Sacred Gold Encounters
A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Sacred Gold so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!
Pokémon Sacred Gold has 96 different encounter locations with 377 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!
1 Bug/water Pokémon encounters
- Masquerain - Route 31, Route 24, Route 25 and Cerulean City
10 Dragon Pokémon encounters
- Kingdra - Whirl Islands
- Dratini - Ruins of Alph, Blackthorn City, Dragon’s Den, Route 45, Route 24, Route 25 and Cerulean City
- Dragonair - Ruins of Alph, Dragon’s Den, Route 24, Route 25 and Cerulean City
- Vibrava - Route 42, Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Flygon - Mt. Silver
- Altaria - Bell Tower, Route 47, Route 43 and Route 44
- Bagon - Union Cave and Mt. Silver
- Shelgon - Mt. Silver
- Gible - Union Cave
- Gabite - Victory Road and Mt. Silver
12 Steel Pokémon encounters
- Magnemite - Route 32, Route 38 and Rock Tunnel
- Magneton - Route 32, Route 26, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Magnezone - Mt. Silver
- Steelix - Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Skarmory - Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Mawile - Union Cave, Victory Road and Mt. Silver
- Aron - Union Cave
- Lairon - Mt. Mortar, Victory Road, Route 25, Rock Tunnel and Mt. Silver
- Aggron - Victory Road and Rock Tunnel
- Metang - Mt. Mortar and Victory Road
- Bronzor - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well and Bell Tower
- Bronzong - Slowpoke Well, Bell Tower, Tohjo Falls, Victory Road, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
13 Ice Pokémon encounters
- Dewgong - Whirl Islands and Tohjo Falls
- Lapras - Union Cave
- Sneasel - Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Weavile - Mt. Silver
- Swinub - Slowpoke Well
- Piloswine - Slowpoke Well and Mt. Silver
- Mamoswine - Mt. Silver
- Snorunt - Slowpoke Well
- Glalie - Slowpoke Well
- Spheal - Whirl Islands and Route 47
- Sealeo - Whirl Islands
- Snover - Route 44 and Mt. Silver
- Abomasnow - Mt. Silver
15 Fighting Pokémon encounters
- Mankey - Route 38, Route 39 and Rock Tunnel
- Primeape - Route 39, Route 9, Rock Tunnel, Route 3 and Route 22
- Poliwrath - Ilex Forest
- Machop - Union Cave and Route 5
- Machoke - Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Mt. Mortar, Victory Road, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Machamp - Mt. Silver
- Tyrogue - Route 42
- Heracross - National Park and Viridian Forest
- Makuhita - Dark Cave, Union Cave and Rock Tunnel
- Hariyama - Mt. Mortar, Victory Road and Rock Tunnel
- Meditite - Sprout Tower, Mt. Mortar and Route 5
- Medicham - Mt. Mortar, Victory Road, Route 5 and Mt. Silver
- Riolu - Mt. Mortar and Mahogany Town
- Croagunk - Route 33
- Toxicroak - Route 33
15 Ghost Pokémon encounters
- Gastly - Sprout Tower, Slowpoke Well and Bell Tower
- Haunter - Slowpoke Well, Bell Tower, Route 8 and Cerulean Cave
- Gengar - Bell Tower
- Misdreavus - Ilex Forest, Cliff Cave, Route 17, Viridian Forest and Mt. Silver
- Mismagius - Route 17
- Sableye - Union Cave, Victory Road and Mt. Silver
- Shuppet - Burned Tower, Bell Tower and Route 8
- Banette - Bell Tower, Route 8 and Cerulean Cave
- Duskull - Burned Tower, Bell Tower and Route 8
- Dusclops - Bell Tower, Route 17, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Dusknoir - Cerulean Cave
- Drifloon - Sprout Tower and Route 32
- Drifblim - Route 17
- Spiritomb - Azalea Town
- Rotom - New Bark Town
17 Fairy Pokémon encounters
- Cleffa - Mt. Mortar
- Clefairy - Route 46, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Moon and Cerulean Cave
- Clefable - Mt. Mortar and Mt. Moon
- Igglybuff - Route 46
- Jigglypuff - Route 46, Route 7, Route 5, Route 4 and Route 3
- Wigglytuff - Route 4, Route 3 and Cerulean Cave
- Mime Jr. - Route 34, Route 36, Route 14 and Route 13
- Mr. Mime - Route 21
- Togepi - Ruins of Alph
- Azurill - Mt. Mortar and Tohjo Falls
- Marill - Cherrygrove City, Route 31, Mt. Mortar and Pallet Town
- Azumarill - Cherrygrove City, Mt. Mortar and Tohjo Falls
- Snubbull - Route 34
- Granbull - Route 26
- Ralts - Route 30 and Route 34
- Kirlia - Route 34, Route 43 and Route 24
- Mawile - Union Cave, Victory Road and Mt. Silver
19 Fire Pokémon encounters
- Charmander - Violet City
- Vulpix - Route 36, Route 37, Route 7, Route 8 and Route 3
- Ninetales - Route 37
- Growlithe - Route 36, Route 37, Route 7, Route 8 and Route 3
- Arcanine - Route 37 and Route 8
- Ponyta - Route 39, Route 27, Route 1 and Route 28
- Rapidash - Route 39, Route 27, Route 26, Route 1, Route 22, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Magby - Burned Tower
- Magmar - Burned Tower, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Cyndaquil - Starter
- Slugma - Dark Cave
- Magcargo - Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 and Cerulean Cave
- Houndour - Route 46, Route 48, Route 27 and Route 7
- Houndoom - Route 26 and Route 7
- Torchic - Azalea Town
- Numel - Route 46
- Camerupt - Route 45
- Torkoal - Route 45
- Chimchar - Goldenrod City
21 Rock Pokémon encounters
- Geodude - Route 46, Dark Cave, Ruins of Alph and Union Cave
- Graveler - Route 46, Dark Cave, Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Mt. Mortar, Route 45, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Golem - Dark Cave, Mt. Mortar, Route 45, Victory Road and Mt. Moon
- Onix - Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Rock Tunnel and Mt. Silver
- Rhyhorn - Route 33, Mt. Mortar, Route 45 and Cerulean Cave
- Rhydon - Mt. Mortar, Route 45, Victory Road, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Rhyperior - Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Bonsly - Route 34, Route 36, Route 14 and Route 13
- Shuckle - Cianwood City and Vermillion City
- Magcargo - Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 and Cerulean Cave
- Corsola - Route 40 and Route 41
- Larvitar - Dark Cave and Mt. Silver
- Pupitar - Mt. Mortar and Mt. Silver
- Nosepass - Dark Cave, Ruins of Alph, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel and Cerulean Cave
- Aron - Union Cave
- Lairon - Mt. Mortar, Victory Road, Route 25, Rock Tunnel and Mt. Silver
- Aggron - Victory Road and Rock Tunnel
- Lunatone - Bell Tower, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Solrock - Bell Tower, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Glalie - Slowpoke Well
- Relicanth - Ruins of Alph, Route 12 and Cinnabar Island
23 Dark Pokémon encounters
- Murkrow - Ilex Forest, Route 18 and Viridian Forest
- Honchkrow - Route 18
- Sneasel - Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Weavile - Mt. Silver
- Houndour - Route 46, Route 48, Route 27 and Route 7
- Houndoom - Route 26 and Route 7
- Poochyena - Route 29 and National Park
- Mightyena - Route 37, Route 5 and Route 24
- Nuzleaf - Route 30, Route 44, Viridian Forest and Route 22
- Shiftry - Viridian Forest
- Sableye - Union Cave, Victory Road and Mt. Silver
- Carvanha - Cianwood City and Route 42
- Sharpedo - Cianwood City and Route 42
- Cacturne - Route 42
- Crawdaunt - Cherrygrove City and Mt. Silver
- Absol - Route 48, Rock Tunnel and Mt. Silver
- Luxio - Route 38, Route 10, Route 11 and Route 1
- Luxray - Route 10 and Route 11
- Stunky - Sprout Tower and Route 35
- Skuntank - Route 35 and Route 4
- Spiritomb - Azalea Town
- Drapion - Route 33 and Route 16
- Carnivine - Ilex Forest and Viridian Forest
26 Electric Pokémon encounters
- Pichu - Ilex Forest and Route 10
- Pikachu - Ilex Forest and Route 10
- Raichu - Viridian Forest and Cerulean Cave
- Magnemite - Route 32, Route 38 and Rock Tunnel
- Magneton - Route 32, Route 26, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Magnezone - Mt. Silver
- Voltorb - Route 38 and Route 39
- Electrode - Route 10 and Cerulean Cave
- Elekid - Route 38, Route 39 and Route 10
- Electabuzz - Route 38, Route 10 and Cerulean Cave
- Chinchou - New Bark Town, Violet City, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 41, Route 47, Vermillion City, Route 10, Route 21 and Cinnabar Island
- Lanturn - New Bark Town, Violet City, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 41, Route 47, Route 26, Vermillion City, Route 10, Route 21, Cinnabar Island and Cerulean Cave
- Mareep - Route 32
- Flaaffy - Route 32, Route 42, Route 9 and Route 10
- Ampharos - Route 10
- Electrike - Route 34
- Manectric - Route 34, Route 43, Route 10, Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Plusle - Route 29, Route 36 and Route 11
- Minun - Route 29, Route 36 and Route 11
- Volbeat - Route 35
- Illumise - Route 35
- Shinx - Route 46, Route 31 and Route 1
- Luxio - Route 38, Route 10, Route 11 and Route 1
- Luxray - Route 10 and Route 11
- Pachirisu - Route 32 and Route 2
- Rotom - New Bark Town
34 Psychic Pokémon encounters
- Venomoth - Ilex Forest, Route 47, Route 43, Route 44, Victory Road, Route 15, Route 14, Route 25 and Cerulean Cave
- Abra - Route 31 and Route 34
- Kadabra - Route 34, Victory Road, Route 6, Route 7, Route 8, Route 5 and Cerulean Cave
- Alakazam - Victory Road, Route 8 and Cerulean Cave
- Slowpoke - Route 31, Slowpoke Well, Route 43, Tohjo Falls, Route 13 and Route 12
- Slowbro - Route 31, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Route 13, Route 12 and Cerulean Cave
- Drowzee - Route 34
- Hypno - Route 34, Route 11 and Cerulean Cave
- Exeggcute - Route 31, Ilex Forest, Route 43 and Route 25
- Starmie - Route 34
- Mime Jr. - Route 34, Route 36, Route 14 and Route 13
- Mr. Mime - Route 21
- Mewtwo - Cerulean City
- Mew - Viridian Forest
- Natu - Route 31, Ruins of Alph and Bell Tower
- Xatu - Ruins of Alph, Bell Tower and Route 8
- Wynaut - Dark Cave and Slowpoke Well
- Wobbuffet - Dark Cave, Slowpoke Well and Cerulean Cave
- Girafarig - Ruins of Alph, Route 48 and Route 43
- Ralts - Route 30 and Route 34
- Kirlia - Route 34, Route 43 and Route 24
- Meditite - Sprout Tower, Mt. Mortar and Route 5
- Medicham - Mt. Mortar, Victory Road, Route 5 and Mt. Silver
- Spoink - Route 46
- Grumpig - Route 45 and Route 27
- Lunatone - Bell Tower, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Solrock - Bell Tower, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Baltoy - Cliff Cave
- Claydol - Bell Tower and Cliff Cave
- Chingling - Dark Cave and Tohjo Falls
- Chimecho - Burned Tower, Victory Road, Mt. Moon and Cerulean Cave
- Metang - Mt. Mortar and Victory Road
- Bronzor - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well and Bell Tower
- Bronzong - Slowpoke Well, Bell Tower, Tohjo Falls, Victory Road, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
38 Grass Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Violet City
- Oddish - Ilex Forest
- Gloom - Ilex Forest, Route 47, Route 48, Route 6, Route 7, Route 24, Viridian Forest and Cerulean Cave
