Sun Encounters
A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Sun so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!
Pokémon Sun has 70 different encounter locations with 242 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!
10 Ice Pokémon encounters
- Vulpix - Tapu Village, Route 14 and Mount Lanakila
- Lapras - Poni Wilds
- Sneasel - Mount Lanakila
- Swinub - Tapu Village
- Delibird - Route 3
- Snorunt - Tapu Village, Route 14 and Mount Lanakila
- Glalie - Mount Lanakila
- Spheal - Route 7
- Vanillite - Tapu Village
- Vanillish - Mount Lanakila
12 Ghost Pokémon encounters
- Gastly - Hau'oli Cemetery and Memorial Hill
- Haunter - Thrify Megamart
- Gengar - Thrify Megamart
- Misdreavus - Hau'oli Cemetery
- Sableye - Ten Carat Hill and Vast Poni Canyon
- Drifloon - Hau'oli Cemetery
- Litwick - Hau'oli Cemetery
- Honedge - Hau'oli Outskirts and Akala Outskirts
- Phantump - Memorial Hill
- Sandygast - Hano Beach
- Mimikyu - undefined
- Dhelmise - Seafolk Village
13 Steel Pokémon encounters
- Diglett - Verdant Cavern, Seaward Cave, Ten Carat Hill, Route 5, Route 7, Lush Jungle and Digletts Tunnel
- Dugtrio - Fossil Restoration Center, Haina Desert, Vast Poni Canyon, Resolution Cave and Poni Coast
- Magnemite - Route 1, Trainer's School, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City and Malie City
- Skarmory - Route 10, Mount Hokulani, Route 17 and Vast Poni Canyon
- Beldum - Mount Hokulani
- Shieldon - Route 8
- Lucario - Poni Grove
- Klink - Hau'oli City and -Hau'oli City
- Honedge - Hau'oli Outskirts and Akala Outskirts
- Klefki - Thrify Megamart
- Togedemaru - Blush Mountain
- Solgaleo - Altar of the Sunne
- Kartana - Malie Garden and Route 17
13 Fire Pokémon encounters
- Growlithe - Route 2
- Magby - Wela Volcano Park
- Magmar - Wela Volcano Park
- Cyndaquil - Route 3
- Torkoal - Route 12 and Blush Mountain
- Emboar - Ancient Poni Path
- Litwick - Hau'oli Cemetery
- Fletchinder - Route 8
- Talonflame - Poni Gauntlet
- Litten - Starter
- Oricorio - Melemele Meadow, Route 6, Ula'ula Meadow and Poni Meadow
- Salandit - Wela Volcano Park and Route 8
- Turtonator - Blush Mountain
15 Electric Pokémon encounters
- Pichu - Route 1, Hau'oli City and -Hau'oli City
- Pikachu - Route 1, Hau'oli City and -Hau'oli City
- Geodude - Route 12 and Blush Mountain
- Graveler - Route 17
- Magnemite - Route 1, Trainer's School, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City and Malie City
- Elekid - Route 12 and Blush Mountain
- Electabuzz - Route 12 and Blush Mountain
- Chinchou - Route 8
- Luxio - Route 8
- Emolga - Poni Plains
- Eelektross - Poni Grove
- Charjabug - Blush Mountain
- Togedemaru - Blush Mountain
- Tapu Koko - undefined
- Xurkitree - Lush Jungle and Memorial Hill
16 Dark Pokémon encounters
- Rattata - Route 1, Hau'oli City, Route 2, Verdant Cavern, Route 3, -Hau'oli City, Kala'e Bay, Route 4, Route 6 and Route 8
- Raticate - Hau'oli Outskirts, Akala Outskirts, Malie City, Route 10, Route 11, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Route 16, Route 17, Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path, Poni Grove, Poni Plains and Poni Gauntlet
- Meowth - Route 1, Hau'oli City, Route 2, -Hau'oli City and Malie Garden
- Meowth - Route 1, Hau'oli City, Route 2, -Hau'oli City and Malie Garden
- Grimer - Route 1, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City and Malie City
- Grimer - Route 1, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City and Malie City
- Umbreon - Route 4 and Route 6
- Murkrow - Vast Poni Canyon
- Sneasel - Mount Lanakila
- Sableye - Ten Carat Hill and Vast Poni Canyon
- Sharpedo - Poni Breaker Coast
- Absol - Tapu Village, Route 14 and Mount Lanakila
- Sandile - Haina Desert
- Deino - Ten Carat Hill
- Pangoro - Route 10, Route 11 and Route 17
- Guzzlord - Fossil Restoration Center and Resolution Cave
16 Ground Pokémon encounters
- Diglett - Verdant Cavern, Seaward Cave, Ten Carat Hill, Route 5, Route 7, Lush Jungle and Digletts Tunnel
- Dugtrio - Fossil Restoration Center, Haina Desert, Vast Poni Canyon, Resolution Cave and Poni Coast
- Graveler - Tapu Village
- Cubone - Wela Volcano Park
- Rhyhorn - Blush Mountain
- Swinub - Tapu Village
- Trapinch - Haina Desert
- Barboach - Seaward Cave, Paniola Town, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Whiscash - Seaward Cave, Paniola Town, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Gastrodon - Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path and Exeggutor Island
- Gabite - Haina Desert
- Sandile - Haina Desert
- Zygarde - Route 16
- Mudbray - Route 4, Paniola Ranch, Route 6, Route 12 and Blush Mountain
- Mudsdale - Poni Plains
- Sandygast - Hano Beach
16 Psychic Pokémon encounters
- Abra - Hau'oli City, Route 2 and -Hau'oli City
- Slowpoke - Route 1, Kala'e Bay, Route 15 and Route 16
- Slowbro - Kala'e Bay
- Drowzee - Route 2
- Hypno - Poni Plains
- Exeggcute - Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path and Exeggutor Island
- Starmie - Route 7
- Espeon - Route 4 and Route 6
- Beldum - Mount Hokulani
- Gothita - Route 6
- Duosion - Route 16
- Bruxish - Secluded Shore, Route 13, Tapu Village, Route 15 and Route 14
- Tapu Lele - undefined
- Cosmog - Lake of the Moone
- Solgaleo - Altar of the Sunne
- Necrozma - Ten Carat Hill
18 Grass Pokémon encounters
- Paras - Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle and Route 11
- Bellsprout - Route 5
- Exeggcute - Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path and Exeggutor Island
- Exeggutor - Exeggutor Island
- Chikorita - Route 2
- Roselia - Ula'ula Meadow
- Serperior - Exeggutor Island
- Leavanny - Poni Meadow
- Cottonee - Melemele Meadow, Malie Garden, Ula'ula Meadow, Poni Plains and Poni Meadow
- Phantump - Memorial Hill
- Rowlet - Starter
- Fomantis - Route 5 and Lush Jungle
- Morelull - Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle and Route 11
- Bounsweet - Route 5 and Lush Jungle
- Steenee - Seafolk Village
- Dhelmise - Seafolk Village
- Tapu Bulu - undefined
- Kartana - Malie Garden and Route 17
18 Dragon Pokémon encounters
- Exeggutor - Exeggutor Island
