 6, made up of a level 60 politoed, a level 59 lapras, a level 59 lanturn, a level 59 vaporeon, a level 60 golduck & a level 62 starmie. The level cap for this fight is level 62.

  • Brock - Pewter City Gym

    Brock has a team of 6, made up of a level 58 omastar, a level 57 relicanth, a level 58 kabutops, a level 59 golem, a level 59 sudowoodo & a level 61 onix. The level cap for this fight is level 61.

  • Blaine - Cinnabar Island Gym

    Blaine has a team of 6, made up of a level 66 rapidash, a level 65 ninetales, a level 65 camerupt, a level 66 magcargo, a level 66 arcanine & a level 68 magmortar. The level cap for this fight is level 68.

  • Blue - Viridian City Gym

    Blue has a team of 6, made up of a level 68 nidoqueen, a level 66 gyarados, a level 66 exeggutor, a level 68 rhyperior, a level 68 machamp & a level 70 tyranitar. The level cap for this fight is level 70.

Elite Four fights

  • Will - Elite Four

    Will has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 jynx, a level 52 lunatone, a level 52 solrock, a level 54 slowbro, a level 55 gardevoir & a level 55 xatu. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Koga - Elite Four

    Koga has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 venomoth, a level 52 weezing, a level 52 toxicroak, a level 54 tentacruel, a level 55 muk & a level 55 crobat. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Bruno - Elite Four

    Bruno has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 hitmontop, a level 52 hitmonlee, a level 52 hitmonchan, a level 54 lucario, a level 55 hariyama & a level 55 machamp. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Karen - Elite Four

    Karen has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 mightyena, a level 52 spiritomb, a level 52 absol, a level 54 umbreon, a level 55 honchkrow & a level 55 houndoom. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Lance - Champion Fight

    Lance has a team of 6, made up of a level 56 gyarados, a level 54 garchomp, a level 54 aerodactyl, a level 56 dragonite, a level 57 charizard & a level 60 dragonite. The level cap for this fight is level 60.

Rival fights

  • Silver - Azalea Town

    Silver has a team of 4, made up of a level 19 murkrow, a level 18 gastly, a level 19 kadabra & a level 21 croconaw. The level cap for this fight is level 21.

  • Ethan - Goldenrod Tunnel

    Ethan has a team of 4, made up of a level 21 nidorino, a level 21 marill, a level 21 tangela & a level 23 arcanine. The level cap for this fight is level 23.

  • Lyra - Goldenrod Tunnel

    Lyra has a team of 4, made up of a level 21 nidorina, a level 21 marill, a level 21 roselia & a level 23 ninetales. The level cap for this fight is level 23.

  • Silver - Burned Tower

    Silver has a team of 5, made up of a level 25 murkrow, a level 26 kadabra, a level 25 haunter, a level 24 elekid & a level 27 croconaw. The level cap for this fight is level 27.

  • Silver - Goldenrod Underground

    Silver has a team of 6, made up of a level 45 honchkrow, a level 44 magmar, a level 44 electabuzz, a level 45 gengar, a level 45 alakazam & a level 46 feraligatr. The level cap for this fight is level 46.

  • Silver - Victory Road

    Silver has a team of 6, made up of a level 50 honchkrow, a level 49 gengar, a level 50 alakazam, a level 51 magmortar, a level 51 electivire & a level 53 feraligatr. The level cap for this fight is level 53.

  • Silver - Mt. Moon Rival

    Silver has a team of 6, made up of a level 57 honchkrow, a level 56 gengar, a level 56 alakazam, a level 58 magmortar, a level 58 electivire & a level 60 feraligatr. The level cap for this fight is level 60.

  • Red - Champion

    Red has a team of 6, made up of a level 94 pikachu, a level 88 espeon, a level 88 snorlax, a level 90 venusaur, a level 90 charizard & a level 90 blastoise. The level cap for this fight is level 94.

Evil Team fights

  • Executive Proton - Slowpoke Well

    Executive Proton has a team of 4, made up of a level 17 voltorb, a level 17 cacnea, a level 17 zubat & a level 18 koffing. The level cap for this fight is level 18.

  • Executive Ariana - Route 47

    Executive Ariana has a team of 4, made up of a level 37 arbok, a level 37 jynx, a level 37 vileplume & a level 38 honchkrow. The level cap for this fight is level 38.

  • Executive Petrel - Cliff Cave

    Executive Petrel has a team of 4, made up of a level 36 raticate, a level 36 skuntank, a level 36 golbat & a level 37 weezing. The level cap for this fight is level 37.

  • Executive Archer - Safari Zone Gate

    Executive Archer has a team of 3, made up of a level 38 zangoose, a level 38 gyarados & a level 39 houndoom. The level cap for this fight is level 39.

  • Executive Ariana - Rocket Hideout

    Executive Ariana has a team of 3, made up of a level 42 arbok, a level 42 vileplume & a level 43 honchkrow. The level cap for this fight is level 43.

  • Executive Petrel - Rocket Hideout

    Executive Petrel has a team of 5, made up of a level 41 skuntank, a level 41 raticate, a level 41 toxicroak, a level 41 crobat & a level 43 weezing. The level cap for this fight is level 43.

  • Executive Petrel - Goldenrod Radio Tower

    Executive Petrel has a team of 6, made up of a level 44 raticate, a level 44 skuntank, a level 44 tangrowth, a level 44 toxicroak, a level 44 hypno & a level 45 weezing. The level cap for this fight is level 45.

  • Executive Proton - Goldenrod Radio Tower

    Executive Proton has a team of 6, made up of a level 45 electrode, a level 45 weezing, a level 45 cacturne, a level 45 tauros, a level 45 camerupt & a level 46 crobat. The level cap for this fight is level 46.

  • Executive Ariana - Goldenrod Radio Tower

    Executive Ariana has a team of 6, made up of a level 45 jynx, a level 45 arbok, a level 45 purugly, a level 45 vileplume, a level 45 milotic & a level 47 honchkrow. The level cap for this fight is level 47.

  • Executive Archer - Goldenrod Radio Tower

    Executive Archer has a team of 6, made up of a level 46 zangoose, a level 46 drapion, a level 46 scizor, a level 46 machamp, a level 46 gyarados & a level 48 houndoom. The level cap for this fight is level 48.

  • Rocket Boss Giovanni - Goldenrod Radio Tower

    Rocket Boss Giovanni has a team of 6, made up of a level 48 persian, a level 48 kangaskhan, a level 48 tauros, a level 49 nidoqueen, a level 50 nidoking & a level 50 rhyperior. The level cap for this fight is level 50.

Mini Boss fights

  • Elder Li - Sprout Tower

    Elder Li has a team of 4, made up of a level 12 bellsprout, a level 12 cherubi, a level 12 chingling & a level 14 hoothoot. The level cap for this fight is level 14.

  • Eusine - Suicune Encounter

    Eusine has a team of 4, made up of a level 34 hypno, a level 34 rotom, a level 34 electrode & a level 34 jumpluff. The level cap for this fight is level 34.

  • Kimono Girls - Ecruteak City Dance Hall

    Kimono Girls has a team of 7, made up of a level 50 umbreon, a level 50 espeon, a level 50 leafeon, a level 50 glaceon, a level 50 flareon, a level 50 jolteon & a level 50 vaporeon. The level cap for this fight is level 50.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Sacred Gold Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?

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