- Vileplume - Viridian Forest
- Bellossom - Route 47 and Route 7
- Paras - Ilex Forest and Mt. Silver
- Parasect - Mt. Moon, Viridian Forest, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Bellsprout - Route 31, Sprout Tower and Route 32
- Weepinbell - Route 47, Route 48, Route 6, Route 7, Route 5, Route 24, Route 25, Viridian Forest and Cerulean Cave
- Victreebel - Route 47
- Exeggcute - Route 31, Ilex Forest, Route 43 and Route 25
- Tangela - Route 48, Route 44, Route 11, Route 21, Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Tangrowth - Route 48, Route 44, Route 21, Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Chikorita - Starter
- Hoppip - Route 29, Route 32, Route 33, Route 24, Route 25 and Cerulean City
- Skiploom - Route 44, Route 27, Route 26, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13, Route 24, Route 25, Cerulean City and Route 1
- Jumpluff - Route 27, Route 26, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13 and Route 24
- Sunkern - National Park, Route 25 and Route 2
- Sunflora - Route 25
- Treecko - Azalea Town
- Lotad - Route 30 and Route 44
- Lombre - Route 30, Route 33, Route 44 and Route 22
- Seedot - Route 30
- Nuzleaf - Route 30, Route 44, Viridian Forest and Route 22
- Shiftry - Viridian Forest
- Shroomish - Ilex Forest
- Budew - Route 31, Ilex Forest and Route 2
- Roselia - Ilex Forest and Route 24
- Cacnea - Route 42
- Cacturne - Route 42
- Tropius - Route 48 and Viridian Forest
- Turtwig - Goldenrod City
- Wormadam - Viridian Forest
- Cherubi - Route 38 and Route 39
- Cherrim - Route 44, Route 6 and Route 2
- Carnivine - Ilex Forest and Viridian Forest
- Snover - Route 44 and Mt. Silver
- Abomasnow - Mt. Silver
38 Bug Pokémon encounters
- Caterpie - Route 30
- Metapod - Route 30, Route 31 and National Park
- Butterfree - Route 31, Ilex Forest, National Park, Route 44 and Route 2
- Weedle - Route 30
- Kakuna - Route 30, Route 31 and National Park
- Beedrill - Route 31, Ilex Forest, National Park, Route 44 and Route 2
- Paras - Ilex Forest and Mt. Silver
- Parasect - Mt. Moon, Viridian Forest, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Venonat - Ilex Forest and Route 25
- Venomoth - Ilex Forest, Route 47, Route 43, Route 44, Victory Road, Route 15, Route 14, Route 25 and Cerulean Cave
- Scyther - National Park and Viridian Forest
- Pinsir - National Park and Viridian Forest
- Ledyba - Route 30, Route 31 and Ilex Forest
- Ledian - Route 37, Viridian Forest and Route 2
- Spinarak - Route 30, Route 31 and Ilex Forest
- Ariados - Route 37, Viridian Forest and Route 2
- Yanma - Route 35, Route 47 and Route 2
- Pineco - Ilex Forest
- Shuckle - Cianwood City and Vermillion City
- Heracross - National Park and Viridian Forest
- Wurmple - Route 29, Route 31 and Ilex Forest
- Silcoon - Route 31
- Beautifly - Route 31, Ilex Forest and Route 44
- Cascoon - Route 31
- Dustox - Route 31, Ilex Forest and Route 44
- Surskit - Route 30, Route 31 and Route 24
- Nincada - Route 32 and National Park
- Ninjask - Route 16 and Route 18
- Volbeat - Route 35
- Illumise - Route 35
- Kricketot - Route 30
- Kricketune - National Park
- Burmy - National Park
- Wormadam - Viridian Forest
- Mothim - Viridian Forest
- Combee - National Park, Route 36, Route 44 and Route 25
- Vespiquen - Route 36 and Route 44
- Skorupi - Route 33 and Route 16
42 Ground Pokémon encounters
- Sandshrew - Dark Cave and Union Cave
- Sandslash - Union Cave, Route 42, Route 27, Route 26, Route 4, Mt. Moon and Cerulean Cave
- Nidoqueen - Route 9
- Nidoking - Route 9
- Diglett - Route 48 and Diglett’s Cave
- Dugtrio - Route 48 and Diglett’s Cave
- Geodude - Route 46, Dark Cave, Ruins of Alph and Union Cave
- Graveler - Route 46, Dark Cave, Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Mt. Mortar, Route 45, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Golem - Dark Cave, Mt. Mortar, Route 45, Victory Road and Mt. Moon
- Onix - Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Rock Tunnel and Mt. Silver
- Steelix - Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Cubone - Union Cave, Burned Tower and Rock Tunnel
- Marowak - Burned Tower, Victory Road, Route 9, Rock Tunnel and Cerulean Cave
- Rhyhorn - Route 33, Mt. Mortar, Route 45 and Cerulean Cave
- Rhydon - Mt. Mortar, Route 45, Victory Road, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Rhyperior - Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Wooper - Dark Cave, Route 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Route 27 and Mt. Moon
- Quagsire - Dark Cave, Route 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Route 27, Tohjo Falls, Route 26, Route 13, Mt. Moon, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Gligar - Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Gliscor - Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Swinub - Slowpoke Well
- Piloswine - Slowpoke Well and Mt. Silver
- Mamoswine - Mt. Silver
- Phanpy - Route 46 and Mt. Silver
- Donphan - Route 45, Victory Road, Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Larvitar - Dark Cave and Mt. Silver
- Pupitar - Mt. Mortar and Mt. Silver
- Nincada - Route 32 and National Park
- Numel - Route 46
- Camerupt - Route 45
- Trapinch - Cliff Cave and Route 42
- Vibrava - Route 42, Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Flygon - Mt. Silver
- Barboach - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar and Cerulean Cave
- Whiscash - Dark Cave, Violet City, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar and Cerulean Cave
- Baltoy - Cliff Cave
- Claydol - Bell Tower and Cliff Cave
- Gastrodon - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well and Route 21
- Gible - Union Cave
- Gabite - Victory Road and Mt. Silver
- Hippopotas - Cliff Cave, Route 42 and Diglett’s Cave
- Hippowdon - Cliff Cave, Route 6 and Diglett’s Cave
46 Poison Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Violet City
- Weedle - Route 30
- Kakuna - Route 30, Route 31 and National Park
- Beedrill - Route 31, Ilex Forest, National Park, Route 44 and Route 2
- Ekans - Route 32 and Route 33
- Arbok - Route 42, Route 27, Route 26, Route 9, Route 4, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Nidoran♀ - Route 35
- Nidorina - Route 36, Route 37, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13, Route 9 and Route 3
- Nidoqueen - Route 9
- Nidoran♂ - Route 35
- Nidorino - Route 36, Route 37, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13, Route 9 and Route 3
- Nidoking - Route 9
- Zubat - Dark Cave, Union Cave and Slowpoke Well
- Golbat - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Bell Tower, Whirl Islands, Cliff Cave, Route 42, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Crobat - Tohjo Falls, Victory Road and Mt. Moon
- Oddish - Ilex Forest
- Gloom - Ilex Forest, Route 47, Route 48, Route 6, Route 7, Route 24, Viridian Forest and Cerulean Cave
- Vileplume - Viridian Forest
- Venonat - Ilex Forest and Route 25
- Bellsprout - Route 31, Sprout Tower and Route 32
- Weepinbell - Route 47, Route 48, Route 6, Route 7, Route 5, Route 24, Route 25, Viridian Forest and Cerulean Cave
- Victreebel - Route 47
- Tentacool - New Bark Town, Route 31, Route 32, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41, Cianwood City, Route 47, Vermillion City, Pallet Town, Route 21, Cinnabar Island, Route 20 and Route 19
- Tentacruel - New Bark Town, Route 31, Route 32, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41, Cianwood City, Route 47, Route 26, Vermillion City, Route 21, Cinnabar Island, Route 20 and Cerulean Cave
- Grimer - Burned Tower, Celadon City, Route 16, Route 17 and Route 18
- Muk - Celadon City, Route 16, Route 17 and Route 18
- Gastly - Sprout Tower, Slowpoke Well and Bell Tower
- Haunter - Slowpoke Well, Bell Tower, Route 8 and Cerulean Cave
- Gengar - Bell Tower
- Koffing - Burned Tower
- Weezing - Burned Tower
- Spinarak - Route 30, Route 31 and Ilex Forest
- Ariados - Route 37, Viridian Forest and Route 2
- Qwilfish - Route 32, Route 13 and Route 12
- Dustox - Route 31, Ilex Forest and Route 44
- Budew - Route 31, Ilex Forest and Route 2
- Roselia - Ilex Forest and Route 24
- Gulpin - Route 34, Route 16, Route 17 and Route 18
- Swalot - Route 16, Route 17 and Route 18
- Seviper - Route 37
- Stunky - Sprout Tower and Route 35
- Skuntank - Route 35 and Route 4
- Skorupi - Route 33 and Route 16
- Drapion - Route 33 and Route 16
- Croagunk - Route 33
- Toxicroak - Route 33
49 Flying Pokémon encounters
- Butterfree - Route 31, Ilex Forest, National Park, Route 44 and Route 2
- Pidgey - Route 29, Sprout Tower and Route 1
- Pidgeotto - Route 35, Route 37, Route 39, Route 43, Route 6, Route 7, Route 5, Route 24, Route 3, Route 2 and Route 1
- Pidgeot - Route 2
- Spearow - Route 46
- Fearow - Route 46, Route 47, Route 42, Route 17, Route 18, Route 9, Route 10, Route 4, Route 3 and Route 22
- Zubat - Dark Cave, Union Cave and Slowpoke Well
- Golbat - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Bell Tower, Whirl Islands, Cliff Cave, Route 42, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Victory Road, Rock Tunnel, Mt. Moon, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Crobat - Tohjo Falls, Victory Road and Mt. Moon
- Farfetch’d - Route 38, Route 39, Route 47, Route 48 and Route 13
- Doduo - Route 38 and Route 27
- Dodrio - Route 38, Route 27, Route 26, Route 17, Route 18, Route 22, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Scyther - National Park and Viridian Forest
- Gyarados - New Bark Town, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest, Route 35, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Lake of Rage, Route 43, Route 44, Dragon’s Den, Tohjo Falls, Fuchsia City, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Hoothoot - Route 29, Route 30 and Route 1
- Noctowl - Route 35, Route 36, Route 37, Route 47, Route 13, Route 24, Route 3, Route 2, Route 1 and Mt. Silver
- Ledyba - Route 30, Route 31 and Ilex Forest
- Ledian - Route 37, Viridian Forest and Route 2
- Natu - Route 31, Ruins of Alph and Bell Tower
- Xatu - Ruins of Alph, Bell Tower and Route 8
- Hoppip - Route 29, Route 32, Route 33, Route 24, Route 25 and Cerulean City
- Skiploom - Route 44, Route 27, Route 26, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13, Route 24, Route 25, Cerulean City and Route 1
- Jumpluff - Route 27, Route 26, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13 and Route 24
- Yanma - Route 35, Route 47 and Route 2
- Murkrow - Ilex Forest, Route 18 and Viridian Forest
- Honchkrow - Route 18
- Gligar - Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Gliscor - Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Mantyke - Route 41
- Mantine - Route 41 and Route 19
- Skarmory - Route 45 and Mt. Silver
- Beautifly - Route 31, Ilex Forest and Route 44