- Dratini - Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Dragonair - Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Dragonite - Poni Gauntlet
- Bagon - Route 3 and Kala'e Bay
- Shelgon - Kala'e Bay
- Salamence - Route 3
- Gabite - Haina Desert
- Axew - Mount Hokulani
- Deino - Ten Carat Hill
- Goomy - Lush Jungle and Route 17
- Sliggoo - Exeggutor Island
- Zygarde - Route 16
- Turtonator - Blush Mountain
- Jangmo-o - undefined
- Hakamo-o - undefined
- Kommo-o - undefined
- Guzzlord - Fossil Restoration Center and Resolution Cave
19 Fairy Pokémon encounters
- Cleffa - Mount Hokulani
- Clefairy - Mount Hokulani
- Igglybuff - Route 4 and Route 6
- Jigglypuff - Route 4 and Route 6
- Togekiss - Poni Gauntlet
- Marill - Brooklet Hill
- Granbull - Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path, Poni Grove and Poni Gauntlet
- Cottonee - Melemele Meadow, Malie Garden, Ula'ula Meadow, Poni Plains and Poni Meadow
- Carbink - Ten Carat Hill and Vast Poni Canyon
- Klefki - Thrify Megamart
- Cutiefly - Route 2, Route 3 and Melemele Meadow
- Ribombee - Ula'ula Meadow and Poni Meadow
- Morelull - Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle and Route 11
- Comfey - Lush Jungle
- Mimikyu - undefined
- Tapu Koko - undefined
- Tapu Lele - undefined
- Tapu Bulu - undefined
- Tapu Fini - undefined
20 Poison Pokémon encounters
- Zubat - Verdant Cavern, Hau'oli Cemetery, Seaward Cave, Ten Carat Hill, Lush Jungle, Digletts Tunnel and Memorial Hill
- Golbat - Fossil Restoration Center, Thrify Megamart, Vast Poni Canyon, Mount Lanakila and Resolution Cave
- Crobat - Fossil Restoration Center and Resolution Cave
- Bellsprout - Route 5
- Tentacool - Route 1, Kala'e Bay, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Hano Beach, Secluded Shore, Route 15 and Route 14
- Tentacruel - Poni Wilds
- Grimer - Route 1, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City and Malie City
- Grimer - Route 1, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City and Malie City
- Gastly - Hau'oli Cemetery and Memorial Hill
- Haunter - Thrify Megamart
- Gengar - Thrify Megamart
- Spinarak - Route 1
- Ariados - Malie Garden, Route 10, Route 11, Ula'ula Meadow and Route 17
- Roselia - Ula'ula Meadow
- Venipede - Route 4
- Trubbish - Malie City
- Garbodor - Malie City
- Mareanie - Melemele Sea and Route 9
- Salandit - Wela Volcano Park and Route 8
- Nihilego - Wela Volcano Park and Digletts Tunnel
20 Fighting Pokémon encounters
- Mankey - Route 3
- Primeape - Poni Plains
- Poliwrath - Malie Garden
- Machop - Route 2 and Ten Carat Hill
- Machoke - Vast Poni Canyon
- Makuhita - Route 2
- Hariyama - Poni Plains
- Riolu - Poni Grove
- Lucario - Poni Grove
- Emboar - Ancient Poni Path
- Conkeldurr - Poni Plains
- Pancham - Route 10, Route 11 and Route 17
- Pangoro - Route 10, Route 11 and Route 17
- Crabrawler - Route 2, Berry Fields, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 8, Route 10, Route 12, Route 15, Route 16, Route 17, Poni Wilds and Poni Plains
- Stufful - Hau'oli Outskirts, Route 8 and Akala Outskirts
- Bewear - Poni Gauntlet
- Passimian - Lush Jungle
- Hakamo-o - undefined
- Kommo-o - undefined
- Buzzwole - Melemele Meadow
21 Rock Pokémon encounters
- Geodude - Route 12 and Blush Mountain
- Graveler - Tapu Village
- Graveler - Route 17
- Rhyhorn - Blush Mountain
- Aerodactyl - Seafolk Village
- Bonsly - Route 1 and Lush Jungle
- Sudowoodo - Route 1 and Lush Jungle
- Corsola - Melemele Sea and Route 9
- Nosepass - Hau'oli Outskirts and Akala Outskirts
- Relicanth - Poni Wilds
- Cranidos - Route 8
- Shieldon - Route 8
- Roggenrola - Ten Carat Hill
- Boldore - Vast Poni Canyon
- Tirtouga - Route 8
- Archen - Route 8
- Carbink - Ten Carat Hill and Vast Poni Canyon
- Rockruff - Ten Carat Hill
- Lycanroc - Vast Poni Canyon
- Minior - undefined
- Nihilego - Wela Volcano Park and Digletts Tunnel
22 Bug Pokémon encounters
- Caterpie - Route 1, Melemele Meadow, Route 5 and Lush Jungle
- Metapod - Route 1, Melemele Meadow, Route 5 and Lush Jungle
- Butterfree - Melemele Meadow, Route 5 and Lush Jungle
- Paras - Brooklet Hill, Lush Jungle and Route 11
- Scyther - Poni Plains
- Pinsir - Lush Jungle and Poni Grove
- Ledyba - Route 1
- Ledian - Malie Garden, Route 10, Route 11, Ula'ula Meadow and Route 17
- Spinarak - Route 1
- Ariados - Malie Garden, Route 10, Route 11, Ula'ula Meadow and Route 17
- Surskit - Brooklet Hill
- Masquerain - Malie Garden
- Leavanny - Poni Meadow
- Venipede - Route 4
- Grubbin - Route 1, Route 4, Route 5 and Route 6
- Charjabug - Blush Mountain
- Cutiefly - Route 2, Route 3 and Melemele Meadow
- Ribombee - Ula'ula Meadow and Poni Meadow
- Dewpider - Brooklet Hill
- Araquanid - Malie Garden
- Wimpod - Route 8, Poni Wilds and Poni Breaker Coast
- Buzzwole - Melemele Meadow
32 Normal Pokémon encounters
- Rattata - Route 1, Hau'oli City, Route 2, Verdant Cavern, Route 3, -Hau'oli City, Kala'e Bay, Route 4, Route 6 and Route 8
- Raticate - Hau'oli Outskirts, Akala Outskirts, Malie City, Route 10, Route 11, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Route 16, Route 17, Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path, Poni Grove, Poni Plains and Poni Gauntlet
- Spearow - Route 2 and Route 3
- Fearow - Route 10, Mount Hokulani, Route 17 and Poni Plains
- Igglybuff - Route 4 and Route 6
- Jigglypuff - Route 4 and Route 6
- Happiny - Route 1, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City, Route 4, Route 6, Lush Jungle and Malie City
- Chansey - Mount Hokulani, Route 12, Blush Mountain and Poni Grove
- Kangaskhan - Wela Volcano Park
- Tauros - Paniola Ranch and Poni Plains
- Ditto - Mount Hokulani
- Eevee - Route 4, Paniola Ranch and Route 6
- Porygon - Route 15 and Aether House
- Munchlax - Route 1
- Snorlax - Route 1
- Smeargle - Route 2
- Miltank - Paniola Ranch and Poni Plains
- Vigoroth - Route 11
- Spinda - Ten Carat Hill
- Castform - Lush Jungle, Malie Garden, Tapu Village, Route 17, Haina Desert, Exeggutor Island and Mount Lanakila
- Staravia - Route 10
- Lillipup - Route 4, Paniola Ranch, Route 5, Brooklet Hill and Route 6
- Rufflet - Route 3
- Braviary - Poni Plains
- Fletchling - Wela Volcano Park
