Nuzlocke Tracker

Pokémon Sun Nuzlocke Guide

This guide contains useful information for a Sun Nuzlocke. Lists of all of the available Pokémon, the number of encounters, and detailed overviews of all Boss battles.

Sun Logo

Sun Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Sun so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Sun has 70 different encounter locations with 242 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

10 Ice Pokémon encounters

12 Ghost Pokémon encounters

13 Steel Pokémon encounters

13 Fire Pokémon encounters

15 Electric Pokémon encounters

16 Dark Pokémon encounters

16 Ground Pokémon encounters

16 Psychic Pokémon encounters

18 Grass Pokémon encounters

18 Dragon Pokémon encounters

19 Fairy Pokémon encounters

20 Poison Pokémon encounters

20 Fighting Pokémon encounters

21 Rock Pokémon encounters

22 Bug Pokémon encounters

32 Normal Pokémon encounters

34 Flying Pokémon encounters

50 Water Pokémon encounters

10Ice Pokémon

12Ghost Pokémon

13Steel Pokémon

13Fire Pokémon

15Electric Pokémon

16Dark Pokémon

16Ground Pokémon

16Psychic Pokémon

18Grass Pokémon

18Dragon Pokémon

19Fairy Pokémon

20Poison Pokémon

20Fighting Pokémon

21Rock Pokémon

22Bug Pokémon

32Normal Pokémon

34Flying Pokémon

50Water Pokémon

Sun Boss Battles

In order to complete a Sun Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 37 Boss battles throughout the Alola region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Hau's Rowlet to Kahili's Toucannon.

12 Gym Leader fights

5 Elite Four fights

9 Rival fights

11 Evil Team fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Hau might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

  • Ilima - Hau'oli City Trial Captain

    Ilima has a team of 2, made up of a level 9 yungoos & a level 10 smeargle. The level cap for this fight is level 10.

  • Ilima's trial - Totem Trial

    Ilima's trial has a team of 2, made up of a level 12 gumshoos & a level 10 yungoos. The level cap for this fight is level 12.

  • Island Kahuna Hala - Hala's Grand Trial

    Island Kahuna Hala has a team of 3, made up of a level 14 mankey, a level 14 makuhita & a level 15 crabrawler. The level cap for this fight is level 15.

  • Lana's trial - Totem Trial

    Lana's trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 20 wishiwashi, a level 18 wishiwashi & a level 18 alomomola. The level cap for this fight is level 20.

  • Kiawe's trial - Totem Trial

    Kiawe's trial has a team of 2, made up of a level 22 salazzle & a level 20 salandit. The level cap for this fight is level 22.

  • Mallow's Trial - Totem Trial

    Mallow's Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 24 lurantis, a level 22 trumbeak & a level 22 castform. The level cap for this fight is level 24.

  • Island Kahuna Olivia - Ruins of Life

    Island Kahuna Olivia has a team of 3, made up of a level 25 nosepass, a level 26 boldore & a level 26 lycanroc. The level cap for this fight is level 26.

  • Sophocles' Trial - Totem Trial

    Sophocles' Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 29 vikavolt, a level 28 charjabug & a level 28 charjabug. The level cap for this fight is level 29.

  • Acerola's Trial - Totem Trial

    Acerola's Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 33 mimikyu, a level 27 haunter & a level 27 gengar. The level cap for this fight is level 33.

  • Island Kahuna Nanu - Malie City

    Island Kahuna Nanu has a team of 3, made up of a level 38 sableye, a level 38 krokorok & a level 39 persian. The level cap for this fight is level 39.

  • Island Kahuna Hapu - Vast Poni Canyon

    Island Kahuna Hapu has a team of 4, made up of a level 47 dugtrio, a level 47 gastrodon, a level 47 flygon & a level 48 mudsdale. The level cap for this fight is level 48.

  • Kommo-o's Trial - Totem Trial

    Kommo-o's Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 45 kommo-o, a level 32 hakamo-o & a level 32 scizor. The level cap for this fight is level 45.