- Taillow - Route 30 and National Park
- Swellow - Route 47, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13 and Route 5
- Wingull - Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41, Cianwood City, Route 47, Vermillion City, Route 21, Route 20 and Route 19
- Pelipper - Route 40, Cianwood City, Vermillion City, Route 21, Route 20 and Route 19
- Ninjask - Route 16 and Route 18
- Swablu - Route 46, Route 33, Bell Tower and Route 43
- Altaria - Bell Tower, Route 47, Route 43 and Route 44
- Tropius - Route 48 and Viridian Forest
- Starly - Route 29, Sprout Tower and Route 1
- Staravia - Route 35, Route 36, Route 7, Route 8, Route 5, Route 24, Route 3 and Route 1
- Staraptor - Route 3 and Route 1
- Mothim - Viridian Forest
- Combee - National Park, Route 36, Route 44 and Route 25
- Vespiquen - Route 36 and Route 44
- Drifloon - Sprout Tower and Route 32
- Drifblim - Route 17
- Chatot - Sprout Tower and Route 5
64 Normal Pokémon encounters
- Pidgey - Route 29, Sprout Tower and Route 1
- Pidgeotto - Route 35, Route 37, Route 39, Route 43, Route 6, Route 7, Route 5, Route 24, Route 3, Route 2 and Route 1
- Pidgeot - Route 2
- Rattata - Route 29, Route 46, Sprout Tower, Burned Tower, Bell Tower and Route 1
- Raticate - Route 29, Burned Tower, Bell Tower, Route 39, Route 47, Tohjo Falls, Route 6, Route 7, Route 5, Route 10, Route 4, Route 11, Route 1, Route 21 and Route 22
- Spearow - Route 46
- Fearow - Route 46, Route 47, Route 42, Route 17, Route 18, Route 9, Route 10, Route 4, Route 3 and Route 22
- Igglybuff - Route 46
- Jigglypuff - Route 46, Route 7, Route 5, Route 4 and Route 3
- Wigglytuff - Route 4, Route 3 and Cerulean Cave
- Meowth - Route 33, Route 35, Route 38 and Route 39
- Persian - Route 6, Route 7 and Route 5
- Farfetch’d - Route 38, Route 39, Route 47, Route 48 and Route 13
- Doduo - Route 38 and Route 27
- Dodrio - Route 38, Route 27, Route 26, Route 17, Route 18, Route 22, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Lickitung - Union Cave, Route 44, Route 21 and Cerulean Cave
- Lickilicky - Union Cave, Route 44 and Cerulean Cave
- Happiny - Route 48 and Route 43
- Chansey - Route 48, Route 43, Route 14, Route 13 and Cerulean Cave
- Kangaskhan - Union Cave, Route 26, Route 9 and Rock Tunnel
- Tauros - Route 38 and Route 39
- Ditto - Route 34, Route 35, Bell Tower, Route 47, Route 15, Rock Tunnel and Cerulean Cave
- Eevee - Mr. Pokemon's House
- Porygon - Cerulean Cave
- Munchlax - Route 42 and Route 11
- Sentret - Route 29 and Route 1
- Furret - Route 29 and Route 1
- Hoothoot - Route 29, Route 30 and Route 1
- Noctowl - Route 35, Route 36, Route 37, Route 47, Route 13, Route 24, Route 3, Route 2, Route 1 and Mt. Silver
- Azurill - Mt. Mortar and Tohjo Falls
- Aipom - Route 33
- Ambipom - Viridian Forest
- Girafarig - Ruins of Alph, Route 48 and Route 43
- Dunsparce - Dark Cave, Route 6 and Diglett’s Cave
- Teddiursa - Dark Cave and Mt. Silver
- Ursaring - Dark Cave, Victory Road, Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Stantler - Route 36 and Route 37
- Smeargle - Ruins of Alph
- Miltank - Route 38, Route 39 and Route 47
- Zigzagoon - Route 29, Sprout Tower, Burned Tower, Bell Tower and Route 1
- Linoone - Sprout Tower, Route 37, Burned Tower, Bell Tower, Route 43, Route 7, Route 11 and Route 1
- Taillow - Route 30 and National Park
- Swellow - Route 47, Route 15, Route 14, Route 13 and Route 5
- Slakoth - Route 33 and Route 25
- Vigoroth - Route 25
- Whismur - Union Cave
- Loudred - Union Cave, Victory Road and Mt. Silver
- Exploud - Union Cave, Victory Road and Cerulean Cave
- Skitty - Route 38 and Route 39
- Spinda - Sprout Tower and Route 3
- Swablu - Route 46, Route 33, Bell Tower and Route 43
- Zangoose - Route 37
- Castform - Ecruteak City
- Kecleon - Route 48
- Starly - Route 29, Sprout Tower and Route 1
- Staravia - Route 35, Route 36, Route 7, Route 8, Route 5, Route 24, Route 3 and Route 1
- Staraptor - Route 3 and Route 1
- Bidoof - Route 29, Sprout Tower and Route 1
- Bibarel - Sprout Tower, Route 43, Route 7 and Route 1
- Buneary - Ilex Forest and Route 25
- Lopunny - Route 25
- Glameow - Sprout Tower and Route 35
- Purugly - Route 35 and Route 4
- Chatot - Sprout Tower and Route 5
71 Water Pokémon encounters
- Squirtle - Violet City
- Psyduck - Route 30, Route 31, Route 32, Ilex Forest, Route 35, Whirl Islands, Route 6 and Viridian City
- Golduck - Route 30, Route 32, Ilex Forest, Route 35, Whirl Islands, Route 6, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Poliwag - Route 30, Violet City, Ilex Forest, Ecruteak City, Route 44, Route 6, Route 13, Route 12, Mt. Moon, Viridian City, Route 22, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Poliwhirl - Route 30, Violet City, Ilex Forest, Ecruteak City, Route 44, Route 6, Route 13, Route 12, Mt. Moon, Route 22, Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Poliwrath - Ilex Forest
- Politoed - Ilex Forest and Route 22
- Tentacool - New Bark Town, Route 31, Route 32, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41, Cianwood City, Route 47, Vermillion City, Pallet Town, Route 21, Cinnabar Island, Route 20 and Route 19
- Tentacruel - New Bark Town, Route 31, Route 32, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41, Cianwood City, Route 47, Route 26, Vermillion City, Route 21, Cinnabar Island, Route 20 and Cerulean Cave
- Slowpoke - Route 31, Slowpoke Well, Route 43, Tohjo Falls, Route 13 and Route 12
- Slowbro - Route 31, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Route 13, Route 12 and Cerulean Cave
- Seel - Whirl Islands and Route 47
- Dewgong - Whirl Islands and Tohjo Falls
- Shellder - New Bark Town, Slowpoke Well, Whirl Islands, Route 47, Vermillion City, Route 21 and Cinnabar Island
- Krabby - Cherrygrove City, Whirl Islands, Cliff Cave, Vermillion City, Route 19, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Kingler - Cherrygrove City, Whirl Islands, Cianwood City, Cliff Cave, Route 19 and Mt. Silver
- Horsea - Whirl Islands, Route 41, Route 13, Route 12 and Mt. Silver
- Seadra - Whirl Islands, Route 41, Route 13, Route 12, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Kingdra - Whirl Islands
- Goldeen - Route 30, Dark Cave, Union Cave, Route 34, Route 42, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Route 13, Route 12, Route 9, Route 24, Route 25, Cerulean City, Route 4, Viridian City, Route 20, Route 19, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Seaking - Route 30, Dark Cave, Union Cave, Route 34, Route 42, Mt. Mortar, Tohjo Falls, Route 9, Route 24, Route 25, Cerulean City, Route 4, Route 20, Route 19, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Staryu - Violet City, Route 34, Olivine City, Whirl Islands, Route 40, Route 24, Route 25, Cerulean City and Pallet Town
- Starmie - Route 34
- Magikarp - New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest, Route 35, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41, Cianwood City, Route 47, Lake of Rage, Route 43, Route 44, Blackthorn City, Dragon’s Den, Route 45, Tohjo Falls, Route 6, Route 13, Route 12, Route 9, Route 24, Route 25, Cerulean City, Route 4, Fuchsia City, Mt. Moon, Route 20, Route 19 and Cerulean Cave
- Gyarados - New Bark Town, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Ilex Forest, Route 35, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Lake of Rage, Route 43, Route 44, Dragon’s Den, Tohjo Falls, Fuchsia City, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Lapras - Union Cave
- Totodile - Starter
- Chinchou - New Bark Town, Violet City, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 41, Route 47, Vermillion City, Route 10, Route 21 and Cinnabar Island
- Lanturn - New Bark Town, Violet City, Route 34, Olivine City, Route 41, Route 47, Route 26, Vermillion City, Route 10, Route 21, Cinnabar Island and Cerulean Cave
- Marill - Cherrygrove City, Route 31, Mt. Mortar and Pallet Town
- Azumarill - Cherrygrove City, Mt. Mortar and Tohjo Falls
- Wooper - Dark Cave, Route 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Route 27 and Mt. Moon
- Quagsire - Dark Cave, Route 32, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Cliff Cave, Route 27, Tohjo Falls, Route 26, Route 13, Mt. Moon, Route 28, Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave
- Qwilfish - Route 32, Route 13 and Route 12
- Corsola - Route 40 and Route 41
- Remoraid - Ruins of Alph and Route 44
- Octillery - Ruins of Alph and Route 44
- Mantyke - Route 41
- Mantine - Route 41 and Route 19
- Mudkip - Azalea Town
- Lotad - Route 30 and Route 44
- Lombre - Route 30, Route 33, Route 44 and Route 22
- Wingull - Olivine City, Route 40, Route 41, Cianwood City, Route 47, Vermillion City, Route 21, Route 20 and Route 19
- Pelipper - Route 40, Cianwood City, Vermillion City, Route 21, Route 20 and Route 19
- Surskit - Route 30, Route 31 and Route 24
- Carvanha - Cianwood City and Route 42
- Sharpedo - Cianwood City and Route 42
- Wailmer - Route 41 and Route 21
- Wailord - Route 41 and Route 20
- Barboach - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar and Cerulean Cave
- Whiscash - Dark Cave, Violet City, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Mt. Mortar and Cerulean Cave
- Corphish - Cherrygrove City and Mt. Silver
- Crawdaunt - Cherrygrove City and Mt. Silver
- Feebas - Route 31, Lake of Rage and Route 27
- Milotic - Lake of Rage
- Spheal - Whirl Islands and Route 47
- Sealeo - Whirl Islands
- Clamperl - Cianwood City, Route 20 and Route 19
- Huntail - Route 20 and Route 19
- Gorebyss - Route 20 and Route 19
- Relicanth - Ruins of Alph, Route 12 and Cinnabar Island
- Luvdisc - Route 35, Route 27, Route 26, Route 28 and Mt. Silver
- Piplup - Goldenrod City
- Bibarel - Sprout Tower, Route 43, Route 7 and Route 1
- Buizel - Route 31, Route 27, Route 26 and Route 22
- Floatzel - Route 27, Route 26 and Route 21
- Shellos - Dark Cave, Union Cave and Slowpoke Well
- Gastrodon - Dark Cave, Union Cave, Slowpoke Well and Route 21
- Finneon - Cherrygrove City, Route 40, Pallet Town, Route 20, Route 19 and Cerulean Cave
- Lumineon - Cherrygrove City, Route 40, Route 20, Route 19 and Cerulean Cave
- Phione - Route 40 and Route 41
1Bug/water Pokémon BUG/WATER
10Dragon Pokémon DRAGON
12Steel Pokémon STEEL
13Ice Pokémon ICE
15Fighting Pokémon FIGHTING
15Ghost Pokémon GHOST
17Fairy Pokémon FAIRY
19Fire Pokémon FIRE
21Rock Pokémon ROCK
23Dark Pokémon DARK
26Electric Pokémon ELECTRIC
34Psychic Pokémon PSYCHIC
38Grass Pokémon GRASS
38Bug Pokémon BUG
42Ground Pokémon GROUND
46Poison Pokémon POISON
49Flying Pokémon FLYING
64Normal Pokémon NORMAL
71Water Pokémon WATER
Sacred Gold Boss Battles
In order to complete a Sacred Gold Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 43 Boss battles throughout the Johto region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.