- Pikipek - Route 1, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6 and Route 8
- Trumbeak - Route 8, Lush Jungle, Route 11, Poni Grove and Poni Plains
- Yungoos - Route 1, Hau'oli City, Route 2, Route 3, -Hau'oli City, Kala'e Bay, Route 4, Route 6 and Route 8
- Gumshoos - Hau'oli Outskirts, Akala Outskirts, Malie City, Route 10, Route 11, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Route 16, Route 17, Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path, Poni Grove, Poni Plains and Poni Gauntlet
- Stufful - Hau'oli Outskirts, Route 8 and Akala Outskirts
- Bewear - Poni Gauntlet
- Komala - Route 11
34 Flying Pokémon encounters
- Butterfree - Melemele Meadow, Route 5 and Lush Jungle
- Spearow - Route 2 and Route 3
- Fearow - Route 10, Mount Hokulani, Route 17 and Poni Plains
- Zubat - Verdant Cavern, Hau'oli Cemetery, Seaward Cave, Ten Carat Hill, Lush Jungle, Digletts Tunnel and Memorial Hill
- Golbat - Fossil Restoration Center, Thrify Megamart, Vast Poni Canyon, Mount Lanakila and Resolution Cave
- Crobat - Fossil Restoration Center and Resolution Cave
- Scyther - Poni Plains
- Gyarados - Seaward Cave, Kala'e Bay, Paniola Town, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Route 8, Route 9, Malie Garden, Secluded Shore, Route 13, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Seafolk Village, Poni Wilds, Poni Breaker Coast, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Aerodactyl - Seafolk Village
- Dragonite - Poni Gauntlet
- Ledyba - Route 1
- Ledian - Malie Garden, Route 10, Route 11, Ula'ula Meadow and Route 17
- Togekiss - Poni Gauntlet
- Murkrow - Vast Poni Canyon
- Delibird - Route 3
- Skarmory - Route 10, Mount Hokulani, Route 17 and Vast Poni Canyon
- Wingull - Hau'oli Outskirts, Route 1, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City, Kala'e Bay, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Akala Outskirts and Hano Beach
- Pelipper - Secluded Shore, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Route 16, Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path, Exeggutor Island, Poni Plains and Poni Gauntlet
- Masquerain - Malie Garden
- Salamence - Route 3
- Staravia - Route 10
- Drifloon - Hau'oli Cemetery
- Archen - Route 8
- Emolga - Poni Plains
- Rufflet - Route 3
- Braviary - Poni Plains
- Fletchling - Wela Volcano Park
- Fletchinder - Route 8
- Talonflame - Poni Gauntlet
- Rowlet - Starter
- Pikipek - Route 1, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6 and Route 8
- Trumbeak - Route 8, Lush Jungle, Route 11, Poni Grove and Poni Plains
- Oricorio - Melemele Meadow, Route 6, Ula'ula Meadow and Poni Meadow
- Minior - undefined
50 Water Pokémon encounters
- Psyduck - Seaward Cave, Brooklet Hill and Malie Garden
- Golduck - Vast Poni Canyon and Poni Gauntlet
- Poliwag - Brooklet Hill and Malie Garden
- Poliwhirl - Konikoni City and Malie Garden
- Poliwrath - Malie Garden
- Politoed - Malie Garden
- Tentacool - Route 1, Kala'e Bay, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Hano Beach, Secluded Shore, Route 15 and Route 14
- Tentacruel - Poni Wilds
- Slowpoke - Route 1, Kala'e Bay, Route 15 and Route 16
- Slowbro - Kala'e Bay
- Shellder - Kala'e Bay
- Horsea - Kala'e Bay
- Goldeen - Brooklet Hill and Malie Garden
- Seaking - Brooklet Hill and Malie Garden
- Staryu - Route 7 and Hano Beach
- Starmie - Route 7
- Magikarp - Seaward Cave, Kala'e Bay, Paniola Town, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Route 8, Route 9, Malie Garden, Secluded Shore, Route 13, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Seafolk Village, Poni Wilds, Poni Breaker Coast, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Gyarados - Seaward Cave, Kala'e Bay, Paniola Town, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Route 8, Route 9, Malie Garden, Secluded Shore, Route 13, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Seafolk Village, Poni Wilds, Poni Breaker Coast, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Lapras - Poni Wilds
- Totodile - Seaward Cave
- Chinchou - Route 8
- Marill - Brooklet Hill
- Corsola - Melemele Sea and Route 9
- Wingull - Hau'oli Outskirts, Route 1, Hau'oli City, -Hau'oli City, Kala'e Bay, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Akala Outskirts and Hano Beach
- Pelipper - Secluded Shore, Tapu Village, Route 15, Route 14, Route 16, Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path, Exeggutor Island, Poni Plains and Poni Gauntlet
- Surskit - Brooklet Hill
- Sharpedo - Poni Breaker Coast
- Wailmer - Seafolk Village, Poni Wilds and Poni Breaker Coast
- Wailord - Seafolk Village, Poni Wilds and Poni Breaker Coast
- Barboach - Seaward Cave, Paniola Town, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Whiscash - Seaward Cave, Paniola Town, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow and Poni Gauntlet
- Feebas - Brooklet Hill
- Spheal - Route 7
- Relicanth - Poni Wilds
- Luvdisc - Melemele Sea and Route 9
- Gastrodon - Poni Wilds, Ancient Poni Path and Exeggutor Island
- Finneon - Route 1, Kala'e Bay, Brooklet Hill, Route 7, Melemele Sea, Hano Beach, Secluded Shore, Route 15 and Route 14
- Lumineon - Poni Wilds
- Samurott - Poni Wilds
- Tirtouga - Route 8
- Alomomola - Brooklet Hill
- Popplio - Starter
- Wishiwashi - undefined
- Mareanie - Melemele Sea and Route 9
- Dewpider - Brooklet Hill
- Araquanid - Malie Garden
- Wimpod - Route 8, Poni Wilds and Poni Breaker Coast
- Pyukumuku - Route 7 and Hano Beach
- Bruxish - Secluded Shore, Route 13, Tapu Village, Route 15 and Route 14
- Tapu Fini - undefined
10Ice Pokémon ICE
12Ghost Pokémon GHOST
13Steel Pokémon STEEL
13Fire Pokémon FIRE
15Electric Pokémon ELECTRIC
16Dark Pokémon DARK
16Ground Pokémon GROUND
16Psychic Pokémon PSYCHIC
18Grass Pokémon GRASS
18Dragon Pokémon DRAGON
19Fairy Pokémon FAIRY
20Poison Pokémon POISON
20Fighting Pokémon FIGHTING
21Rock Pokémon ROCK
22Bug Pokémon BUG
32Normal Pokémon NORMAL
34Flying Pokémon FLYING
50Water Pokémon WATER
Sun Boss Battles
In order to complete a Sun Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 37 Boss battles throughout the Alola region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.