Elite Four fights

  • Hala - Pokémon League

    Hala has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 hariyama, a level 54 primeape, a level 54 bewear, a level 54 poliwrath & a level 55 crabominable. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Olivia - Pokémon League

    Olivia has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 relicanth, a level 54 carbink, a level 54 golem, a level 54 probopass & a level 55 lycanroc. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Acerola - Pokémon League

    Acerola has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 sableye, a level 54 drifblim, a level 54 dhelmise, a level 54 froslass & a level 55 palossand. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Kahili - Pokémon League

    Kahili has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 skarmory, a level 54 crobat, a level 54 oricorio, a level 54 mandibuzz & a level 55 toucannon. The level cap for this fight is level 55.

  • Kukui - Pokémon League Champion

    Kukui has a team of 6, made up of a level 57 lycanroc, a level 56 ninetales, a level 56 braviary, a level 56 magnezone, a level 56 snorlax & a level 58 primarina. The level cap for this fight is level 58.

Rival fights

  • Hau - Iki Town

    Hau has a team of 1, made up of a level 5 rowlet. The level cap for this fight is level 5.

  • Hau - Iki Town Festival

    Hau has a team of 2, made up of a level 6 pichu & a level 7 rowlet. The level cap for this fight is level 7.

  • Hau - Route 3

    Hau has a team of 2, made up of a level 13 pikachu & a level 14 rowlet. The level cap for this fight is level 14.

  • Dexio - Heahea City

    Dexio has a team of 2, made up of a level 15 slowpoke & a level 16 espeon. The level cap for this fight is level 16.

  • Hau - Paniola Ranch

    Hau has a team of 2, made up of a level 16 pikachu & a level 17 dartrix. The level cap for this fight is level 17.

  • Hau - Malie City

    Hau has a team of 3, made up of a level 28 raichu, a level 28 vaporeon & a level 29 dartrix. The level cap for this fight is level 29.

  • Molayne - Hokulani Observatory

    Molayne has a team of 3, made up of a level 29 skarmory, a level 29 metang & a level 30 dugtrio. The level cap for this fight is level 30.

  • Gladion - Mount Lanakila

    Gladion has a team of 4, made up of a level 52 crobat, a level 52 weavile, a level 52 lucario & a level 53 silvally. The level cap for this fight is level 53.

  • Hau - Mount Lanakila

    Hau has a team of 4, made up of a level 53 raichu, a level 53 vaporeon, a level 53 komala & a level 54 decidueye. The level cap for this fight is level 54.

Evil Team fights

  • Gladion - Team skull

    Gladion has a team of 2, made up of a level 17 zubat & a level 18 type-null. The level cap for this fight is level 18.

  • Plumeria - Akala Outskirts

    Plumeria has a team of 2, made up of a level 25 golbat & a level 26 salandit. The level cap for this fight is level 26.

  • Guzma - Malie Garden

    Guzma has a team of 2, made up of a level 31 golisopod & a level 30 ariados. The level cap for this fight is level 31.

  • Plumeria - Route 15

    Plumeria has a team of 2, made up of a level 34 golbat & a level 35 salazzle. The level cap for this fight is level 35.

  • Guzma - Shady house

    Guzma has a team of 2, made up of a level 37 golisopod & a level 36 ariados. The level cap for this fight is level 37.

  • Gladion - Aether house

    Gladion has a team of 3, made up of a level 37 golbat, a level 37 sneasel & a level 38 type-null. The level cap for this fight is level 38.

  • Faba - Aether Paradise

    Faba has a team of 1, made up of a level 39 hypno. The level cap for this fight is level 39.

  • Faba & Employee - Aether Paradise

    Faba & Employee has a team of 4, made up of a level 39 slowbro, a level 39 bruxish, a level 40 hypno & a level 38 ledian. The level cap for this fight is level 40.

  • Guzma - Aether Paradise

    Guzma has a team of 4, made up of a level 41 golisopod, a level 40 ariados, a level 40 masquerain & a level 40 pinsir. The level cap for this fight is level 41.

  • Lusamine - Aether Paradise

    Lusamine has a team of 5, made up of a level 41 clefable, a level 41 lilligant, a level 41 mismagius, a level 41 milotic & a level 41 bewear. The level cap for this fight is level 41.

  • Ultra Lusamine - Ultra Space

    Ultra Lusamine has a team of 5, made up of a level 50 clefable, a level 50 lilligant, a level 50 mismagius, a level 50 milotic & a level 50 bewear. The level cap for this fight is level 50.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Sun Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?

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