These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Silver's Murkrow to Karen's Houndoom.
16 Gym Leader fights
5 Elite Four fights
8 Rival fights
11 Evil Team fights
3 Mini Boss fights
Select your starter type
Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Silver might have a fire type to take advantage!
Gym Leader fights
Falkner - Violet City Gym
Falkner has a team of 6, made up of a level 12 doduo, a level 12 farfetchd, a level 12 chatot, a level 14 murkrow, a level 14 swablu & a level 15 pidgeotto. The level cap for this fight is level 15.
Level 12Early Bird
DoduoNORMALFLYINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYINGQuick Attack 60 40 +20
NORMAL310 hp 35 atk 85 def 45 spa 35 spd 35 spe 75Level 12Inner Focus
FarfetchdNORMALFLYINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYINGFury Attack 23 15 +8
NORMALPoison Jab 80 80
POISON450 hp 55 atk 110 def 55 spa 60 spd 65 spe 105Level 12Tangled Feet
PSYCHICChatter 98 65 +33
FLYINGUproar 135 90 +45
NORMAL451 hp 76 atk 65 def 45 spa 112 spd 42 spe 111Level 14Super Luck
FLYINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
ICEFeint Attack 90 60 +30
DARK405 hp 60 atk 85 def 42 spa 85 spd 42 spe 91Level 14Natural Cure
FLYINGMirror Move
FLYINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYINGSolar Beam 120 120
GRASS310 hp 45 atk 40 def 60 spa 40 spd 75 spe 50Level 15Tangled Feet
FLYINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYINGTackle 60 40 +20
NORMALMud-Slap 20 20
GROUND349 hp 63 atk 60 def 55 spa 50 spd 50 spe 71Bugsy - Azalea Town Gym
Bugsy has a team of 6, made up of a level 18 butterfree, a level 18 yanma, a level 18 beedrill, a level 19 heracross, a level 19 pinsir & a level 21 scyther. The level cap for this fight is level 21.
Level 18Compound Eyes
ButterfreeBUGFLYINGU-turn 105 70 +35
BUGRain Dance
WATERConfusion 50 50
PSYCHICAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYING480 hp 60 atk 100 def 50 spa 90 spd 100 spe 80Level 18Compound Eyes
YanmaBUGFLYINGU-turn 105 70 +35
FIGHTINGAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGAncient Power 60 60
ROCK390 hp 65 atk 65 def 45 spa 75 spd 45 spe 95Level 18Swarm
BeedrillBUGPOISONU-turn 105 70 +35
BUGTwineedle 38 25 +13
BUGSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONCut 50 50
NORMAL435 hp 65 atk 100 def 40 spa 45 spd 90 spe 95Level 19Guts
HeracrossBUGFIGHTINGAerial Ace 60 60
FIGHTINGBug Bite 90 60 +30
BUGRain Dance
WATER500 hp 80 atk 125 def 75 spa 40 spd 95 spe 85Level 19Mold Breaker
PinsirBUGVital Throw 70 70
FIGHTINGFury Cutter 60 40 +20
BUGKnock Off 65 65
DARKBind 15 15
NORMAL500 hp 65 atk 125 def 100 spa 55 spd 70 spe 85Level 21Technician
ScytherBUGFLYINGU-turn 105 70 +35
BUGQuick Attack 40 40
NORMALWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGSwords Dance
NORMAL500 hp 70 atk 110 def 80 spa 55 spd 80 spe 105Whitney - Goldenrod City Gym
Whitney has a team of 6, made up of a level 21 lickitung, a level 21 lopunny, a level 21 stantler, a level 22 wigglytuff, a level 22 clefable & a level 24 miltank. The level cap for this fight is level 24.
Level 21Own Tempo
LickitungNORMALPower Whip 120 120
NORMALBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMAL385 hp 90 atk 55 def 75 spa 60 spd 75 spe 30Level 21Limber
NORMALJump Kick 100 100
PSYCHICDizzy Punch 105 70 +35
NORMAL480 hp 65 atk 76 def 84 spa 54 spd 96 spe 105Level 21Intimidate
PSYCHICStomp 98 65 +33
NORMALZen Headbutt 80 80
NORMAL465 hp 73 atk 95 def 62 spa 85 spd 65 spe 85Level 22Cute Charm
WigglytuffNORMALFAIRYIce Beam 90 90
NORMALPsychic 90 90
NORMAL468 hp 148 atk 70 def 55 spa 85 spd 65 spe 45Level 22Magic Guard
ClefableFAIRYWater Pulse 60 60
PSYCHICCharge Beam 50 50
NORMAL483 hp 95 atk 70 def 73 spa 95 spd 90 spe 60Level 24Scrappy
MiltankNORMALMilk Drink
NORMALBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMALRollout 30 30
NORMAL490 hp 95 atk 80 def 105 spa 40 spd 70 spe 100Morty - Ecruteak City Gym
Morty has a team of 6, made up of a level 27 duskull, a level 27 shuppet, a level 28 haunter, a level 28 misdreavus, a level 28 sableye & a level 29 gengar. The level cap for this fight is level 29.
Level 27Levitate
DuskullGHOSTShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTConfuse Ray
FIREShadow Sneak 60 40 +20
GHOST295 hp 20 atk 40 def 90 spa 30 spd 90 spe 25Level 27Insomnia
ShuppetGHOSTShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTIcy Wind 55 55
DARK305 hp 44 atk 75 def 35 spa 73 spd 33 spe 45Level 28Levitate
HaunterGHOSTPOISONShadow Ball 120 80 +40
PSYCHICDream Eater 100 100
NORMAL405 hp 45 atk 50 def 45 spa 115 spd 55 spe 95Level 28Levitate
MisdreavusGHOSTShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTPower Gem 80 80
FIREMean Look
NORMAL435 hp 60 atk 60 def 60 spa 85 spd 85 spe 85Level 28Steadfast
NORMALShadow Claw 105 70 +35
DARKAerial Ace 60 60
FLYING380 hp 50 atk 75 def 75 spa 65 spd 65 spe 50Level 29Levitate
PSYCHICShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICGiga Drain 75 75
GRASS500 hp 60 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 75 spe 110Chuck - Cianwood City Gym
Chuck has a team of 6, made up of a level 34 primeape, a level 33 breloom, a level 33 hariyama, a level 34 hitmonlee, a level 34 hitmonchan & a level 35 poliwrath. The level cap for this fight is level 35.
Level 34Anger Point
NORMALFocus Punch 225 150 +75
FIGHTINGThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRICRock Slide 75 75
ROCK455 hp 65 atk 105 def 60 spa 60 spd 70 spe 95Level 33Poison Heal
GRASSMach Punch 60 40 +20
FIGHTINGBullet Seed 38 25 +13
GRASSFocus Punch 225 150 +75
FIGHTING460 hp 60 atk 130 def 80 spa 60 spd 60 spe 70Level 33Thick Fat
HariyamaFIGHTINGFake Out 40 40
NORMALCross Chop 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGEarthquake 100 100
GROUND474 hp 144 atk 120 def 60 spa 40 spd 60 spe 50Level 34Reckless
HitmonleeFIGHTINGFake Out 40 40
NORMALRock Slide 75 75
ROCKBounce 85 85
FLYINGHigh Jump Kick 195 130 +65
FIGHTING455 hp 50 atk 120 def 53 spa 35 spd 110 spe 87Level 34Iron Fist
NORMALFocus Punch 225 150 +75
FIGHTINGFire Punch 75 75
FIREIce Punch 75 75
ICE455 hp 50 atk 105 def 79 spa 35 spd 110 spe 76Level 35Water Absorb
PSYCHICFocus Punch 225 150 +75
FIGHTINGSurf 135 90 +45
WATERIce Punch 75 75
ICE515 hp 90 atk 95 def 100 spa 70 spd 90 spe 70Jasmine - Olivine City Gym
Jasmine has a team of 6, made up of a level 37 metang, a level 38 forretress, a level 38 bronzong, a level 39 magneton, a level 39 skarmory & a level 40 steelix. The level cap for this fight is level 40.
Level 37Clear Body
MetangSTEELPSYCHICEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDMetal Claw 75 50 +25
STEELPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICBullet Punch 60 40 +20
STEEL420 hp 60 atk 75 def 100 spa 55 spd 80 spe 50Level 38Sturdy
ForretressBUGSTEELGyro Ball
STEELPayback 50 50
DARKExplosion 250 250
NORMALBug Bite 90 60 +30
BUG465 hp 75 atk 90 def 140 spa 60 spd 60 spe 40Level 38Heatproof
WATERPsychic 135 90 +45
STEEL500 hp 67 atk 89 def 116 spa 79 spd 116 spe 33Level 39Magnet Pull
MagnetonELECTRICSTEELThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICFlash Cannon 120 80 +40
STEELMagnet Rise
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRIC465 hp 50 atk 60 def 95 spa 120 spd 70 spe 70Level 39Rock Head
SkarmorySTEELFLYINGSteel Wing 105 70 +35
STEELFly 135 90 +45
NORMAL465 hp 65 atk 80 def 140 spa 40 spd 70 spe 70Level 40Sturdy
SteelixSTEELGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDIron Tail 150 100 +50
STEELStone Edge 100 100
NORMAL515 hp 75 atk 90 def 200 spa 55 spd 65 spe 30Pryce - Mahogany Town Gym
Pryce has a team of 6, made up of a level 42 abomasnow, a level 42 froslass, a level 42 glalie, a level 43 dewgong, a level 43 lapras & a level 43 mamoswine. The level cap for this fight is level 43.
Level 42Snow Warning
AbomasnowGRASSICEBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICESeed Bomb 120 80 +40
GRASSFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICE494 hp 90 atk 92 def 75 spa 92 spd 85 spe 60Level 42Levitate
FroslassICEGHOSTBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICE500 hp 70 atk 80 def 70 spa 100 spd 70 spe 110Level 42Levitate
GROUNDIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICEExplosion 250 250
NORMALBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICE500 hp 80 atk 100 def 120 spa 80 spd 60 spe 60Level 43Thick Fat
DewgongWATERICESleep Talk
NORMALBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICESurf 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC485 hp 90 atk 80 def 80 spa 70 spd 95 spe 70Level 43Water Absorb
LaprasWATERICEPerish Song
NORMALBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICWhirlpool 53 35 +18
WATER535 hp 130 atk 85 def 80 spa 85 spd 95 spe 60Level 43Snow Cloak
MamoswineICEGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDStone Edge 100 100
ROCKSuperpower 120 120
FIGHTINGIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICE530 hp 110 atk 130 def 80 spa 70 spd 60 spe 80Clair - Blackthorn City Gym
Clair has a team of 6, made up of a level 48 dragonair, a level 48 dragonair, a level 48 gyarados, a level 48 altaria, a level 50 salamence & a level 50 kingdra. The level cap for this fight is level 50.
Level 48Shed Skin
DragonairDRAGONThunder Wave
ELECTRICSurf 90 90
WATERFire Blast 110 110
FIREDragon Pulse 128 85 +43
DRAGON420 hp 61 atk 84 def 65 spa 70 spd 70 spe 70Level 48Shed Skin
DragonairDRAGONExtreme Speed 80 80
NORMALAqua Tail 90 90
WATEROutrage 180 120 +60
DRAGONDragon Pulse 128 85 +43
DRAGON420 hp 61 atk 84 def 65 spa 70 spd 70 spe 70Level 48Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGDragon Dance
DRAGONOutrage 120 120
DRAGONWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATEREarthquake 100 100
GROUND540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 48Natural Cure
FLYINGIce Beam 90 90
ICEFlamethrower 90 90
FIREDragon Pulse 128 85 +43
DRAGON490 hp 75 atk 70 def 90 spa 70 spd 105 spe 80Level 50Intimidate
SalamenceDRAGONFLYINGHydro Pump 110 110
WATERDraco Meteor 195 130 +65
DRAGONFire Blast 110 110
FIREDragon Pulse 128 85 +43
DRAGON600 hp 95 atk 135 def 80 spa 110 spd 80 spe 100Level 50Sniper
KingdraWATERDRAGONHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERBlizzard 110 110
NORMALDragon Pulse 128 85 +43
DRAGON540 hp 75 atk 95 def 95 spa 95 spd 95 spe 85Lt. Surge - Vermillion City Gym
Lt. Surge has a team of 6, made up of a level 61 magnezone, a level 59 ampharos, a level 60 jolteon, a level 61 electrode, a level 61 electivire & a level 63 raichu. The level cap for this fight is level 63.