These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Hau's Rowlet to Kahili's Toucannon.
12 Gym Leader fights
5 Elite Four fights
9 Rival fights
11 Evil Team fights
Select your starter type
Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Hau might have a fire type to take advantage!
Gym Leader fights
Ilima - Hau'oli City Trial Captain
Ilima has a team of 2, made up of a level 9 yungoos & a level 10 smeargle. The level cap for this fight is level 10.
Level 9Strong Jaw
YungoosNORMALTackle 60 40 +20
NORMALPursuit 40 40
NORMAL253 hp 48 atk 70 def 30 spa 30 spd 30 spe 45Level 10Technician
SmeargleNORMALWater Gun 40 40
WATERTackle 60 40 +20
NORMAL250 hp 55 atk 20 def 35 spa 20 spd 45 spe 75Ilima's trial - Totem Trial
Ilima's trial has a team of 2, made up of a level 12 gumshoos & a level 10 yungoos. The level cap for this fight is level 12.
Level 12Adaptability
GumshoosNORMALSuper Fang
NORMALBite 60 60
DARKScary Face
NORMAL418 hp 88 atk 110 def 60 spa 55 spd 60 spe 45Level 10Stakeout
NORMALTackle 60 40 +20
NORMALPursuit 40 40
DARK253 hp 48 atk 70 def 30 spa 30 spd 30 spe 45Island Kahuna Hala - Hala's Grand Trial
Island Kahuna Hala has a team of 3, made up of a level 14 mankey, a level 14 makuhita & a level 15 crabrawler. The level cap for this fight is level 15.
Level 14Anger Point
MankeyFIGHTINGKarate Chop 75 50 +25
FIGHTINGFocus Energy
NORMALPursuit 40 40
DARK305 hp 40 atk 80 def 35 spa 35 spd 45 spe 70Level 14Thick Fat
MakuhitaFIGHTINGFake Out 40 40
NORMALSand Attack
GROUNDArm Thrust 23 15 +8
FIGHTING237 hp 72 atk 60 def 30 spa 20 spd 30 spe 25Level 15Iron Fist
CrabrawlerFIGHTINGPower-Up Punch 60 40 +20
FIGHTINGPursuit 40 40
NORMAL338 hp 47 atk 82 def 57 spa 42 spd 47 spe 63Lana's trial - Totem Trial
Lana's trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 20 wishiwashi, a level 18 wishiwashi & a level 18 alomomola. The level cap for this fight is level 20.
Level 20Schooling
WishiwashiWATERWater Gun 60 40 +20
WATERRain Dance
NORMAL620 hp 45 atk 140 def 130 spa 140 spd 135 spe 30Level 18Schooling
WishiwashiWATERHelping Hand
NORMALFeint Attack 60 60
DARKBrine 98 65 +33
WATERAqua Ring
WATER175 hp 45 atk 20 def 20 spa 25 spd 25 spe 40Level 18Healer
AlomomolaWATERHelping Hand
NORMALDouble Slap 15 15
NORMALHeal Pulse
PSYCHICWater Gun 60 40 +20
WATER470 hp 165 atk 75 def 80 spa 40 spd 45 spe 65Kiawe's trial - Totem Trial
Kiawe's trial has a team of 2, made up of a level 22 salazzle & a level 20 salandit. The level cap for this fight is level 22.
Level 22Schooling
DARKFlame Burst 105 70 +35
FIREVenom Drench
POISON480 hp 68 atk 64 def 60 spa 111 spd 60 spe 117Level 20Corrosion
SalanditPOISONFIREPoison Gas
POISONVenoshock 98 65 +33
DARKScratch 40 40
NORMAL320 hp 48 atk 44 def 40 spa 71 spd 40 spe 77Mallow's Trial - Totem Trial
Mallow's Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 24 lurantis, a level 22 trumbeak & a level 22 castform. The level cap for this fight is level 24.
Level 24Leaf Guard
LurantisGRASSRazor Leaf 83 55 +28
GRASSX-Scissor 80 80
BUGSolar Blade 188 125 +63
GRASS480 hp 70 atk 105 def 90 spa 80 spd 90 spe 45Level 22Keen Eye
TrumbeakNORMALFLYINGRock Blast 25 25
ROCKPluck 90 60 +30
NORMAL355 hp 55 atk 85 def 50 spa 40 spd 50 spe 75Level 22Forecast
CastformNORMALSunny Day
FIREWater Gun 40 40
WATERHeadbutt 105 70 +35
NORMALWeather Ball 75 50 +25
NORMAL420 hp 70 atk 70 def 70 spa 70 spd 70 spe 70Island Kahuna Olivia - Ruins of Life
Island Kahuna Olivia has a team of 3, made up of a level 25 nosepass, a level 26 boldore & a level 26 lycanroc. The level cap for this fight is level 26.
Level 25Sturdy
NosepassROCKRock Slide 113 75 +38
ROCKSpark 65 65
ELECTRICThunder Wave
ELECTRIC375 hp 30 atk 45 def 135 spa 45 spd 90 spe 30Level 26Sturdy
BoldoreROCKRock Blast 38 25 +13
ROCKMud-Slap 20 20
GROUNDHeadbutt 70 70
NORMAL390 hp 70 atk 105 def 105 spa 50 spd 40 spe 20Level 26Vital Spirit
LycanrocROCKBite 60 60
DARKRock Throw 75 50 +25
ROCK487 hp 85 atk 115 def 75 spa 55 spd 75 spe 82Sophocles' Trial - Totem Trial
Sophocles' Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 29 vikavolt, a level 28 charjabug & a level 28 charjabug. The level cap for this fight is level 29.
Level 29Levitate
VikavoltBUGELECTRICVise Grip 55 55
ELECTRICSpark 98 65 +33
ELECTRICBug Bite 90 60 +30
BUG500 hp 77 atk 70 def 90 spa 145 spd 75 spe 43Level 28Battery
CharjabugBUGELECTRICThunder Wave
BUGMud-Slap 20 20
GROUNDVise Grip 55 55
NORMAL400 hp 57 atk 82 def 95 spa 55 spd 75 spe 36Level 28Battery
CharjabugBUGELECTRICBite 60 60
DARKThunder Wave
ELECTRICSpark 98 65 +33
ELECTRIC400 hp 57 atk 82 def 95 spa 55 spd 75 spe 36Acerola's Trial - Totem Trial
Acerola's Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 33 mimikyu, a level 27 haunter & a level 27 gengar. The level cap for this fight is level 33.
Level 33Disguise
MimikyuGHOSTFAIRYPlay Rough 135 90 +45
FAIRYShadow Claw 105 70 +35
GHOSTAstonish 45 30 +15
NORMAL476 hp 55 atk 90 def 80 spa 50 spd 105 spe 96Level 27Levitate
PSYCHICSucker Punch 70 70
DARKNight Shade
GHOSTLick 45 30 +15
GHOST405 hp 45 atk 50 def 45 spa 115 spd 55 spe 95Level 27Cursed Body
GengarGHOSTPOISONShadow Ball 120 80 +40
PSYCHICNight Shade
GHOSTShadow Punch 90 60 +30
GHOST500 hp 60 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 75 spe 110Island Kahuna Nanu - Malie City
Island Kahuna Nanu has a team of 3, made up of a level 38 sableye, a level 38 krokorok & a level 39 persian. The level cap for this fight is level 39.
Level 38Keen Eye
SableyeDARKGHOSTPower Gem 80 80
ROCKShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTFake Out 40 40
NORMAL380 hp 50 atk 75 def 75 spa 65 spd 65 spe 50Level 38Intimidate
KrokorokGROUNDDARKCrunch 120 80 +40
DARKAssurance 90 60 +30
NORMALEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUND351 hp 60 atk 82 def 45 spa 45 spd 45 spe 74Level 39Fur Coat
PersianDARKPower Gem 80 80
ROCKFake Out 40 40
NORMALDark Pulse 120 80 +40
DARK440 hp 65 atk 60 def 60 spa 75 spd 65 spe 115Island Kahuna Hapu - Vast Poni Canyon
Island Kahuna Hapu has a team of 4, made up of a level 47 dugtrio, a level 47 gastrodon, a level 47 flygon & a level 48 mudsdale. The level cap for this fight is level 48.
Level 47Sand Veil
DugtrioGROUNDSTEELIron Head 120 80 +40
STEELEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDSucker Punch 70 70
ROCK425 hp 35 atk 100 def 60 spa 50 spd 70 spe 110Level 47Sticky Hold
GastrodonWATERGROUNDMuddy Water 135 90 +45
WATERMud Bomb 98 65 +33
NORMAL475 hp 111 atk 83 def 68 spa 92 spd 82 spe 39Level 47Levitate
FlygonGROUNDDRAGONEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUNDDragon Breath 90 60 +30
DRAGON520 hp 80 atk 100 def 80 spa 80 spd 80 spe 100Level 48Stamina
MudsdaleGROUNDHeavy Slam
STEELEarthquake 150 100 +50
GROUNDDouble Kick 30 30
FIGHTING500 hp 100 atk 125 def 100 spa 55 spd 85 spe 35Kommo-o's Trial - Totem Trial
Kommo-o's Trial has a team of 3, made up of a level 45 kommo-o, a level 32 hakamo-o & a level 32 scizor. The level cap for this fight is level 45.
Level 45Soundproof
Kommo-oDRAGONFIGHTINGClanging Scales 165 110 +55
DRAGONSky Uppercut 128 85 +43
FIGHTINGFlash Cannon 80 80
NORMAL600 hp 75 atk 110 def 125 spa 100 spd 105 spe 85Level 32Bulletproof
Hakamo-oDRAGONFIGHTINGSky Uppercut 128 85 +43
NORMAL420 hp 55 atk 75 def 90 spa 65 spd 70 spe 65Level 32Technician
ScizorBUGSTEELMetal Claw 75 50 +25
STEELPursuit 40 40
NORMALFury Cutter 60 40 +20
BUG500 hp 70 atk 130 def 100 spa 55 spd 80 spe 65
Elite Four fights
Hala - Pokémon League
Hala has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 hariyama, a level 54 primeape, a level 54 bewear, a level 54 poliwrath & a level 55 crabominable. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 54Thick Fat
HariyamaFIGHTINGFake Out 40 40
NORMALClose Combat 180 120 +60
FIGHTINGKnock Off 65 65
DARK474 hp 144 atk 120 def 60 spa 40 spd 60 spe 50Level 54Anger Point
PrimeapeFIGHTINGCross Chop 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGOutrage 120 120
DARKPursuit 40 40
DARK455 hp 65 atk 105 def 60 spa 60 spd 70 spe 95Level 54Fluffy
BewearNORMALFIGHTINGHammer Arm 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGBrutal Swing 60 60
DARK500 hp 120 atk 125 def 80 spa 55 spd 60 spe 60Level 54Water Absorb
PoliwrathWATERFIGHTINGWaterfall 120 80 +40
WATERSubmission 120 80 +40
FIGHTING510 hp 90 atk 95 def 95 spa 70 spd 90 spe 70Level 55Iron Fist
CrabominableFIGHTINGICEIce Hammer 150 100 +50
ICEClose Combat 180 120 +60
FIGHTING478 hp 97 atk 132 def 77 spa 62 spd 67 spe 43Olivia - Pokémon League
Olivia has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 relicanth, a level 54 carbink, a level 54 golem, a level 54 probopass & a level 55 lycanroc. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 54Swift Swim
RelicanthWATERROCKHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERAncient Power 90 60 +30
NORMAL485 hp 100 atk 90 def 130 spa 45 spd 65 spe 55Level 54Clear Body
CarbinkROCKFAIRYPower Gem 120 80 +40
ROCKMoonblast 143 95 +48
PSYCHIC500 hp 50 atk 50 def 150 spa 50 spd 150 spe 50Level 54Sturdy
GolemROCKELECTRICThunder Punch 113 75 +38
ELECTRICRock Blast 38 25 +13
ROCKSteamroller 65 65
BUG495 hp 80 atk 120 def 130 spa 55 spd 65 spe 45Level 54Sturdy
ProbopassROCKSTEELEarth Power 90 90
GROUNDPower Gem 120 80 +40
ROCKThunder Wave
ROCK525 hp 60 atk 55 def 145 spa 75 spd 150 spe 40Level 55Keen Eye
LycanrocROCKCrunch 80 80
DARKStone Edge 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGRock Climb 90 90
NORMAL487 hp 85 atk 115 def 75 spa 55 spd 75 spe 82Acerola - Pokémon League
Acerola has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 sableye, a level 54 drifblim, a level 54 dhelmise, a level 54 froslass & a level 55 palossand. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 54Keen Eye
SableyeDARKGHOSTShadow Claw 105 70 +35
GHOSTZen Headbutt 80 80
PSYCHICConfuse Ray
GHOSTFake Out 40 40
NORMAL380 hp 50 atk 75 def 75 spa 65 spd 65 spe 50Level 54Aftermath
DrifblimGHOSTFLYINGOminous Wind 90 60 +30
GHOSTFocus Energy
NORMAL498 hp 150 atk 80 def 44 spa 90 spd 54 spe 80Level 54Steelworker
DhelmiseGHOSTGRASSSlam 80 80
NORMALShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTEnergy Ball 135 90 +45
GRASSWhirlpool 35 35
WATER517 hp 70 atk 131 def 100 spa 86 spd 90 spe 40Level 54Snow Cloak
FroslassICEGHOSTBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTConfuse Ray
GHOSTIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICE480 hp 70 atk 80 def 70 spa 80 spd 70 spe 110Level 55Water Compaction
PalossandGHOSTGROUNDShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTEarth Power 135 90 +45
GROUNDGiga Drain 75 75
GRASSIron Defense
STEEL480 hp 85 atk 75 def 110 spa 100 spd 75 spe 35Kahili - Pokémon League
Kahili has a team of 5, made up of a level 54 skarmory, a level 54 crobat, a level 54 oricorio, a level 54 mandibuzz & a level 55 toucannon. The level cap for this fight is level 55.