Level 61Magnet Pull
MagnezoneELECTRICSTEELThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICFlash Cannon 120 80 +40
STEELMirror Coat
PSYCHICZap Cannon 180 120 +60
ELECTRIC535 hp 70 atk 70 def 115 spa 130 spd 90 spe 60Level 59Static
AmpharosELECTRICThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGFire Punch 75 75
FIRESignal Beam 75 75
BUG510 hp 90 atk 75 def 85 spa 115 spd 90 spe 55Level 60Quick Feet
JolteonELECTRICThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTThunder Wave
NORMAL525 hp 65 atk 65 def 60 spa 110 spd 95 spe 130Level 61Static
ElectrodeELECTRICDouble Team
NORMALThunder Wave
ELECTRICThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICHidden Power 60 60
NORMAL490 hp 60 atk 50 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 150Level 61Vital Spirit
ElectivireELECTRICFIGHTINGThunder Punch 113 75 +38
ELECTRICIce Punch 75 75
ICEEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDCross Chop 150 100 +50
FIGHTING540 hp 75 atk 123 def 67 spa 95 spd 85 spe 95Level 63Lightning Rod
RaichuELECTRICThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICSurf 90 90
WATERFocus Blast 120 120
DARK485 hp 60 atk 90 def 55 spa 90 spd 80 spe 110Sabrina - Saffron City Gym
Sabrina has a team of 6, made up of a level 63 gallade, a level 61 hypno, a level 62 medicham, a level 63 mr-mime, a level 63 wobbuffet & a level 66 alakazam. The level cap for this fight is level 66.
Level 63Steadfast
GalladePSYCHICFIGHTINGClose Combat 180 120 +60
FIGHTINGLeaf Blade 90 90
GRASSPsycho Cut 105 70 +35
PSYCHIC518 hp 68 atk 125 def 65 spa 65 spd 115 spe 80Level 61Insomnia
HypnoPSYCHICNasty Plot
DARKPsychic 135 90 +45
GRASSBaton Pass
NORMAL483 hp 85 atk 73 def 70 spa 73 spd 115 spe 67Level 62Pure Power
MedichamFIGHTINGPSYCHICHigh Jump Kick 195 130 +65
FIGHTINGZen Headbutt 120 80 +40
PSYCHICFake Out 40 40
NORMALBullet Punch 40 40
STEEL410 hp 60 atk 60 def 75 spa 60 spd 75 spe 80Level 63Filter
DARKPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING460 hp 40 atk 45 def 65 spa 100 spd 120 spe 90Level 63Shadow Tag
NORMAL405 hp 190 atk 33 def 58 spa 33 spd 58 spe 33Level 66Magic Guard
AlakazamPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGSignal Beam 75 75
BUG500 hp 55 atk 50 def 45 spa 135 spd 95 spe 120Erika - Celadon City Gym
Erika has a team of 6, made up of a level 62 jumpluff, a level 60 meganium, a level 60 leafeon, a level 63 victreebel, a level 63 bellossom & a level 65 tangrowth. The level cap for this fight is level 65.
Level 62Chlorophyll
JumpluffGRASSFLYINGU-turn 70 70
BUGLeech Seed
GRASSSunny Day
FIREGiga Drain 113 75 +38
GRASS460 hp 75 atk 55 def 70 spa 55 spd 95 spe 110Level 60Overgrow
PSYCHICLight Screen
PSYCHICSolar Beam 180 120 +60
POISON525 hp 80 atk 82 def 100 spa 83 spd 100 spe 80Level 60Leaf Guard
LeafeonGRASSSeed Bomb 120 80 +40
GRASSSwords Dance
NORMALX-Scissor 80 80
BUGAerial Ace 60 60
FLYING525 hp 65 atk 110 def 130 spa 60 spd 65 spe 95Level 63Chlorophyll
VictreebelGRASSPOISONLeaf Blade 135 90 +45
GRASSSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONWeather Ball 50 50
NORMAL490 hp 80 atk 105 def 65 spa 100 spd 70 spe 70Level 63Chlorophyll
BellossomGRASSPetal Dance 180 120 +60
GRASSTeeter Dance
NORMAL490 hp 75 atk 80 def 95 spa 90 spd 100 spe 50Level 65Chlorophyll
TangrowthGRASSPower Whip 180 120 +60
GRASSEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGSleep Powder
GRASS535 hp 100 atk 100 def 125 spa 110 spd 50 spe 50Janine - Fuschia City Gym
Janine has a team of 6, made up of a level 58 ariados, a level 58 toxicroak, a level 58 drapion, a level 60 weezing, a level 60 qwilfish & a level 64 venomoth. The level cap for this fight is level 64.
Level 58Sniper
AriadosBUGPOISONBug Bite 90 60 +30
BUGBaton Pass
NORMAL440 hp 70 atk 90 def 70 spa 60 spd 70 spe 80Level 58Dry Skin
ToxicroakPOISONFIGHTINGCross Chop 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONStone Edge 100 100
ROCKSucker Punch 70 70
DARK490 hp 83 atk 106 def 65 spa 86 spd 65 spe 85Level 58Sniper
DrapionPOISONDARKCross Poison 105 70 +35
POISONEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKAqua Tail 90 90
WATER500 hp 70 atk 90 def 110 spa 60 spd 75 spe 95Level 60Levitate
WeezingPOISONFlamethrower 90 90
FIREThunderbolt 90 90
FIREPain Split
NORMAL490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Level 60Intimidate
QwilfishWATERPOISONSurf 135 90 +45
WATERPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONThunder Wave
ELECTRICAqua Jet 60 40 +20
WATER440 hp 65 atk 95 def 85 spa 55 spd 55 spe 85Level 64Tinted Lens
VenomothBUGPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICBug Buzz 135 90 +45
BUGSleep Powder
GRASSGiga Drain 75 75
GRASS475 hp 70 atk 65 def 60 spa 115 spd 75 spe 90Misty - Cerulean City Gym
Misty has a team of 6, made up of a level 60 politoed, a level 59 lapras, a level 59 lanturn, a level 59 vaporeon, a level 60 golduck & a level 62 starmie. The level cap for this fight is level 62.
Level 60Drizzle
PolitoedWATERHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERHyper Voice 90 90
NORMALIce Beam 90 90
ICE500 hp 90 atk 75 def 75 spa 90 spd 100 spe 70Level 59Shell Armor
LaprasWATERICEIce Beam 135 90 +45
ICEHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERThunder 110 110
WATER535 hp 130 atk 85 def 80 spa 85 spd 95 spe 60Level 59Volt Absorb
WATERThunder 165 110 +55
ELECTRICSignal Beam 75 75
BUGSurf 135 90 +45
WATER480 hp 125 atk 58 def 58 spa 86 spd 86 spe 67Level 59Water Absorb
VaporeonWATERAcid Armor
POISONBaton Pass
NORMALSurf 135 90 +45
WATER525 hp 130 atk 65 def 60 spa 110 spd 95 spe 65Level 60Damp
GolduckWATERWater Pulse 90 60 +30
WATERPsychic 90 90
POISONIce Beam 90 90
ICE500 hp 80 atk 82 def 78 spa 95 spd 80 spe 85Level 62Natural Cure
StarmieWATERPSYCHICHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICIce Beam 90 90
ICEPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC520 hp 60 atk 75 def 85 spa 100 spd 85 spe 115Brock - Pewter City Gym
Brock has a team of 6, made up of a level 58 omastar, a level 57 relicanth, a level 58 kabutops, a level 59 golem, a level 59 sudowoodo & a level 61 onix. The level cap for this fight is level 61.
Level 58Shell Armor
OmastarROCKWATERBlizzard 110 110
ICEMuddy Water 135 90 +45
POISONEarth Power 90 90
GROUND495 hp 70 atk 60 def 125 spa 115 spd 70 spe 55Level 57Rock Head
RelicanthWATERROCKHead Smash 225 150 +75
ROCKAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATEREarthquake 100 100
GROUNDDouble-Edge 120 120
NORMAL485 hp 100 atk 90 def 130 spa 45 spd 65 spe 55Level 58Battle Armor
KabutopsROCKWATERSwords Dance
NORMALAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATERStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKAqua Jet 60 40 +20
WATER495 hp 60 atk 115 def 105 spa 65 spd 70 spe 80Level 59Sturdy
GolemROCKGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKSucker Punch 70 70
DARKExplosion 250 250
NORMAL495 hp 80 atk 120 def 130 spa 55 spd 65 spe 45Level 59Rock Head
SudowoodoROCKStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKWood Hammer 120 120
FIGHTINGExplosion 250 250
NORMAL410 hp 70 atk 100 def 115 spa 30 spd 65 spe 30Level 61Sturdy
DARKEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKExplosion 250 250
NORMAL385 hp 35 atk 45 def 160 spa 30 spd 45 spe 70Blaine - Cinnabar Island Gym
Blaine has a team of 6, made up of a level 66 rapidash, a level 65 ninetales, a level 65 camerupt, a level 66 magcargo, a level 66 arcanine & a level 68 magmortar. The level cap for this fight is level 68.
Level 66Flash Fire
RapidashFIRESunny Day
FIRESolar Beam 120 120
GRASSOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREMegahorn 120 120
BUG500 hp 65 atk 100 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 105Level 65Drought
NinetalesFIRESolar Beam 120 120
GRASSOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREConfuse Ray
GHOSTDark Pulse 80 80
DARK505 hp 73 atk 76 def 75 spa 81 spd 100 spe 100Level 65Solid Rock
CameruptFIREGROUNDOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDSolar Beam 120 120
GRASSStone Edge 100 100
ROCK460 hp 70 atk 100 def 70 spa 105 spd 75 spe 40Level 66Flame Body
MagcargoFIREROCKEarth Power 90 90
NORMALSolar Beam 120 120
GRASSOverheat 195 130 +65
FIRE430 hp 60 atk 50 def 120 spa 90 spd 80 spe 30Level 66Intimidate
ArcanineFIREFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREThunder Fang 65 65
ELECTRICOverheat 195 130 +65
NORMAL555 hp 90 atk 110 def 80 spa 100 spd 80 spe 95Level 68Flame Body
MagmortarFIRELava Plume 120 80 +40
FIREOverheat 195 130 +65
FIREThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICSolar Beam 120 120
GRASS540 hp 75 atk 95 def 67 spa 125 spd 95 spe 83Blue - Viridian City Gym
Blue has a team of 6, made up of a level 68 nidoqueen, a level 66 gyarados, a level 66 exeggutor, a level 68 rhyperior, a level 68 machamp & a level 70 tyranitar. The level cap for this fight is level 70.
Level 68Poison Point
NidoqueenPOISONGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
NORMALCrunch 80 80
DARKToxic Spikes
POISON515 hp 100 atk 92 def 87 spa 75 spd 85 spe 76Level 66Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATERDragon Dance
DRAGONBounce 128 85 +43
FLYING540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 66Chlorophyll
ExeggutorGRASSPSYCHICLeaf Storm 195 130 +65
GRASSTrick Room
PSYCHICSleep Powder
GRASSPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC530 hp 95 atk 95 def 85 spa 125 spd 75 spe 55Level 68Solid Rock
RhyperiorGROUNDROCKMegahorn 120 120
BUGStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKThunder Fang 65 65
ELECTRICEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUND535 hp 115 atk 140 def 130 spa 55 spd 55 spe 40Level 68No Guard
MachampFIGHTINGDynamic Punch 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGIce Punch 75 75
ICEStone Edge 100 100
ROCKFire Punch 75 75
FIRE505 hp 90 atk 130 def 80 spa 65 spd 85 spe 55Level 70Sand Stream
TyranitarROCKDARKStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDThunder 110 110
ELECTRIC600 hp 100 atk 134 def 110 spa 95 spd 100 spe 61
Elite Four fights
Will - Elite Four
Will has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 jynx, a level 52 lunatone, a level 52 solrock, a level 54 slowbro, a level 55 gardevoir & a level 55 xatu. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 53Dry Skin
JynxICEPSYCHICIce Beam 135 90 +45
ICEPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICFocus Blast 120 120
NORMAL460 hp 65 atk 50 def 35 spa 120 spd 95 spe 95Level 52Levitate
LunatoneROCKPSYCHICIce Beam 90 90
ICEPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICEarth Power 90 90
GROUNDCharge Beam 50 50
ELECTRIC480 hp 90 atk 55 def 65 spa 115 spd 85 spe 70Level 52Levitate
SolrockROCKPSYCHICZen Headbutt 120 80 +40
PSYCHICStone Edge 150 100 +50
DARKEarthquake 100 100
GROUND480 hp 90 atk 115 def 85 spa 55 spd 65 spe 70Level 54Oblivious
PSYCHICSurf 135 90 +45
WATERFlamethrower 90 90
FIREPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC490 hp 95 atk 75 def 110 spa 100 spd 80 spe 30Level 55Synchronize
PSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICThunderbolt 90 90
PSYCHIC518 hp 68 atk 65 def 65 spa 125 spd 115 spe 80Level 55Synchronize
XatuPSYCHICFLYINGHeat Wave 95 95
FIREAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICThunder Wave
ELECTRIC480 hp 65 atk 75 def 70 spa 100 spd 70 spe 100Koga - Elite Four
Koga has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 venomoth, a level 52 weezing, a level 52 toxicroak, a level 54 tentacruel, a level 55 muk & a level 55 crobat. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 53Poison Heal
VenomothBUGPSYCHICBug Buzz 135 90 +45
BUGPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICSleep Powder
GRASSGiga Drain 75 75
GRASS475 hp 70 atk 65 def 60 spa 115 spd 75 spe 90Level 52Levitate
WeezingPOISONFire Blast 110 110
NORMALThunder 110 110
ELECTRIC490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Level 52Anticipation
ToxicroakPOISONFIGHTINGCross Chop 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDSucker Punch 70 70
DARK490 hp 83 atk 106 def 65 spa 86 spd 65 spe 85Level 54Clear Body
TentacruelWATERPOISONSwords Dance
NORMALPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONWaterfall 120 80 +40
NORMAL515 hp 80 atk 70 def 65 spa 80 spd 120 spe 100Level 55Stench
NORMALFocus Punch 150 150
FIGHTINGGunk Shot 180 120 +60
POISONRock Slide 75 75
ROCK500 hp 105 atk 105 def 75 spa 65 spd 100 spe 50Level 55Inner Focus
NORMALBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGHeat Wave 95 95
FIREX-Scissor 80 80
BUG535 hp 85 atk 90 def 80 spa 70 spd 80 spe 130Bruno - Elite Four
Bruno has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 hitmontop, a level 52 hitmonlee, a level 52 hitmonchan, a level 54 lucario, a level 55 hariyama & a level 55 machamp. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 53Intimidate
FIGHTINGFake Out 40 40
NORMALHigh Jump Kick 195 130 +65
FIGHTINGSucker Punch 70 70
DARK455 hp 50 atk 95 def 95 spa 35 spd 110 spe 70Level 52Limber
HitmonleeFIGHTINGEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDBlaze Kick 85 85
FIREHigh Jump Kick 195 130 +65
FIGHTINGStone Edge 100 100
ROCK455 hp 50 atk 120 def 53 spa 35 spd 110 spe 87Level 52Keen Eye
HitmonchanFIGHTINGFire Punch 75 75
FIREIce Punch 75 75
ICEHigh Jump Kick 195 130 +65
FIGHTINGThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRIC455 hp 50 atk 105 def 79 spa 35 spd 110 spe 76Level 54Steadfast
LucarioFIGHTINGSTEELAura Sphere 120 80 +40
FIGHTINGDark Pulse 80 80
DARKPsychic 90 90
PSYCHICExtreme Speed 80 80
NORMAL525 hp 70 atk 110 def 70 spa 115 spd 70 spe 90Level 55Thick Fat
NORMALFocus Punch 225 150 +75
FIGHTINGThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRICPayback 50 50
DARK474 hp 144 atk 120 def 60 spa 40 spd 60 spe 50Level 55Guts
MachampFIGHTINGDynamic Punch 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGStone Edge 100 100
ROCKThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRICBullet Punch 40 40
STEEL505 hp 90 atk 130 def 80 spa 65 spd 85 spe 55Karen - Elite Four
Karen has a team of 6, made up of a level 53 mightyena, a level 52 spiritomb, a level 52 absol, a level 54 umbreon, a level 55 honchkrow & a level 55 houndoom. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 53Intimidate
NORMALSuper Fang
NORMALSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKFire Fang 65 65
FIRE445 hp 70 atk 105 def 70 spa 60 spd 60 spe 80Level 52Pressure
DARKDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKNasty Plot
DARKSilver Wind 60 60
BUG485 hp 50 atk 92 def 108 spa 92 spd 108 spe 35Level 52Pressure
AbsolDARKSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKPsycho Cut 70 70
PSYCHICMegahorn 120 120
BUGThunder Wave
ELECTRIC465 hp 65 atk 130 def 60 spa 75 spd 60 spe 75Level 54Synchronize
UmbreonDARKDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKDouble Team
POISON525 hp 95 atk 65 def 110 spa 60 spd 130 spe 65Level 55Insomnia
NORMALThunder Wave
ELECTRICSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYING505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Level 55Intimidate
HoundoomDARKFIREHeat Wave 143 95 +48
FIREDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKNasty Plot
FIRE500 hp 75 atk 90 def 50 spa 110 spd 80 spe 95Lance - Champion Fight
Lance has a team of 6, made up of a level 56 gyarados, a level 54 garchomp, a level 54 aerodactyl, a level 56 dragonite, a level 57 charizard & a level 60 dragonite. The level cap for this fight is level 60.
Level 56Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATEREarthquake 100 100
GROUNDStone Edge 100 100
ROCKPayback 50 50
DARK540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 54Sand Veil
GarchompDRAGONGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDDragon Claw 120 80 +40
DRAGONFire Fang 65 65
FIREAerial Ace 60 60
FLYING600 hp 108 atk 130 def 95 spa 80 spd 85 spe 102Level 54Rock Head
AerodactylROCKFLYINGStone Edge 150 100 +50
FLYINGAerial Ace 90 60 +30
DARK515 hp 80 atk 105 def 65 spa 60 spd 75 spe 130Level 56Inner Focus
DragoniteDRAGONFLYINGDraco Meteor 195 130 +65
DRAGONSurf 90 90
WATERFire Blast 110 110
FIREBlizzard 110 110
ICE600 hp 91 atk 134 def 95 spa 100 spd 100 spe 80Level 57Blaze
CharizardFIREFLYINGSwords Dance
NORMALFlare Blitz 180 120 +60
FIREAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYINGFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING534 hp 78 atk 84 def 78 spa 109 spd 85 spe 100Level 60Inner Focus
DragoniteDRAGONFLYINGOutrage 180 120 +60
DRAGONWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGEarthquake 100 100
FLYING600 hp 91 atk 134 def 95 spa 100 spd 100 spe 80
Rival fights
Silver - Azalea Town
Silver has a team of 4, made up of a level 19 murkrow, a level 18 gastly, a level 19 kadabra & a level 21 croconaw. The level cap for this fight is level 21.
Level 19Insomnia
MurkrowDARKFLYINGWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGAstonish 30 30
ICEPursuit 60 40 +20
DARK405 hp 60 atk 85 def 42 spa 85 spd 42 spe 91Level 18Levitate
GastlyGHOSTPOISONLick 45 30 +15
GHOSTMean Look
NORMAL310 hp 30 atk 35 def 30 spa 100 spd 35 spe 80Level 19Synchronize
NORMALConfusion 75 50 +25
PSYCHIC400 hp 40 atk 35 def 30 spa 120 spd 70 spe 105Level 21Torrent
CroconawWATERRage 20 20
NORMALBite 60 60
DARKScary Face
NORMALIce Fang 65 65
ICE405 hp 65 atk 80 def 80 spa 59 spd 63 spe 58Ethan - Goldenrod Tunnel
Ethan has a team of 4, made up of a level 21 nidorino, a level 21 marill, a level 21 tangela & a level 23 arcanine. The level cap for this fight is level 23.
Level 21Poison Point
NidorinoPOISONDouble Kick 30 30
FIGHTINGBlizzard 110 110
ICEPeck 35 35
FLYINGThunder 110 110
ELECTRIC365 hp 61 atk 72 def 57 spa 55 spd 55 spe 65Level 21Thick Fat
MarillWATERFAIRYBubble Beam 98 65 +33
WATERDouble Team
NORMALBlizzard 110 110
ICEFocus Punch 150 150
FIGHTING280 hp 70 atk 20 def 50 spa 50 spd 50 spe 40Level 21Chlorophyll
TangelaGRASSSleep Powder
NORMALGrass Knot
GRASSSolar Beam 180 120 +60
GRASS435 hp 65 atk 55 def 115 spa 100 spd 40 spe 60Level 23Intimidate
ArcanineFIREHeat Wave 143 95 +48
FIRERock Smash 40 40
NORMALIron Head 80 80
STEEL555 hp 90 atk 110 def 80 spa 100 spd 80 spe 95Lyra - Goldenrod Tunnel
Lyra has a team of 4, made up of a level 21 nidorina, a level 21 marill, a level 21 roselia & a level 23 ninetales. The level cap for this fight is level 23.
Level 21Poison Point
NidorinaPOISONDouble Kick 30 30
FIGHTINGBlizzard 110 110
ICEAerial Ace 60 60
FLYINGThunder 110 110
ELECTRIC365 hp 70 atk 62 def 67 spa 55 spd 55 spe 56Level 21Thick Fat
MarillWATERFAIRYBubble Beam 98 65 +33
WATERDouble Team
NORMALBlizzard 110 110
ICEFocus Punch 150 150
FIGHTING280 hp 70 atk 20 def 50 spa 50 spd 50 spe 40Level 21Natural Cure
RoseliaGRASSPOISONMagical Leaf 90 60 +30
GRASSLeech Seed
GRASSGrass Knot
GRASSStun Spore
GRASS400 hp 50 atk 60 def 45 spa 100 spd 80 spe 65Level 23Flash Fire
NinetalesFIREFlamethrower 135 90 +45
NORMALConfuse Ray
GHOSTOminous Wind 60 60
GHOST505 hp 73 atk 76 def 75 spa 81 spd 100 spe 100Silver - Burned Tower
Silver has a team of 5, made up of a level 25 murkrow, a level 26 kadabra, a level 25 haunter, a level 24 elekid & a level 27 croconaw. The level cap for this fight is level 27.