Level 54Sturdy
SkarmorySTEELFLYINGSlash 70 70
NORMALSteel Wing 105 70 +35
STEELFeint 30 30
GROUND465 hp 65 atk 80 def 140 spa 40 spd 70 spe 70Level 54Inner Focus
CrobatPOISONFLYINGAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGSwift 60 60
NORMALPoison Fang 75 50 +25
POISON535 hp 85 atk 90 def 80 spa 70 spd 80 spe 130Level 54Dancer
OricorioFIREFLYINGRevelation Dance 90 90
NORMALTeeter Dance
NORMALAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGFeather Dance
FLYING476 hp 75 atk 70 def 70 spa 98 spd 70 spe 93Level 54Big Pecks
MandibuzzDARKFLYINGBone Rush 25 25
GROUNDBrave Bird 180 120 +60
DARK510 hp 110 atk 65 def 105 spa 55 spd 95 spe 80Level 55Skill Link
ToucannonNORMALFLYINGBullet Seed 25 25
GRASSRock Blast 25 25
ROCKBeak Blast 150 100 +50
NORMAL485 hp 80 atk 120 def 75 spa 75 spd 75 spe 60Kukui - Pokémon League Champion
Kukui has a team of 6, made up of a level 57 lycanroc, a level 56 ninetales, a level 56 braviary, a level 56 magnezone, a level 56 snorlax & a level 58 primarina. The level cap for this fight is level 58.
Level 57Keen Eye
LycanrocROCKStone Edge 150 100 +50
ROCKAccelerock 60 40 +20
ROCKCrunch 80 80
DARKStealth Rock
ROCK487 hp 75 atk 115 def 65 spa 55 spd 65 spe 112Level 56Snow Cloak
NinetalesICEFAIRYDazzling Gleam 120 80 +40
FAIRYBlizzard 165 110 +55
ICEIce Shard 60 40 +20
NORMAL505 hp 73 atk 67 def 75 spa 81 spd 100 spe 109Level 56Keen Eye
BraviaryNORMALFLYINGCrush Claw 113 75 +38
NORMALBrave Bird 180 120 +60
NORMAL510 hp 100 atk 123 def 75 spa 57 spd 75 spe 80Level 56Sturdy
MagnezoneELECTRICSTEELThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICFlash Cannon 120 80 +40
STEELThunder Wave
PSYCHIC535 hp 70 atk 70 def 115 spa 130 spd 90 spe 60Level 56Thick Fat
SnorlaxNORMALBody Slam 128 85 +43
NORMALCrunch 80 80
DARKHeavy Slam
STEELHigh Horsepower 95 95
GROUND540 hp 160 atk 110 def 65 spa 65 spd 110 spe 30Level 58Torrent
PrimarinaWATERFAIRYSparkling Aria 135 90 +45
WATERMoonblast 143 95 +48
FAIRYAqua Jet 60 40 +20
WATERHyper Voice 90 90
NORMAL530 hp 80 atk 74 def 74 spa 126 spd 116 spe 60
Rival fights
Hau - Iki Town
Hau has a team of 1, made up of a level 5 rowlet. The level cap for this fight is level 5.
Level 5Overgrow
RowletGRASSFLYINGTackle 40 40
NORMALLeafage 60 40 +20
NORMAL320 hp 68 atk 55 def 55 spa 50 spd 50 spe 42Hau - Iki Town Festival
Hau has a team of 2, made up of a level 6 pichu & a level 7 rowlet. The level cap for this fight is level 7.
Level 6Static
PichuELECTRICThunder Shock 60 40 +20
FAIRYTail Whip
NORMAL205 hp 20 atk 40 def 15 spa 35 spd 35 spe 60Level 7Overgrow
RowletGRASSFLYINGTackle 40 40
NORMALLeafage 60 40 +20
NORMAL320 hp 68 atk 55 def 55 spa 50 spd 50 spe 42Hau - Route 3
Hau has a team of 2, made up of a level 13 pikachu & a level 14 rowlet. The level cap for this fight is level 14.
Level 13Static
NORMALQuick Attack 40 40
NORMALElectro Ball
ELECTRIC320 hp 35 atk 55 def 40 spa 50 spd 50 spe 90Level 14Overgrow
RowletGRASSFLYINGLeafage 60 40 +20
NORMALPeck 53 35 +18
FLYINGAstonish 30 30
GHOST320 hp 68 atk 55 def 55 spa 50 spd 50 spe 42Dexio - Heahea City
Dexio has a team of 2, made up of a level 15 slowpoke & a level 16 espeon. The level cap for this fight is level 16.