Level 25Insomnia
MurkrowDARKFLYINGNight Shade
ICEWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGAssurance 90 60 +30
DARK405 hp 60 atk 85 def 42 spa 85 spd 42 spe 91Level 26Synchronize
KadabraPSYCHICPsybeam 98 65 +33
PSYCHICMiracle Eye
NORMALConfusion 75 50 +25
PSYCHIC400 hp 40 atk 35 def 30 spa 120 spd 70 spe 105Level 25Levitate
HaunterGHOSTPOISONOminous Wind 90 60 +30
GHOSTConfuse Ray
GHOSTShadow Punch 90 60 +30
GHOSTSucker Punch 70 70
DARK405 hp 45 atk 50 def 45 spa 115 spd 55 spe 95Level 24Static
ElekidELECTRICLight Screen
PSYCHICShock Wave 90 60 +30
ELECTRICSwift 60 60
FIGHTING360 hp 45 atk 63 def 37 spa 65 spd 55 spe 95Level 27Torrent
NORMALIce Fang 65 65
ICEScary Face
NORMALBite 60 60
DARK405 hp 65 atk 80 def 80 spa 59 spd 63 spe 58Silver - Goldenrod Underground
Silver has a team of 6, made up of a level 45 honchkrow, a level 44 magmar, a level 44 electabuzz, a level 45 gengar, a level 45 alakazam & a level 46 feraligatr. The level cap for this fight is level 46.
Level 45Insomnia
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGDrill Peck 120 80 +40
FLYING505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Level 44Flame Body
MagmarFIREFlamethrower 135 90 +45
FIREFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGPsychic 90 90
PSYCHIC495 hp 65 atk 95 def 57 spa 100 spd 85 spe 93Level 44Static
ElectabuzzELECTRICThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRICPsychic 90 90
PSYCHICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING490 hp 65 atk 83 def 57 spa 95 spd 85 spe 105Level 45Levitate
GengarGHOSTPOISONShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTGiga Drain 75 75
GRASSThunder 110 110
PSYCHIC500 hp 60 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 75 spe 110Level 45Synchronize
AlakazamPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICShock Wave 60 60
ELECTRICEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASSThunder Wave
ELECTRIC500 hp 55 atk 50 def 45 spa 135 spd 95 spe 120Level 46Torrent
FeraligatrWATERWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATERCrunch 80 80
DARKIce Fang 65 65
ICESwords Dance
NORMAL530 hp 85 atk 105 def 100 spa 79 spd 83 spe 78Silver - Victory Road
Silver has a team of 6, made up of a level 50 honchkrow, a level 49 gengar, a level 50 alakazam, a level 51 magmortar, a level 51 electivire & a level 53 feraligatr. The level cap for this fight is level 53.
Level 50Insomnia
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGDrill Peck 120 80 +40
FLYINGDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKNasty Plot
DARKHeat Wave 95 95
FIRE505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Level 49Levitate
GengarGHOSTPOISONShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICDestiny Bond
GHOSTEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASS500 hp 60 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 75 spe 110Level 50Synchronize
AlakazamPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
NORMALEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASSFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING500 hp 55 atk 50 def 45 spa 135 spd 95 spe 120Level 51Flame Body
MagmortarFIREFire Blast 165 110 +55
NORMALThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING540 hp 75 atk 95 def 67 spa 125 spd 95 spe 83Level 51Motor Drive
ElectivireELECTRICFIGHTINGThunder 165 110 +55
ELECTRICIce Punch 75 75
ICEEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDLight Screen
PSYCHIC540 hp 75 atk 123 def 67 spa 95 spd 85 spe 95Level 53Torrent
FeraligatrWATERWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATERCrunch 80 80
DARKIce Fang 65 65
ICEEarthquake 100 100
GROUND530 hp 85 atk 105 def 100 spa 79 spd 83 spe 78Silver - Mt. Moon Rival
Silver has a team of 6, made up of a level 57 honchkrow, a level 56 gengar, a level 56 alakazam, a level 58 magmortar, a level 58 electivire & a level 60 feraligatr. The level cap for this fight is level 60.
Level 57Insomnia
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGDrill Peck 120 80 +40
FLYINGSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKThunder Wave
NORMAL505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Level 56Levitate
GengarGHOSTPOISONShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING500 hp 60 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 75 spe 110Level 56Synchronize
AlakazamPSYCHICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICEnergy Ball 90 90
GRASSFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING500 hp 55 atk 50 def 45 spa 135 spd 95 spe 120Level 58Flame Body
MagmortarFIREFlamethrower 135 90 +45
FIREPsychic 90 90
PSYCHICThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING540 hp 75 atk 95 def 67 spa 125 spd 95 spe 83Level 58Motor Drive
ElectivireELECTRICFIGHTINGThunder Punch 113 75 +38
ELECTRICIce Punch 75 75
ICEEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDBrick Break 113 75 +38
FIGHTING540 hp 75 atk 123 def 67 spa 95 spd 85 spe 95Level 60Torrent
FeraligatrWATERAqua Tail 135 90 +45
WATERIce Fang 65 65
ICEEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDRock Slide 75 75
ROCK530 hp 85 atk 105 def 100 spa 79 spd 83 spe 78Red - Champion
Red has a team of 6, made up of a level 94 pikachu, a level 88 espeon, a level 88 snorlax, a level 90 venusaur, a level 90 charizard & a level 90 blastoise. The level cap for this fight is level 94.
Level 94Static
NORMALThunder 165 110 +55
GRASS320 hp 35 atk 55 def 40 spa 50 spd 50 spe 90Level 88Synchronize
EspeonPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST525 hp 65 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 95 spe 110Level 88Immunity
NORMALBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMALCrunch 80 80
DARK540 hp 160 atk 110 def 65 spa 65 spd 110 spe 30Level 90Overgrow
VenusaurGRASSPOISONSwords Dance
NORMALPower Whip 180 120 +60
GRASSEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDSleep Powder
GRASS525 hp 80 atk 82 def 83 spa 100 spd 100 spe 80Level 90Blaze
CharizardFIREFLYINGFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGDragon Pulse 85 85
DRAGON534 hp 78 atk 84 def 78 spa 109 spd 85 spe 100Level 90Torrent
BlastoiseWATERSignal Beam 75 75
BUGHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERBlizzard 110 110
ICEFake Out 40 40
NORMAL530 hp 79 atk 83 def 100 spa 85 spd 105 spe 78
Evil Team fights
Executive Proton - Slowpoke Well
Executive Proton has a team of 4, made up of a level 17 voltorb, a level 17 cacnea, a level 17 zubat & a level 18 koffing. The level cap for this fight is level 18.
Level 17Aftermath
VoltorbELECTRICSpark 98 65 +33
NORMALSelf-Destruct 200 200
POISON330 hp 40 atk 30 def 50 spa 55 spd 55 spe 100Level 17Sand Veil
CacneaGRASSNeedle Arm 90 60 +30
GRASSSucker Punch 70 70
POISON335 hp 50 atk 85 def 40 spa 85 spd 40 spe 35Level 17Inner Focus
ZubatPOISONFLYINGWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGGiga Drain 75 75
POISON245 hp 40 atk 45 def 35 spa 30 spd 40 spe 55Level 18Levitate
KoffingPOISONSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONSelf-Destruct 200 200
NORMALFlamethrower 90 90
POISON340 hp 40 atk 65 def 95 spa 60 spd 45 spe 35Executive Ariana - Route 47
Executive Ariana has a team of 4, made up of a level 37 arbok, a level 37 jynx, a level 37 vileplume & a level 38 honchkrow. The level cap for this fight is level 38.
Level 37Intimidate
ArbokPOISONGunk Shot 180 120 +60
POISONSeed Bomb 80 80
GRASSCrunch 80 80
DARKEarthquake 100 100
GROUND448 hp 60 atk 95 def 69 spa 65 spd 79 spe 80Level 37Dry Skin
NORMALBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEPsychic 135 90 +45
DARK460 hp 65 atk 50 def 35 spa 120 spd 95 spe 95Level 37Chlorophyll
VileplumeGRASSPOISONPetal Dance 180 120 +60
GRASSSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONDrain Punch 75 75
FIGHTINGSleep Powder
GRASS490 hp 75 atk 80 def 85 spa 110 spd 90 spe 50Level 38Insomnia
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGDark Pulse 120 80 +40
NORMALIcy Wind 55 55
ICE505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Executive Petrel - Cliff Cave
Executive Petrel has a team of 4, made up of a level 36 raticate, a level 36 skuntank, a level 36 golbat & a level 37 weezing. The level cap for this fight is level 37.
Level 36Hustle
RaticateNORMALHyper Fang 120 80 +40
NORMALSuper Fang
NORMALCrunch 80 80
DARKFlame Wheel 60 60
FIRE443 hp 65 atk 91 def 60 spa 50 spd 70 spe 107Level 36Stench
SkuntankPOISONDARKPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONFlamethrower 90 90
FIRENight Slash 105 70 +35
DARKDouble-Edge 120 120
NORMAL479 hp 103 atk 93 def 67 spa 71 spd 61 spe 84Level 36Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYINGPoison Fang 75 50 +25
POISONSuper Fang
PSYCHIC455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 37Levitate
WeezingPOISONSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONPain Split
NORMALFire Blast 110 110
FIREThunder 110 110
ELECTRIC490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Executive Archer - Safari Zone Gate
Executive Archer has a team of 3, made up of a level 38 zangoose, a level 38 gyarados & a level 39 houndoom. The level cap for this fight is level 39.
Level 38Immunity
ZangooseNORMALCrush Claw 113 75 +38
NORMALClose Combat 120 120
FIGHTINGX-Scissor 80 80
FIGHTING458 hp 73 atk 115 def 60 spa 60 spd 60 spe 90Level 38Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATERBounce 128 85 +43
FLYINGIce Fang 65 65
ICEDragon Dance
DRAGON540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 39Intimidate
HoundoomDARKFIREFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREFeint Attack 90 60 +30
FIREThunder Fang 65 65
ELECTRIC500 hp 75 atk 90 def 50 spa 110 spd 80 spe 95Executive Ariana - Rocket Hideout
Executive Ariana has a team of 3, made up of a level 42 arbok, a level 42 vileplume & a level 43 honchkrow. The level cap for this fight is level 43.
Level 42Intimidate
ArbokPOISONEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDFire Fang 65 65
FIRECrunch 80 80
DARKThunder Fang 65 65
ELECTRIC448 hp 60 atk 95 def 69 spa 65 spd 79 spe 80Level 42Chlorophyll
VileplumeGRASSPOISONGiga Drain 113 75 +38
NORMALSleep Powder
GRASSSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISON490 hp 75 atk 80 def 85 spa 110 spd 90 spe 50Level 43Insomnia
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGThunder Wave
ELECTRICDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKNight Shade
GHOST505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Executive Petrel - Rocket Hideout
Executive Petrel has a team of 5, made up of a level 41 skuntank, a level 41 raticate, a level 41 toxicroak, a level 41 crobat & a level 43 weezing. The level cap for this fight is level 43.
Level 41Stench
SkuntankPOISONDARKPoison Jab 120 80 +40
POISONFlamethrower 90 90
FIREDig 80 80
NORMAL479 hp 103 atk 93 def 67 spa 71 spd 61 spe 84Level 41Hustle
RaticateNORMALSuper Fang
NORMALDouble-Edge 180 120 +60
NORMALCrunch 80 80
DARKQuick Attack 60 40 +20
NORMAL443 hp 65 atk 91 def 60 spa 50 spd 70 spe 107Level 41Anticipation
ToxicroakPOISONFIGHTINGCross Chop 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGSucker Punch 70 70
DARKX-Scissor 80 80
BUGStone Edge 100 100
ROCK490 hp 83 atk 106 def 65 spa 86 spd 65 spe 85Level 41Inner Focus
CrobatPOISONFLYINGU-turn 70 70
BUGSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
NORMALAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYING535 hp 85 atk 90 def 80 spa 70 spd 80 spe 130Level 43Levitate
WeezingPOISONSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONFire Blast 110 110
FIREThunder 110 110
ELECTRICDark Pulse 80 80
DARK490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Executive Petrel - Goldenrod Radio Tower
Executive Petrel has a team of 6, made up of a level 44 raticate, a level 44 skuntank, a level 44 tangrowth, a level 44 toxicroak, a level 44 hypno & a level 45 weezing. The level cap for this fight is level 45.