Level 15Own Tempo
SlowpokeWATERPSYCHICConfusion 75 50 +25
PSYCHICWater Gun 60 40 +20
WATER315 hp 90 atk 65 def 65 spa 40 spd 40 spe 15Level 16Synchronize
EspeonPSYCHICConfusion 75 50 +25
PSYCHICQuick Attack 40 40
NORMAL525 hp 65 atk 65 def 60 spa 130 spd 95 spe 110Hau - Paniola Ranch
Hau has a team of 2, made up of a level 16 pikachu & a level 17 dartrix. The level cap for this fight is level 17.
Level 16Static
PikachuELECTRICQuick Attack 40 40
NORMALElectro Ball
ELECTRIC320 hp 35 atk 55 def 40 spa 50 spd 50 spe 90Level 17Overgrow
DartrixGRASSFLYINGRazor Leaf 83 55 +28
GRASSPeck 53 35 +18
FLYINGTackle 40 40
NORMAL420 hp 78 atk 75 def 75 spa 70 spd 70 spe 52Hau - Malie City
Hau has a team of 3, made up of a level 28 raichu, a level 28 vaporeon & a level 29 dartrix. The level cap for this fight is level 29.
Level 28Surge Surfer
ELECTRICQuick Attack 40 40
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC485 hp 60 atk 85 def 50 spa 95 spd 85 spe 110Level 28Water Absorb
VaporeonWATERWater Pulse 90 60 +30
WATERQuick Attack 40 40
NORMAL525 hp 130 atk 65 def 60 spa 110 spd 95 spe 65Level 29Overgrow
DartrixGRASSFLYINGRazor Leaf 83 55 +28
GRASSPeck 53 35 +18
FLYING420 hp 78 atk 75 def 75 spa 70 spd 70 spe 52Molayne - Hokulani Observatory
Molayne has a team of 3, made up of a level 29 skarmory, a level 29 metang & a level 30 dugtrio. The level cap for this fight is level 30.
Level 29Sturdy
SkarmorySTEELFLYINGAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGMetal Claw 75 50 +25
STEEL465 hp 65 atk 80 def 140 spa 40 spd 70 spe 70Level 29Clear Body
MetangSTEELPSYCHICZen Headbutt 120 80 +40
PSYCHICBullet Punch 60 40 +20
STEELPursuit 40 40
DARK420 hp 60 atk 75 def 100 spa 55 spd 80 spe 50Level 30Tangling Hair
DugtrioGROUNDSTEELMetal Claw 75 50 +25
STEELMud Bomb 98 65 +33
GROUNDSucker Punch 70 70
DARK425 hp 35 atk 100 def 60 spa 50 spd 70 spe 110Gladion - Mount Lanakila
Gladion has a team of 4, made up of a level 52 crobat, a level 52 weavile, a level 52 lucario & a level 53 silvally. The level cap for this fight is level 53.
Level 52Inner Focus
CrobatPOISONFLYINGAcrobatics 83 55 +28
FLYINGCross Poison 105 70 +35
POISON535 hp 85 atk 90 def 80 spa 70 spd 80 spe 130Level 52Pressure
WeavileDARKICEIce Shard 60 40 +20
ICEMetal Claw 50 50
STEELNight Slash 105 70 +35
DARK510 hp 70 atk 120 def 65 spa 45 spd 85 spe 125Level 52Inner Focus
LucarioFIGHTINGSTEELAura Sphere 120 80 +40
FIGHTINGMetal Claw 75 50 +25
STEELQuick Attack 40 40
NORMAL525 hp 70 atk 110 def 70 spa 115 spd 70 spe 90Level 53RKS System
SilvallyNORMALCrunch 80 80
DARKCrush Claw 113 75 +38
NORMALX-Scissor 80 80
BUGMulti-Attack 180 120 +60
NORMAL570 hp 95 atk 95 def 95 spa 95 spd 95 spe 95Hau - Mount Lanakila
Hau has a team of 4, made up of a level 53 raichu, a level 53 vaporeon, a level 53 komala & a level 54 decidueye. The level cap for this fight is level 54.
Level 53Surge Surfer
RaichuELECTRICPSYCHICThunderbolt 135 90 +45
ELECTRICQuick Attack 40 40
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHICFocus Blast 120 120
FIGHTING485 hp 60 atk 85 def 50 spa 95 spd 85 spe 110Level 53Water Absorb
VaporeonWATERHydro Pump 165 110 +55
WATERQuick Attack 40 40
FAIRYBaby-Doll Eyes
FAIRY525 hp 130 atk 65 def 60 spa 110 spd 95 spe 65Level 53Comatose
KomalaNORMALWood Hammer 120 120
GRASSSucker Punch 70 70
DARKEarthquake 100 100
GROUNDShadow Claw 70 70
GHOST480 hp 65 atk 115 def 65 spa 75 spd 95 spe 65Level 54Overgrow
DecidueyeGRASSGHOSTSpirit Shackle 120 80 +40
GHOSTLeaf Blade 135 90 +45
GRASSSmack Down 50 50
ROCK530 hp 78 atk 107 def 75 spa 100 spd 100 spe 70
Evil Team fights
Gladion - Team skull
Gladion has a team of 2, made up of a level 17 zubat & a level 18 type-null. The level cap for this fight is level 18.
Level 17Inner Focus
DARKWing Attack 90 60 +30
FLYING245 hp 40 atk 45 def 35 spa 30 spd 40 spe 55Level 18Battle Armor
Type-nullNORMALTackle 60 40 +20
NORMALPursuit 40 40
DARK534 hp 95 atk 95 def 95 spa 95 spd 95 spe 59Plumeria - Akala Outskirts
Plumeria has a team of 2, made up of a level 25 golbat & a level 26 salandit. The level cap for this fight is level 26.
Level 25Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGConfuse Ray
GHOST455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 26Corrosion
SalanditPOISONFIREFlame Burst 105 70 +35
FIREDouble Slap 15 15
NORMALPoison Gas
POISON320 hp 48 atk 44 def 40 spa 71 spd 40 spe 77Guzma - Malie Garden
Guzma has a team of 2, made up of a level 31 golisopod & a level 30 ariados. The level cap for this fight is level 31.
Level 31Emergency Exit
GolisopodBUGWATERFirst Impression 135 90 +45
BUGRazor Shell 113 75 +38
WATERSwords Dance
NORMAL530 hp 75 atk 125 def 140 spa 60 spd 90 spe 40Level 30Swarm
AriadosBUGPOISONFell Stinger 75 50 +25
BUGInfestation 30 20 +10
BUGShadow Sneak 40 40
GHOSTSucker Punch 70 70
DARK400 hp 70 atk 90 def 70 spa 60 spd 70 spe 40Plumeria - Route 15
Plumeria has a team of 2, made up of a level 34 golbat & a level 35 salazzle. The level cap for this fight is level 35.