Level 44Hustle
RaticateNORMALDouble-Edge 180 120 +60
NORMALFlame Wheel 60 60
FIRECrunch 80 80
POISON443 hp 65 atk 91 def 60 spa 50 spd 70 spe 107Level 44Stench
POISONExplosion 250 250
NORMALCrunch 120 80 +40
NORMAL479 hp 103 atk 93 def 67 spa 71 spd 61 spe 84Level 44Chlorophyll
NORMALPower Whip 180 120 +60
GRASSEarthquake 100 100
GROUND535 hp 100 atk 100 def 125 spa 110 spd 50 spe 50Level 44Anticipation
ToxicroakPOISONFIGHTINGCross Chop 150 100 +50
NORMALStone Edge 100 100
ROCK490 hp 83 atk 106 def 65 spa 86 spd 65 spe 85Level 44Insomnia
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC483 hp 85 atk 73 def 70 spa 73 spd 115 spe 67Level 45Levitate
WeezingPOISONSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
NORMALDestiny Bond
POISON490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Executive Proton - Goldenrod Radio Tower
Executive Proton has a team of 6, made up of a level 45 electrode, a level 45 weezing, a level 45 cacturne, a level 45 tauros, a level 45 camerupt & a level 46 crobat. The level cap for this fight is level 46.
Level 45Aftermath
ElectrodeELECTRICRain Dance
WATERThunder 165 110 +55
ELECTRICExplosion 250 250
NORMAL490 hp 60 atk 50 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 150Level 45Levitate
WeezingPOISONThunder 110 110
ELECTRICSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISONPsybeam 65 65
FIRE490 hp 65 atk 90 def 120 spa 85 spd 70 spe 60Level 45Sand Veil
CacturneGRASSDARKNeedle Arm 90 60 +30
GRASSSucker Punch 105 70 +35
DARKFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTINGThunder Punch 75 75
ELECTRIC475 hp 70 atk 115 def 60 spa 115 spd 60 spe 55Level 45Intimidate
TaurosNORMALTake Down 135 90 +45
NORMALZen Headbutt 80 80
PSYCHICEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDPayback 50 50
DARK490 hp 75 atk 100 def 95 spa 40 spd 70 spe 110Level 45Anger Point
CameruptFIREGROUNDEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUNDFire Blast 165 110 +55
NORMALStone Edge 100 100
ROCK460 hp 70 atk 100 def 70 spa 105 spd 75 spe 40Level 46Inner Focus
CrobatPOISONFLYINGCross Poison 105 70 +35
POISONBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGHeat Wave 95 95
FIREX-Scissor 80 80
BUG535 hp 85 atk 90 def 80 spa 70 spd 80 spe 130Executive Ariana - Goldenrod Radio Tower
Executive Ariana has a team of 6, made up of a level 45 jynx, a level 45 arbok, a level 45 purugly, a level 45 vileplume, a level 45 milotic & a level 47 honchkrow. The level cap for this fight is level 47.
Level 45Dry Skin
JynxICEPSYCHICIce Beam 135 90 +45
ICEPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICLovely Kiss
NORMALShadow Ball 80 80
GHOST460 hp 65 atk 50 def 35 spa 120 spd 95 spe 95Level 45Intimidate
ArbokPOISONEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDGunk Shot 180 120 +60
POISONThunder Fang 65 65
ELECTRICIce Fang 65 65
ICE448 hp 60 atk 95 def 69 spa 65 spd 79 spe 80Level 45Thick Fat
PuruglyNORMALBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMALAerial Ace 60 60
PSYCHIC452 hp 71 atk 82 def 64 spa 64 spd 59 spe 112Level 45Chlorophyll
VileplumeGRASSPOISONGiga Drain 113 75 +38
GRASSSleep Powder
GRASSDrain Punch 75 75
FIGHTINGSludge Bomb 135 90 +45
POISON490 hp 75 atk 80 def 85 spa 110 spd 90 spe 50Level 45Marvel Scale
MiloticWATERSurf 135 90 +45
WATERSleep Talk
PSYCHIC540 hp 95 atk 60 def 79 spa 100 spd 125 spe 81Level 47Insomnia
HonchkrowDARKFLYINGSucker Punch 105 70 +35
FLYINGBrave Bird 180 120 +60
FLYINGThunder Wave
ELECTRIC505 hp 100 atk 125 def 52 spa 105 spd 52 spe 71Executive Archer - Goldenrod Radio Tower
Executive Archer has a team of 6, made up of a level 46 zangoose, a level 46 drapion, a level 46 scizor, a level 46 machamp, a level 46 gyarados & a level 48 houndoom. The level cap for this fight is level 48.
Level 46Immunity
ZangooseNORMALClose Combat 120 120
NORMALShadow Claw 70 70
GHOSTCrush Claw 113 75 +38
NORMAL458 hp 73 atk 115 def 60 spa 60 spd 60 spe 90Level 46Battle Armor
DrapionPOISONDARKEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKCross Poison 105 70 +35
POISONAqua Tail 90 90
WATER500 hp 70 atk 90 def 110 spa 60 spd 75 spe 95Level 46Swarm
ScizorBUGSTEELX-Scissor 120 80 +40
BUGSwords Dance
NORMALBullet Punch 60 40 +20
STEELSuperpower 120 120
FIGHTING500 hp 70 atk 130 def 100 spa 55 spd 80 spe 65Level 46Guts
MachampFIGHTINGCross Chop 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDStone Edge 100 100
ROCKPayback 50 50
DARK505 hp 90 atk 130 def 80 spa 65 spd 85 spe 55Level 46Intimidate
GyaradosWATERFLYINGWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATERBounce 128 85 +43
FLYINGIce Fang 65 65
ICEEarthquake 100 100
GROUND540 hp 95 atk 125 def 79 spa 60 spd 100 spe 81Level 48Intimidate
HoundoomDARKFIREFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARKSunny Day
FIRESolar Beam 120 120
GRASS500 hp 75 atk 90 def 50 spa 110 spd 80 spe 95Rocket Boss Giovanni - Goldenrod Radio Tower
Rocket Boss Giovanni has a team of 6, made up of a level 48 persian, a level 48 kangaskhan, a level 48 tauros, a level 49 nidoqueen, a level 50 nidoking & a level 50 rhyperior. The level cap for this fight is level 50.
Level 48Limber
PSYCHICFake Out 60 40 +20
NORMALSlash 105 70 +35
NORMALNight Slash 70 70
DARK440 hp 65 atk 70 def 60 spa 65 spd 65 spe 115Level 48Early Bird
KangaskhanNORMALDouble-Edge 180 120 +60
FIGHTINGSucker Punch 70 70
DARKEarthquake 100 100
GROUND490 hp 105 atk 95 def 80 spa 40 spd 80 spe 90Level 48Intimidate
TaurosNORMALEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDDouble-Edge 180 120 +60
NORMALStone Edge 100 100
ROCKPayback 50 50
DARK490 hp 75 atk 100 def 95 spa 40 spd 70 spe 110Level 49Poison Point
NidoqueenPOISONGROUNDEarth Power 135 90 +45
POISONIce Beam 90 90
NORMAL515 hp 100 atk 92 def 87 spa 75 spd 85 spe 76Level 50Poison Point
NidokingPOISONGROUNDEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDIce Beam 90 90
ICEThunderbolt 90 90
ELECTRICSuperpower 120 120
FIGHTING505 hp 81 atk 97 def 77 spa 90 spd 75 spe 85Level 50Reckless
RhyperiorGROUNDROCKEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDMegahorn 120 120
BUGStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKHammer Arm 100 100
FIGHTING535 hp 115 atk 140 def 130 spa 55 spd 55 spe 40
Mini Boss fights
Elder Li - Sprout Tower
Elder Li has a team of 4, made up of a level 12 bellsprout, a level 12 cherubi, a level 12 chingling & a level 14 hoothoot. The level cap for this fight is level 14.
Level 12Gluttony
BellsproutGRASSPOISONCut 50 50
NORMALRazor Leaf 83 55 +28
NORMALWrap 15 15
NORMAL300 hp 50 atk 75 def 35 spa 70 spd 30 spe 40Level 12Chlorophyll
NORMALLeech Seed
GRASSMagical Leaf 90 60 +30
GRASSMorning Sun
NORMAL275 hp 45 atk 35 def 45 spa 62 spd 53 spe 35Level 12Levitate
NORMALConfusion 75 50 +25
PSYCHICUproar 90 90
NORMALAstonish 30 30
GHOST285 hp 45 atk 30 def 50 spa 65 spd 50 spe 45Level 14HoothootNORMALFLYINGConfusion 50 50
PSYCHICAerial Ace 90 60 +30
PSYCHIC262 hp 60 atk 30 def 30 spa 36 spd 56 spe 50Eusine - Suicune Encounter
Eusine has a team of 4, made up of a level 34 hypno, a level 34 rotom, a level 34 electrode & a level 34 jumpluff. The level cap for this fight is level 34.
Level 34Insomnia
HypnoPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICFocus Blast 120 120
DARK483 hp 85 atk 73 def 70 spa 73 spd 115 spe 67Level 34Levitate
RotomELECTRICGHOSTThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICShadow Ball 120 80 +40
FIREDouble Team
NORMAL460 hp 50 atk 50 def 77 spa 105 spd 77 spe 101Level 34Aftermath
NORMALSonic Boom
NORMALThunder 165 110 +55
ELECTRICExplosion 250 250
NORMAL490 hp 60 atk 50 def 70 spa 80 spd 80 spe 150Level 34Chlorophyll
JumpluffGRASSFLYINGLeech Seed
GRASSCotton Spore
PSYCHICAerial Ace 90 60 +30
FLYING460 hp 75 atk 55 def 70 spa 55 spd 95 spe 110Kimono Girls - Ecruteak City Dance Hall
Kimono Girls has a team of 7, made up of a level 50 umbreon, a level 50 espeon, a level 50 leafeon, a level 50 glaceon, a level 50 flareon, a level 50 jolteon & a level 50 vaporeon. The level cap for this fight is level 50.
Level 50Synchronize
POISONConfuse Ray
NORMALDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARK525 hp 95 atk 65 def 110 spa 60 spd 130 spe 65Level 50Synchronize
EspeonPSYCHICMorning Sun
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTGrass Knot
GRASS525 hp 65 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 95 spe 110Level 50Leaf Guard
LeafeonGRASSLeaf Blade 135 90 +45
GRASSX-Scissor 80 80
BUGSwords Dance
GRASS525 hp 65 atk 110 def 130 spa 60 spd 65 spe 95Level 50Snow Cloak
GlaceonICEBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICEWater Pulse 60 60
WATER525 hp 65 atk 60 def 110 spa 130 spd 95 spe 65Level 50Flash Fire
FlareonFIRESunny Day
FIREFire Blast 165 110 +55
FIREQuick Attack 40 40
NORMALBite 60 60
DARK525 hp 110 atk 130 def 65 spa 60 spd 65 spe 95Level 50Volt Absorb
JolteonELECTRICShadow Ball 80 80
GHOSTThunder 165 110 +55
ELECTRICThunder Wave
NORMAL525 hp 65 atk 65 def 60 spa 110 spd 95 spe 130Level 50Water Absorb
VaporeonWATERHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERIce Beam 90 90
ICEQuick Attack 40 40
NORMALAcid Armor
POISON525 hp 130 atk 65 def 60 spa 110 spd 95 spe 65