Level 34Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGAir Cutter 90 60 +30
FLYINGConfuse Ray
GHOSTPoison Fang 75 50 +25
POISON455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 35Corrosion
SalazzlePOISONFIREFlame Burst 105 70 +35
FIREDouble Slap 15 15
POISONDragon Rage
DRAGON480 hp 68 atk 64 def 60 spa 111 spd 60 spe 117Guzma - Shady house
Guzma has a team of 2, made up of a level 37 golisopod & a level 36 ariados. The level cap for this fight is level 37.
Level 37Emergency Exit
GolisopodBUGWATERFirst Impression 135 90 +45
BUGRazor Shell 113 75 +38
WATERSwords Dance
NORMAL530 hp 75 atk 125 def 140 spa 60 spd 90 spe 40Level 36Swarm
AriadosBUGPOISONFell Stinger 75 50 +25
BUGInfestation 30 20 +10
BUGShadow Sneak 40 40
GHOSTSucker Punch 70 70
DARK400 hp 70 atk 90 def 70 spa 60 spd 70 spe 40Gladion - Aether house
Gladion has a team of 3, made up of a level 37 golbat, a level 37 sneasel & a level 38 type-null. The level cap for this fight is level 38.
Level 37Inner Focus
GolbatPOISONFLYINGAcrobatics 83 55 +28
FLYINGPoison Fang 75 50 +25
POISON455 hp 75 atk 80 def 70 spa 65 spd 75 spe 90Level 37Inner Focus
SneaselDARKICEIcy Wind 83 55 +28
ICEMetal Claw 50 50
STEELFeint Attack 90 60 +30
DARKQuick Attack 40 40
NORMAL430 hp 55 atk 95 def 55 spa 35 spd 75 spe 115Level 38Battle Armor
Type-nullNORMALPursuit 40 40
DARKCrush Claw 113 75 +38
NORMALX-Scissor 80 80
BUG534 hp 95 atk 95 def 95 spa 95 spd 95 spe 59Faba - Aether Paradise
Faba has a team of 1, made up of a level 39 hypno. The level cap for this fight is level 39.
Level 39Insomnia
HypnoPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
GHOST483 hp 85 atk 73 def 70 spa 73 spd 115 spe 67Faba & Employee - Aether Paradise
Faba & Employee has a team of 4, made up of a level 39 slowbro, a level 39 bruxish, a level 40 hypno & a level 38 ledian. The level cap for this fight is level 40.
Level 39Oblivious
NORMALHeadbutt 70 70
NORMALPsychic 135 90 +45
PSYCHIC490 hp 95 atk 75 def 110 spa 100 spd 80 spe 30Level 39Strong Jaw
BruxishWATERPSYCHICAqua Jet 60 40 +20
WATERCrunch 80 80
DARKPsychic Fangs 128 85 +43
PSYCHIC475 hp 68 atk 105 def 70 spa 70 spd 70 spe 92Level 40Insomnia
HypnoPSYCHICPsychic 135 90 +45
GHOST483 hp 85 atk 73 def 70 spa 73 spd 115 spe 67Level 38Swarm
LedianBUGFLYINGLight Screen
PSYCHICAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYINGBug Buzz 135 90 +45
BUG390 hp 55 atk 35 def 50 spa 55 spd 110 spe 85Guzma - Aether Paradise
Guzma has a team of 4, made up of a level 41 golisopod, a level 40 ariados, a level 40 masquerain & a level 40 pinsir. The level cap for this fight is level 41.
Level 41Emergency Exit
GolisopodBUGWATERFirst Impression 135 90 +45
BUGRazor Shell 113 75 +38
WATERSwords Dance
NORMAL530 hp 75 atk 125 def 140 spa 60 spd 90 spe 40Level 40Swarm
AriadosBUGPOISONFell Stinger 75 50 +25
BUGShadow Sneak 40 40
GHOSTSucker Punch 70 70
DARK400 hp 70 atk 90 def 70 spa 60 spd 70 spe 40Level 40Intimidate
MasquerainBUGFLYINGBug Buzz 135 90 +45
BUGAir Slash 113 75 +38
FLYING454 hp 70 atk 60 def 62 spa 100 spd 82 spe 80Level 40Mold Breaker
PinsirBUGX-Scissor 120 80 +40
BUGBrick Break 75 75
FIGHTINGDouble Hit 35 35
NORMAL500 hp 65 atk 125 def 100 spa 55 spd 70 spe 85Lusamine - Aether Paradise
Lusamine has a team of 5, made up of a level 41 clefable, a level 41 lilligant, a level 41 mismagius, a level 41 milotic & a level 41 bewear. The level cap for this fight is level 41.
Level 41Magic Guard
ClefableFAIRYCosmic Power
NORMALMoonblast 143 95 +48
FAIRY483 hp 95 atk 70 def 73 spa 95 spd 90 spe 60Level 41Own Tempo
LilligantGRASSPetal Dance 180 120 +60
GRASSTeeter Dance
NORMALStun Spore
GRASS480 hp 70 atk 60 def 75 spa 110 spd 75 spe 90Level 41Levitate
MismagiusGHOSTMystical Fire 75 75
FIREShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTPower Gem 80 80
ROCK495 hp 60 atk 60 def 60 spa 105 spd 105 spe 105Level 41Marvel Scale
MiloticWATERHydro Pump 165 110 +55
NORMAL540 hp 95 atk 60 def 79 spa 100 spd 125 spe 81Level 41Fluffy
FAIRYTake Down 135 90 +45
NORMALHammer Arm 150 100 +50
FIGHTING500 hp 120 atk 125 def 80 spa 55 spd 60 spe 60Ultra Lusamine - Ultra Space
Ultra Lusamine has a team of 5, made up of a level 50 clefable, a level 50 lilligant, a level 50 mismagius, a level 50 milotic & a level 50 bewear. The level cap for this fight is level 50.
Level 50Magic Guard
ClefableFAIRYCosmic Power
NORMALMoonblast 143 95 +48
FAIRY483 hp 95 atk 70 def 73 spa 95 spd 90 spe 60Level 50Own Tempo
LilligantGRASSTeeter Dance
NORMALPetal Dance 180 120 +60
GRASSLeech Seed
GRASSStun Spore
GRASS480 hp 70 atk 60 def 75 spa 110 spd 75 spe 90Level 50Levitate
MismagiusGHOSTMystical Fire 75 75
FIREShadow Ball 120 80 +40
GHOSTPower Gem 80 80
ROCKPain Split
NORMAL495 hp 60 atk 60 def 60 spa 105 spd 105 spe 105Level 50Marvel Scale
MiloticWATERHydro Pump 165 110 +55
NORMAL540 hp 95 atk 60 def 79 spa 100 spd 125 spe 81Level 50Fluffy
FAIRYHammer Arm 150 100 +50
FIGHTINGTake Down 135 90 +45
NORMALPain Split
NORMAL500 hp 120 atk 125 def 80 spa 55 spd 60 spe 60